If Anti Nazi games offend you then why not make your own game?

Devs aren't forced to walk on eggshells with your shittty agenda.

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It's not the anti-nazi angle that people don't like, it's the pro-sjw/commie angle.

So what? Games shouldn't be politically neutral

anti nazi games only offend far lefties other than actual nazis

They did and all the SJWs tried to remove it from the face of this earth but nothing will keep a good gamer down.

>Games shouldn't be politically neutral
So shouldn't this board

>t's not the anti-nazi angle that people don't like, it's the pro-sjw/commie angle.

sure nazi

Many people who are shitting TNC actually liked the previous game

>Devs aren't forced to walk on eggshells with your shitty agenda

Because alt righters weren't a thing back then

Who did the goobergate then?

Video games shouldn't just be games.

>Devs aren't forced to walk on eggshells with your shittty agenda
Tell that to Tim Soret's snapped neck

GG wasn't even a bout politics

To be fair that game is just an edgy mess. Manhunt did it better.

BJ calls the commies dengenerates in the game.

It's the marketing being obnoxious as fuck.

>we sure hate NAZIS haha KILL NAZIS haha PUNCH NAZIS haha oh did you think we meant people who aren't ultra-liberal and speak up against Antifa retards? Hehe no no, we meant literal nazis....what, are you defending nazis? LOL!

>Tell that to Tim Soret's snapped neck

There's nothing wrong with having a political POV. I love the fuck out of shooting nazis. I love the fuck out of alpha centauri, oddworld, Ultima, even liked the Bioshocks.

I haven't gotten to the new woflenstein yet, but the snippets and marketing shit made it look like a fucking chick tract.

Shooting klan and nazis members in the face SHOULD be fucking fun, but somehow, they made it look boring as fuck.


The problem with Hatred for me is how fucking boring it was.

The edge is fine. I just want fun gameplay.

exactly this.

>Shooting klan and nazis members in the face SHOULD be fucking fun

What a psychopath.


Have you even seen the cutscene where bj rips the commies apart?

I think anyone who is capable of thinking logically and reasonably can tell you the problem isn't that the game kills nazis. It's that the devs are using the current political climate to jab at people who are being labeled nazis when they're clearly not. It's low hanging fruit and it's incredibly tired.

ring a ding ding baby


Kill yourself Nazi.

Yeah, yeah, go tell it to jack thompson. Me and my boomstick don't care.

I thought Nazis are were all about discussion and free speech

Hmm really makes me think. Really feels familiar the society described. Its almost like its.. Real

>If you hate this car why not make your own car?
>If you hate this airline why not make your own airline
>If you hate your mom why not make your own mom?
>If you hate this reality why not make your own reality?

>being anti-communism means you're a nazi

polish never cease to live up to their retarded reputation

wtf I hate Wolfenstein now

Yes, how dare they speak out against communism!

Your typical left leaning normie hates having political shit shoved in their face 24/7, even if they agree with the opinions being presented
Only losers enjoy having politics and current events injected into everything
It's why shit like movies and video games even exist in the first place; it's escapism
When you imprint reality into that, you make whatever form of media you're using redundant

I'm sure people would love to play a game were you kill Cuban commies, Soviet funded African groups and the ANC for their roles in trying to take down Apartheid South Africa, Portugal Angola, and Rhodesia. The problem is the moment you make it they'll scream like its the second holocaust and do everything in their power to shut it down.

> If Anti Nazi games offend you then why not make your own game?
They did and it got 10/10 game of the year :^)

>This how Sup Forums retards see reality

Wasn't the dev of that forced to come out on stage and apologize for something he said on twitter a long time ago? I'm remembering that right, yeah?

>muh communism

Shut the fuck up pole retard

The game's script was written in 2015, but I guess snowflakes will take any opportunity to get offended.

Hell, they lost their shit to Resident fucking Evil of all things.

Wow what a fucking snowflake

It's sad that all you see is the Sup Forums boogeyman, and completely ignore the fact that the devs are b8ing with shitty political commentary.

Someday you'll move out of your parents house, user

What's your point? What does it matter if it was written in 2015?

>I'm sure people would love to play a game were you kill Cuban commies

I'd love to play this, faggots ruined and shit on my country.

There isn't even a final fucking boss. All it is is a "RUSH EVERY ENEMY IN THE GAME AT YOU!" fest in a boring arena with no music. Then it's just another shitty rail-line guided sequence where you just walk up and slam an axe in an old granny nazi.

I was going to buy this game but the final boss is a very big part of Wolfenstein and there isn't even a final boss, or even a fight that is good.

Nazi's are more assblasted than the sjws they bitch and whine about. Wolfenstein always has, and always will be about killing nazis. Its not "promoting white genocide" or whatever the current redpill meme is. Its about killing assholes.

>ruin a classic fps series with shitty forced political commentary and hours of cutscenes
>call people nazis instead of owning up to your fuckups.

Eat a dick. If you want to do politics, do it in the right place and do it correctly.

Go watch deep space 9 and jot down when and how they did things, they got that shit right.

Only plebs continue to play western games. Your allies are in Japan like they were 70 years ago

He's right though


>Shut the fuck up pole retard
fuck off neofag

Not being anti-Nazi at all costs makes you a fucking Nazi you fucking human garbage. Communism is still preferable in the face of real evil.

>the script can't be changed during the development process
>the power of neogaf intellectual

And devs should actually make a good game instead of this linear cinematic piece of eurotrash.

What are some examples of anti-SJW, anti-leftist right-wing games?

Jesus this reads like some 2013-era tumblr shit
When the fuck did we allow them to come to Sup Forums?

So you admit mommy and daddy's still feeding your faggot ass

Eat shit, flyover retard

It's not the anti Nazi part that offends me, it's the fact that the game is boring as fuck due to the bad writing and forced cutscenes and unskippable get-me-this-item parts that attempt to make me invested in the storyline but really only accomplishes nothing beyond being annoying.

And it costs $60 too.

Yeah, you may say that it has 10 hours of gameplay for $60 which is good, but the problem is that a part of that 10 hours makes me want to gouge my eyes out, as well as the fact that there are $20 games into which I can invest hundreds if not thousands of hours and have fun throughout.

I suppose I'll buy Wolfenstein 2 once it hits $10 and then goes on for sale at $5, like the last game.

um yes they are you white male shitlord

>human garbage
Doesn't sound nazi at all

funny that the protag is a pole and they defend commies

ask any pole how he feels about communism


Post god-tier national socialist music


this, also this thread is full already of neogaf and redditors.

this comment sums up everything that is wrong with the modern world

I remember when people would use games and movies as an escape from these sorts of things. Leave your fucking bullshit out of entertainment

your mother should of swallowed you

Nice straw man, did you hurt your limp wrists knocking it down?

Anyway, i'm pretty sure the people that are offended are offended because it has alot of pro-commie and Soviet messages social justice/anti-american themes.

Where have you been last weeks?

>no u

>Games shouldn't be politically neutral
please no
90% of game developers are commies with weird colored hair or trannies
you don't know what you're asking for
unless you're a commie of course

>So what? Games shouldn't be politically neutral

That's fine.

But then they also can't complain when parts of the audience give criticism for their choices. In fact, they should shut the fuck up and wallow in the disappointment they create for themselves, because they only have themselves to blame.

Your mother swallows me daily, bitch. Move out.

Except they dont.

The protag calls the commie a traitor and a coward and claims the communist are the reason they lost the war.

None cause dumb right wingers can't make video games.

Neogaf is back up, you can fuck off back there now

so basically "right wingers" can't make games? or what?

>commie triggered by the simple truth that he is a
just a nazi but anti-white and anti-male

You mean because the gaming industry is horribly infected with far-left Amerifat SJWs

>being this mad
18+ you nincom-fuckin-poop

>no u again
LOL faggot

FPBP once again.

Communism kills more of its own citizens than any other form of government.

I don't know if he was forced to come out on stage, but the SJWs were running a campaign against him because his game focuses on a communist dystopia.

not really national socialist

Anti nazi games does not offend me.
Marketing equating people who voted for different candidate to nazis in a game where you slaughter nazis does. And pro communism message.

>national socialism is le evil because le evil

You brainwashed faggots make me sick. Daily reminder that the National Socialist movement emerged as a response to communism, most of which was headed by Jewish individuals, because Jews have almost a genetic disposition for embracing far left politics. Communism murdered millions, but le Nazi was bad because it killed Jews.

The only thing bad about National Socialism was that their defeat ensured the death of western civilization as it was used by Jews not only to promote mass immigration and worldwide shaming of whites, but to also use it to shut down all discussion of race and IQ. Race denial is nothing more then a reaction to National Socialism not science, and the 1998 statement on race basically admits this.

>being this much of a dependent failson
No wonder you're a Nazi

The get fired when they reveal themselves as right wing

my problem with the game, on top of it's piss poor length, is that they wrapped it up pretty well at the end of the first one. BJ sacrafices himself to save a bunch of people and kill the nazi shithead then gets nuked the end. they could have had the second game starring his kid instead of this ex machina bullshit.

>PS4 version

Console plebs at their finest.

At least PC gamers have standards.

calling your blowup doll my mother doesn't make it the real thing you lonely fuck neogaf

You lost 70 years ago, bitch faggot. Deal with it

>not making any actual arguments
>autistic shrieking
>"you disagreed with me NAZI"
Well, we've been invaded by 14 year old girls fellas

>believing in good and evil

im waiting for a shooting game where the goal is to cleanse europe with maybe a california and texas DLC

>calling anyone who isn't a far-left commie a nazi
what could go wrong??