watch out for tomorrow.
pic related
watch out for tomorrow.
pic related
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When tomorrow comes and nothing happens, I will pray beyond hope that you become tragically paralyzed in a freak boating accident that will also claim the life of the one you hold most dear.
Playstation allstars 2?
I would love a new Medievil game. Medieval 2 was one of the best psone games
OP isn't implying an announcement, if that's what you mean.
Ape Escape 4 when?
Boy i´ve been listening to a lot of Medievil OST lately due to halloween, I REALLY hope we new a new installment on the series. It was a great fucking game.
Nobody is going to fall for that shit again.
Remember when the guy who made this
first peddled around webms of it here? everyone was convinced it was real because of quality it was, sites reported on it and then he posted that vid to youtube and it was just a prank bro.
What is?
RIP medieval
same it is my go-to music for getting that halloween feel. amazing OSTs, both the original and the remastered
I wish they ported the remake to other consoles, it ran like crap on the PSP
i have the feeling that a new Medievil would be too much of a risk for Sony and instead we might get a HD remaster similar to what they did with Parappa, Locoroco and Patapon.
i would be totally down for this, the first 2 games are really fun and not many people have played them...
remaster Ape Escape 1 while youre at it sony, its kinda hard to play nowadays.
>remaster Ape Escape 1 while youre at it sony, its kinda hard to play nowadays.
>he actually spent his time taking a pic of his monitor and posting it to try and fool people
it's another UE4 fan remake
oh come on, Sony would never bother with MediEvil like this
Sans, is that you?
If it's real, the model looks way too bad for it to be for the main character so I guess it's too.
New nightmare before christmas game?
makes sense since sony smash had shit models
Desu, i'd like a new MediEvil game too but, is the original team still around even? Cause i've seen what happens when sequels are made by different people and it's not pretty.
Selling this piece of shit console if we get nothing of worth tomorrow.
But the xbonx has nothing to do with this, user!
>sell console
>[your favourite game]:the sequel gets announced for it at PSX
>have to get the console again for more money
solid plan user! go for it!
medievil resurrection literallly only had one original team member besides the composers
No idea about the pics, they look a little off to me to be official, but last I heard Tarsier Studios were the ones working on a new MediEvil.
How did they even fucked it up that badly? It's supposed to be Tim Burton-esque horror fantasy with comedic elements. Not Pixar comedy with horror elements.
lack of direction - the new team has to have a much better grasp of the game's concept and ideas
Nice. I never played this game back in the day but this beautiful vid really makes me wanna try this new version.