Why isn't it cracked yet?

Why isn't it cracked yet?
Why why why why why why why why!

Please crack this game! Craaaaaccckkk iiiitttttt
I thought Denuvo™ was a joke
It can't be that hard to crack, can it?


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tfw i've been checking for crack every 10 minutes

being a pirate is hard

I don't even wanna pirate this POS.
Waste of SSD

I dunno man, maybe play something good instead?

It's just another generic open world game, unless you're a nigger I don't see why you're so ....oh it's a shill post nvm

>not having a stack of 2TB drives in addition to your main system ssd

>this is the underage Sup Forums mindset

but its in egypt, member learning about how cool it was in 4th grade?

cause you need to buy it

pirasy is wrong

Criminals have finally been BTFO. Origins will never be cracked because Denuvo finally figured out how to lock 3rd world subhumans from tinkering with software. It's over for you poorfags.

why would you want this generic as fuck looking wewuz game?

hello uneducated racist

hello naive underage

What a gentle man and a scholar, I'm sure after you pointed out the error of his ways, that poster will turn his life around and start fighting the good fight for trans and civil rights

The absolute state of pirates

hello uneducated cuck
Egyptians were brown and tan, not black.


>he doesn't crack his games himself

Yeah dude, assassin's creed sucks, now hold on while i boot up senran kagura and the newest weeb game where you play as a 5 year old loli in high school, that's real taste.

Lifes so easy when you got a bad gpu, dont need to look forward to any AAA game.

both are shit you dumb nigger

>wanting something for free
>hurrdurr "shill fags" amirite... r-rite?


>no blacks
Ok, user.

> playing vidya on HDD

I hope you like those 40 seconds load times

Today I learned the only video games on the planet are Senran Kagura and Assassin's Creed

Everyone on the same landmass looks alike, yes. This is why the Chinese and the French are physically identical.

Please, tell me more




are you referencing this?


Well you see, despite commonly being referred to as separate continents, Europe and Asia are in fact physically connected, they are the same landmass, sometimes called Eurasia. The notion that they are separate "realms" for lack of a better word dates back to previous ages, when the Nile River was often considered a boundary of sorts between the East and West; all things to the East were considered of "Asia". This belief feeds into that modern-day separation. Thus, despite being on separate continents, Chinese and French people are living upon the same landmass, and going by the ideas of must certainly be similar in appearance.

Just watch the game on youtube. It's not worth playing because it's so generic.

Get a job

Thanks for the history lesson, sucka

>I dunno man, maybe play something good instead?

What is something good to you?

I think you're giving OP too much credit

Egypt is in the north east of Africa and not that far from the middle east.

Assassin's Creed Origins-CODEPUNKS [FreeLeech]

Just put up on IPT, if you have this tracker.


"Ok, user, now, show us where, in the text, where the man hurt you."

its not cracked.


Fake and gay.

It isn't on IPT, I just looked.


Ask mummy and duddey to buy it for you :^)


Who / s i p / here lads?

>american """"""""""""""""education""""""""""""""""

Ask for good game, get some trash sprite art game from the 90's, never change Sup Forums.

Dududjebwgsotksbagudfncmgntowhsbftueksndugoggnsgayepfmcnavausjdbsnslwifjfnslsodyfnfndhqoauslfmfngbqosyucmgmykgpxhaiwlf dndyvpbfmshaifovjdkauwifjf



Rumour is the codepunks group alliance that cracked south park has broken down

disgusting trash food.
Were are the übermentsch nutella sandwitches?

Being a slavshit/brazilian sucks eh?

What did you expect? Whenever you ask somebody on Sup Forums what games they like you'll either get an old ass 2d scroller that nobody has heard of and never talks about even on Sup Forums or the usual weebtrash.

Not to mention pedo games like Persona.
These fuckers seriously getting diamond boners from little anime girl drawings.

no, shut up dumbass.

You're free to jerk off to or play whatever you like retard.

The problem I have is when people like you act smug as fuck, yet love games where you unironically roleplay as an anime teenager in highschool with dogshit turnbased combat.

>These fuckers seriously getting diamond boners from little anime girl drawings.

Is it not odd that every time one enters the weeb game threads on Sup Forums that half the posts just so happens to be people posting lewd pics and talking about the girls in the game?

I wonder how people are able to come to the conclusion that you guys jerk off to them.

>Is it not odd that every time one enters the weeb game threads on Sup Forums that half the posts just so happens to be people posting lewd pics and talking about the girls in the game?
You get that in Overwatch threads toot though.
All it means is that the game has likeable characters, or at the very least, characters, something very few AAA games do


I dont fucking watch animes you garbage trash weeb Sup Forumsirgin faggot.
Go get a life roflmao. Lose your virginity. Work your skinny body.
Just plz dont reply to my comment anymore you trash.

thanks : - )

nice people! :)

best be affirmin y'alls be da ebil rayciss villains of this game, white crackas

Green Monster is gross.

>Egyptians were brown and tan
Just like the protagonist and the main characters of AssCreed then.



>Why isn't it cracked yet?
Because no one with a brain cares about that game.

I replied, wtf you gonna do faggot?

It's confirmed that it's using a new version of Denuvo by Voski

It's a good thing i decided to rush the last few games so i can catch up by the time the crack is out. And i'm actually enjoying Syndicate.

Well, I guess it ain't getting cracked anytime soon.

ya like a week lol


That is still shit taste, but its better then this trash.

I only get like 5-10 max oh my HDD so git gud

>White guys with really heavy tans

Say never

>Game has attractive characters
>People like to jerk it to them

Truly the discovery of the ages

Enjoy your dead SSD because you bought a shitty 256GB one and have to constantly delete and re-download games just to play them again because you don't have space.

>dogshit turnbased combat.
>turnbased combat ever being bad

Ah fuck. Thanks for the update user

Yeah that was the exact point the guy was making as well, do you have autism or something?

I wonder what steampunks upto
they don't even crack the denuvo games, they just bypass it

I think they are waiting for the performance patch and then they will release the torrent

Back in the day turn based combat was mainly used because of technical limits and these days it's used by indie devs or devs who don't give a fuck and want to do little work.

fucking fuck! I've been refreshing preDB for three days now, WTF am I suppose to play??

you should pay for video games

black flag

Reddit sucks and you suck too nigger.

I've already finished all AC games, except this one

shit tier meme i have them all on my HDD and it takes maybe 5 seconds

Any ubi shills in here? How do you feel about people like me who don't pirate games but I do watch game walkthroughs on youtube instead of buying and playing them because I just want to see what happens in the story and hate the actual gameplay.

You could play the game of life and get a job.

>people like me who don't pirate games but I do watch game walkthroughs on youtube instead of buying and playing them because I just want to see what happens in the story and hate the actual gameplay.

Not an ubishill, but I feel you're a retard for watching others play video games.

>get a job
NEVER EVER, wagecuck

obvious shill trying to inflate hype

It uses Uplay, which takes a little longer to crack.

I don't watch them with commentary or anything. I just watch full playthroughs with no commentary so I can see all the story and cutscenes. The gameplay in AC is god awful so I can't force myself to play it anymore but I still want to see whats going on with the story.