Die you degenerate Barneyfag
>tfw no pony gf
H-hes fast
Fucking kill yourself
Don't really know anywhere to ask but has anybody been caught masturbating during the MLP movie yet?
what are some games?
no but there was a morbidly obese hisidic Jew who got caught masturbating at the emoji movie
I wonder what compels people to post this kind of shit, on the video game board no less.
This is a fucking cartoon drawing and not at all representative of real life
I swear there are some real dumb fags on this website
The autism of degenerates, that's what. They hold nothing back.
might as well drop some redpills while this thread is up
>Barneyfag calling others autistic
the ironing
>/mlp/ still exists
It's not that kind of movie
>I swear there are some real dumb fags on this website
No shit.
>no source
What the fuck
Time to hit that report button.
Sheer autism. And also because the fact that the show's still going, so the fandom will keep going as well.
Kill yourself faggot
>redpill meme
Do yourself a favor and take a break from the internet
he's the imposter newfag
>she fell for the GOMAD meme
>Red(dit) pill
Fuck off Reddit
Shits racist and obviously made up to make black people look bad.
how is that physically possible? i'm guessing she has some sort of health disorder?
Because equine posteriors do not look like that.
Nor do Humans look like that when they bend over.
Now talk about Sup Forumsideo games or fuck off.
fucking die