Will From ever be able to top this?

Will From ever be able to top this?

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you mean the aesthetics? probably not

the fight? it's one of the easiest fights in the game

I think eventually they will when they decide to take another stab at a soulsborne type game that isn't another Dark Souls.

Pure Kino

Yeah the aesthetics, I got a PS4 last year for this one game and still haven't gotten over how good it is.

bloodborne was truly an amazing experience
whenever there's a Soulsborne rate thread, I always automatically disregard any who doesn't have BB at the top of their list. To me, it's by far the best one.

Patrician taste m'dude

If they do, I hope god it's on pc

sorry mate, bloodborne is owned by sony.

I agree. I think DaS and DaS3 are pretty tied for second place because although 3 never hits the highs of 1, it's consistently good and doesn't go to shit in the second half. DeS is just under them because even though it's fantastic it doesn't have any QoL improvements and is the least refined. DaS2 is in last place though I still think it's good overall.

BB is legitimately near-perfect beginning to end and I think it's honestly one of the best games of this century so far.

Me too actually, there are pretty much no downsides to it really.

I bought a PS4 for Bloodborne and sold only the PS4 afterwards, the game is that good. Don't wanna give it away.

Well the dungeons can go suck a fat one, also the game suffers from the lack of a diverse colour palette. But yeah pretty much one of the most flawless games that come to mind

DS3 is just too derivative of the other games for me to consider it to be one of the best of the series. I felt like it wasn't doing enough new and what little new stuff it did, it felt like it didn't expand on enough.

Bloodborne shows that they clearly still have plenty of great original ideas to use and aren't usually scared of playing around with them, unless they used them all up for BB.

At least the dungeons are just optional content that you can choose to ignore, it's not like they are shoved in your face and you have to choke them down. I can forgive less-than-great content if it's optional like that.

BB2 when?

I'd say 30 fps is a glaring flaw

Could I request help with Ebrietas?

password is


Hopefully never since From is cursed when making numbered sequels. They can make it as long as they call it something else.

This is my favorite meme.

It was originally going to be a one time only fight with no chance for retries.

>you are now realizing that MP has a move that knocks you down to 1 HP and blocks healing and basically asks you to rush him and use rally to recover your HP

It would have been fucking incredibly tense and exciting, no matter how easy.

One of the worst fights in the game? They already have


Maybe once on a full moon with the cooling fan on jet engine mode.

God damn I loved/hated Bloodborne. The game has probably the most bullshit kinda of enemies/difficulty in all the Souls games, but the atmosphere is just so god damn good that I look past it's flaws.

>It was originally going to be a one time only fight with no chance for retries.
Not doubting just curious.

>It was originally going to be a one time only fight with no chance for retries.
If you consumed the umbilical cords you should have been forced to defeat Gehrman and Moon on the same attempt, with death resulting in having to re-beat Gehrman.

Oh god, I forget where exactly. Maybe ask /bbg/ though I have doubts about them, the oldfags are gone and now it's mostly newer users who bought PS4s a year or more after the DLC released and whatnot.

Bloodborne is easy brah, get good

Tomorrow is the Paris Games Week Sony conference, right? Do you think we may hear about a future From game, or is there no chance of that? I want BB2 or even better, a new IP.

Is there a more atmospheric location in any game than Yharnam?

this and ludwig are super overrated

gehrman getting up was way more hype

Wasn't there a rumour that they're working on some kind of sci-fi space game?

Latria, easily

The one I saw was some Aztec/Mayan inspired game

My man. Also that music was just great

They did

I am a complete casual, but soloing that boss for the first on what felt like my 5000th attempt was such a great feeling. Fuck that thing.

There's no sci fi souls rumor, though it's pretty much confirmed they are thinking about an Armored Core game.
The aztec martial arts Phantom Wail thing was the rumor, but I saw it start here and it always seemed false to me, and inspired by Absolver. I say there's no chance of it being true.

>Want game to be well regarded by the easily impressed morons
>Fill it to the brim with references to anime (likewise another medium filled with morons) and famous dead writers (nobody reads)

Yeah he can be a trollsih motherfucker, from ng+ onwards he becomes straight up not fun to fight, but the feeling when killing him never gets old.

It's hard to say, really. People are probably going to be biased towards this game if From ever manages to make another game like it or even better. It's like all beloved classics that seem to be better than anything that's come out after them.


You aren't impressive user. Of course Bloodborne takes inspiration from a myriad of things, but it's still fun, and at least original in the Video Games media market where it's all shootan games

I disagree, I have only fought him on NG+ and he's my favorite boss of all time. I felt like every fight was fun even when I was getting a little frustrated.

I dont think so. The aesthetics, art direction, soundtrack, gameplay, world building and lore just come together perfectly. Its unironically one of the best things video games have to offer

I don't know, I started with Demon's Souls and played them all on release and my "ranking" ended up as Bloodborne > Dark Souls > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2.
Of course the first will always have a special place in your heart but I don't think that's enough to make it the best in someone's mind when (in my opinion) they make something else that outclasses it. I don't think nostalgia goggles is as much of a factor as people think it is.
I played Half Life for the first time in 2014 and loved it too.

I can definitely understand that he's favourite but what i was trying to say is that the fight gets more and more frustrating, which can kill the fun

>game suffers from the lack of a diverse colour palette.
The game has decent colors until it decides to become night, then stays night forever

Will From ever be able to top THIS?


Latria would be more atmospheric if it wasn't for a constant, annoying hissing sound.

Its the best most complete video game of this generation

I don't even know what I'm looking at.
The controls look super floaty, the camera looks terrible, I don't even fucking know what the world environment is supposed to be and it's just floating in the sky, and it's all uniform.

Seriously what the fuck.

wow awesome original aesthetics, amirite boyz??


I can't even tell what's happening there. Someone to explain why Armored Core is even a thing to this ignorant soulsborne-lover?

i've seen this image a million times but never a video,what's even the name of this thing so i can watch???

These two look nothing alike though?
The only scene in the entire series that looks like the one you posted is the scene right before fighting the Soul of Cinder in DaS3.

I can name thirty bosses from the series better than Moon Presence, so yes it can be topped.

Moon Presence

its already been established Berserk is referenced, and the series being one huge lover letter to it

Moon Presence.

I meant the general aesthetic of Bloodborne, not the Moon Presence fight. The boss is nothing special.
I'm a Mariafag first and foremost.

when will they stop beating around the bush and make a Berserk game. Everyone wants this.
>inb4 some retard says if by From it must be DS1 like slow

At least you didn't say Ludwig, Maria is probably my favorite boss from the DLC too. I also really liked Friede from DaS3 which reminded me a lot of Maria.

it's a secret late game mission where you genocide the sky dwelling human population

it's a weird level cause it's so fucking gigantic and mostly open space. you need a mech that can fly for extended periods of time or you fall and die

>2 minute boss fight including the intro cutscene

They already made Guts the final boss for the series, what more do you want?

sequels that weren't dogshit wouldve been a good start

>This and Abyss Watchers part 2 is the same fight
Bravo From.

Good thing Dark Souls 3 was fantastic then.

I found him easier, like everything else, on ng+ and ++. I really wish from did a better job at balancing ng+ the lnly thing i ever found more difficult was 4kings

Also i wish i could sell my ps4 for PC building money but bloodborne is perhaps my favorite game so thats not happening

Did you ever play Lost Sinner pre patch on NG+?

Kos is a weird boss for me. I beat him on my first ever try back when the dlc released before coming here and seeing everyone having problems with him and wondering what the fuck was going on. Ever since, it takes me at least 4-5 tries to beat him, no idea what happened.

>But yeah pretty much one of the most flawless games that come to mind
I really hope this is falseflagging.

Remember how mergos wetnurse called up an illusion that would attack you? Kinda reminds me of what they latter did with pontiff, though mechanically pontiff wasnt a huge pushover so

the boss, the game, or the art?

>the boss
easily because Gehrman was a much better fight
>the game
is literally Dark Souls 2-2. Or if you want to put it in the same perspective as Dark Souls, imagine the tank after the Lord Vessel happens as soon as you beat Blood-Starved Beast because the game is fucking awful and makes every little mistake Dark Souls 2 did but worse
>the art
won't be able to, even though it would be nice if I could turn off the horrible CA and motion-blur

just spam roll nonstop! haha never stop rolling lmao!

I still find him fun to fight even at NG +5, due to his unique moveset and attack patterns, really keeps me on my toes. Something that is NOT fun to fight is Laurence, who has absurd amounts of HP with many of his moves straight up oneshotting you. I went into the fight with a fully decked out Whirligig with 3 +27% physical gems, and the fight still took over 10 minutes.

Is the moon the most primal aesthetic?

The guy is op af. Look at the damage he does.

I dont know about pre patch but yea i now remember lost sinner with all the sorcerers

Doesn't matter what level you are, Moon Presence is an absolute joke and as long as you can mash R1 you're good to go.

That applies to BB too.

nice meme

>this PC asshurt

Sorry PCpony, BB is objectively the best souls game

Laurence and Midir are two of the worst fights I've ever done in any game ever, I see why they were optional.

Nah, moonfags are edgy self-brooding autists.

Never. The gameplay and aesthetic of Bloodborne are perfect, the developers were momentarily struck with brilliance.

It was, but Sup Forums is way too contrarian, there are even anons that praise Dark Souls 2 now. The popular thing is to hate on the newer game. Even BB suffered it at its time and it was even better than DaS3.

the person in that video is way overleveled for that fight

his animations and particle effects are god tier, and i love the attack that brings to one hp and forces you to rally, but then they make him sit there for 10 minutes while you get all your health back and taking half of his. If they would release a patch tweaking numbers like how long he idles, how much damage and hp, ect the fight could be great

Code vein?

BB is built around it whereas ds3 is a fucking mes developed by amateurs who never played ds1

>makes every little mistake Dark Souls 2 did but worse
But Bloodborne
>not obsessed with multi enemy boss fights, it has some but so did das and des
>not obsessed with humanoid boss fights, it has some but it's not like DaS2 where more than half the fights are large humanoid in armor with a 3 hit combo, a grab and an charged overhead attack.
>didn't completely slow down the gameplay by redoing all the animations to be shit and making recovery take nine years, in fact it made everything very fast
>didn't have a completely pointless story that just confirms everything we know from the previous game, in fact made a completely new world with it's own story
>isn't obsessed with callbacks

Midir is the best dragon fight in the series. You can beat it quick without dodging, blocking or even running if you're good, but new players still struggle with it. Laurence is the best rehash in the series, takes the original easy boss to its full potential. The only flaw it has is the hilarious amount of HP it gains on higher NGs.

I actually like Midir, but the reason I hate Laurence is not just because of his ridiculous stats, but also because he's a literal reskin of an early game boss with extra AoE. Not even the arena you fight him in is unique. I get that he's the First Cleric and therefore the first Cleric Beast, but they could've done a lot more to spice up his appearance, especially since he's such a lore important character like Ludwig is. Amelia is technically a Cleric Beast as well, but she looks radically different

that and the multi enemy bossfights mostly work well with the faster combat
shadows of yharnam is a top tier mob fight

>90% of enemy encounters are lazy hordes
>insight is fucking laughably compared to World Tendency when it is a half-assed system that only affects one boss, one area, and like 2 enemy types
>many of the bosses have horrendous tracking, eat the camera, and have inflated health pools, Rom alone is a fucking glorified Dark Souls 2 Salamander with lazy sphere-shaped AoEs (a very common running theme in BB boss design)
>Chalices are a straight up skinner-box for fucking brainlets to get trapped into doing and enjoying. I've gotten to the point where I needed to fight Camera-letting Beast for the THIRD TIME for story progress but it is bigger and in a smaller arena
>the areas themselves are fucking garbage, have little-to-no interesting scenarios, and have no interconnection once you get beyond the first third of Forbidden Woods which is like reaching Blighttown in DaS1
>CONSTANTLY reuses enemies even if their placement makes no sense
>Covenants that are even more worthless

but it is okay when Bloodborne does it but Dark Souls 2 is an absolute sin right?
>b-b-b-but muh Bwoodborne is pwetty!
cool, now tell me how hard all this utter fucking garbage carries in an ACTION GAME, where art means absolutely nothing

>the fight could be great
Nah, he suffers the same problem that bosses like Paarl and Amelia do where as long as you hug their sides and keep attacking they are complete jokes.

Too many of BB's bosses are like that where you can stagger them over and over.

Gehrman is still far better
>mfw chorus kicks in

Except DaS3 has much better gameplay than DaS1. It's the same but perfected. The only thing DaS1 does better is the world design and creativity (being the first). Nostalgia prevents some from seeing it, but the combat in DaS1 is much worse than BB and 3, and its bosses are generally much more rudimentary.

>I watched a playthrough on youtube and convinced myself the game was shit because I will NEVER get it

Stay mad. Bloodborne is a 9/10 and your fallacy-filled ramblings will never, fucking, EVER change that