MGS survive DRM

Just when it can't get any worse, you know Konami won't let you down

Other urls found in this thread:

>online coop game needs an internet connection

>online game
>can't play without internet connection


>game based around cooperative play needs internet


It has a SP campaign too

Everyone has access to the internet

I forgot this game was a thing

Who cares, is anyone seriously even going to bother pirating this?

This whole game is a shitshow and I can't wait to watch it burn

>not having internet


this was obvious from the start, why are you surprised? MGSV uses Denuvo and you need internet connection after installation.
Also Survive is multiplayer

This game doesn't have single player? Fucking dropped

These incredulous
posters never seem to realize that the problem is the game may be unplayable once Konami kills the servers.

? People buying this in first place are already cucked in the head, this kind of thing is irrelevant for them.

It will be unplayable to begin with.

>it's ok when kojima does it

>This means that people who want to play through Metal Gear Survive’s single-player experience will need to remain connected to the internet to play.

Why are you all stupid?

The game mechanics are enough to make some of us look forward to the game despite Kojimas departure and deviance from cannon story.

>game may be unplayable once Konami kills the servers
I'm all about preservation of games, movies and shit, but I honestly won't cry about it.

At least people found a way to make unofficial servers for MGO1 and 2.

This was always going to be the opposite of everything I want out of Metal Gear.

get internet you poorfag or just rot in your shit country.

Who the fuck cares about this game.

Oh no a business puts measures in to keep you from stealing their product! What assholes!

do people not have good internet

oh wait
I forget this site is full of aussies and yanks who live in desert shacks in the middle of fucking nowhere with satellite internet that only works for 6 hours per day

>easy bait and contrarianism for the sake of contrarianism
why did I expect anything less

Is this still not out? Actually forgot. I dont want to hate it before I even try it but it doesnt look like anything special, makes me wonder what the fuck they are even doing to it when they know that at least 80% of people are not going to even give this game a second look and will actively rip on it the moment it comes out, so why spend so much time on it, noone and I mean noone is even willing to give it a chance, those that will try it will be called sympathizers and those who-god forbid-actually end up liking it at all will be attacked. Literally a waste of time and money.

Doesn't bother me too much. I thought this was a multiplayer only game. But since I now learned it has single player with a drm attached, I view this as even more of a cash grab and less of a product for the fans. Changed my perspective of the entire game. Now I don't even want to play it. The publisher/developer could have avoided me coming to this conclusion by not including a single player element in the first place. Seeing this also leads me to believe that resources within the development of this project are split in such a way that both will suffer. So without ever playing it, I'm just going to conclude that it is shit and move on to the next shooty shoot flavor of the month, whatever that is.

>Gen Z video game requires online

>less of a product for the fans
It was NEVER for the fans.

You think the company that gagged Kojima for 8 months to prevent him from speaking to his own team and cancelled ZOE4 and Silent Hills are doing anything for the fans?

>But since I now learned it has single player with a drm attached, I view this as even more of a cash grab and less of a product for the fans. Changed my perspective of the entire game.
>A company that aggressively mistreated its employees and drove all of their talent away.
>A company that literally went "fuck you gaijin we have gambling and mobile microtransaction money now, eat our shit" before the bubble started bursting on both made them reconsider
>Ever doing anything for the fans

Well, not anymore as I stated. There is no love for this franchise whatsoever.


Because it worked so well for Hitman...

There never was. Konami never loved Metal Gear, Kojima did, him and his team loved Metal Gear. Konami just loved that Metal Gear Money.

Even back when the first game came out, everyone was bullying Kojima and mocking him for making the game before it became a success. Konami never gave a shit.

>spends all day arguing on Sup Forums
>oh, time to play a game! better turn off my internet connection!

>Game servers die in 4 years after Konami wrings the last cent out of the corpse
>Game is rendered unplayable forever


online connection isn't the same as servers user

Yes it is, are you a fucking idiot?

What do you think its connecting to? Pornhub?

>online connection isn't the same as servers user
It has to connect to the DRM verification servers user, what the fuck is wrong with you.

at least it wont be hosted through P2P to player host connections like MGO3 right?

>implying I will come back to this game after 4 years
I fail to see the issue here


Implying this cheap cashgrab will be interesting to anyone for that long.

yeah, the DRM being steam, PSN, xbox live and bing bing yahoo ask jeeves
this has been the case for a decade now, once shit like steam dies you won't be able to play ANY steam game

>at least it wont be hosted through P2P to player host connections like MGO3 right?


>internet goes down
>oh well, at least I can still play vidya

i didn't think it would even have single player. why do you care, though? were you really going to buy a konami game after all they've done, and this was the straw that broke the camel's back?

Does it matter? Its still a shitty thing to do, regardless if the game is good or not.

Its been confirmed theres a last resort killswitch that auto-cracks all your (installed) games in the event Valve/Steam goes under.

In addition, Steam has an offline mode, and thats likely not the DRM referenced, its probably some proprietary Konami service shit.

>internet goes down
>entire world economy crashes

If there's singleplayer and the singleplayer requires an online connection, too, that's bullshit. We are living in a dark age of gaming, where many games will be lost due to uncracked DRM and shut-down servers with no tools to setup a private server like older games have. It's not like with some lost movies that were burnt or otherwise destroyed. These games exist, they can be saved, made in a way that doesn't necessitate fan intervention to save, but we just aren't sometimes.

Fuck you people who make games this way and anyone who defends them. Destroy everything you own that's older than five years if you believe games should be allowed to work like that.

At your house, dumbass.

where have I heard that before?

>online focused game requires internet connection
I'm fucking mad as hell that OP is a dumb faggot. Game looked like shit the day it was announced regardless so it doesn't make a difference to me how much dog shit they pack into the game cause I wasn't planning on playing it in the first place.

MGS V might have been a bad MGS game but the core gameplay is great for a stealth/ shooter hybrid game.

I'm hoping the game bombs horribly so we can get it cheap.

Laughing at all of these PC gamers, it must suck knowing that online only means no pirating.

I wonder if it's going to update MGO at all.

>you cant pirate on consoles
>you cant be online only on consoles
>you cant pirate online-only games
>you cant crack online-only games

How new are you?

Stop acting so entiled you child

true true

what are you trying to proof here?

All of those are false, child.

the burden of proof lies on you peecuck

Fucking post a snopes citation about then you fake news faggot, for the majority of people, this is true.

>exam results.png

For pirating on consoles, see some of the explanations how here:
Xbox One started its life as always online
For the last two, just fuckin go to a torrent site and search for any online only game.

>Gravity Rush 2 came out this year
>servers will be shutting down in two months
>all online content will be lost including costumes, missions and collectibles

>"Hey, you know how nobody likes us and we're making a game that no one is hyped for or likes? How about we just make people like it even less?"

When did Sup Forums become the good goys

To be fair Zynga may pay him more

>Game nobody wants filled with DRM nobody likes
I wonder what they will blame the inevitable failure on.

"Online only" and actual online only are 2 different things though. You can pireate the SimCity "online only" but only because it's not online only, it just checks the legitimacy with servers on startup and once an hour or so. The content and all the necessary gameplay features are on the client. Same with some steam games that require steam connection: you can fool the steamworks with the neccesary dll files into thinking you're running a diffrent legit game and let you into the servers.

Compare that to true online only of Diablo 3 and you need a server emulator to actually play it. While it is possible to reverse-engineer a server, most games aside from open source server files do not have the necessary community for such a feat, with few exceptions being games like GTA:O and World of Warcraft. So it's possible to pirate online-only games, but if "online-only" does not mean it actually syncs everything with a server, whether it's a steam game that uses steamworks and no other way of checking for legitimacy and if the community has managed to make their own server of the game, whether from open source files or from reverse-engineering the software.

>not having internet
Imagine being this poor. What's next, are you going to complain about video games requiring electricity?

>having the internet
i want normies to leave

>Being a retard

>Doesn't even have a deep compelling storyline written by Kojima
>Just zombies
>No Metal Gear

You're the worst thing that has happened to gaming if you buy this game. Another fag just buying the game because of the name.

Dark Spore.

the game was a flop so who cares

Surely MGS survive won't flop.


>mad piratefags BTFO

I see there has been news on MGSurvive. Anything else besides the always-online info? Maybe a new trailer, preferably gameplay? I still don't know whether I like or dislike this game.

Phantom Pain needed an internet connection and SurFive is basically just a rejiggered version of that game. How does this surprise anyone?

I don't have access to the internet.

I know bro. Feels bad that we'll never have Destiny1 private servers running House Wolves era content and mechanics.

Phantom Pain does not require internet connectivity.
How do you think so many players circumvented building their first FOB?

Denuvo has to phone home sooner or later.


I hope you hold the same standards for those that bought MGSV

These are the people that play games now.

Very few modern games are worth replaying to be fair. MGSV is one of them.

Resources are shared between co-op and SP are shared. They don't want anyone cheating.

That wasn't the point I was getting at.

>anime image
>posts retarded contrarian shit to fit in
This is the best post on this board right now by far.

>fine paying for something that isnt worth replaying
why buy trash?

There's nothing contrarian about treating V for what it is.

I dunno, ask the rest of the western market.

Thinking your own opinion is the objective truth is though.

>just want co-op MGS5
>get zombie edition instead
All they needed to do was flesh out Africa like 100% more, tons more jungle and bigger/more bases and I was sold on the gameplay alone.

>defending mgsv as if it doesn't fall in every category you mentioned
>complaining about the board's state

All you need is one long look in the mirror and a noose

Wow, way to make your game about surviving not survive.

I didn't complain about the board's state and I wasn't the one you replied to with the dumb anime image.

>All you need is one long look in the mirror and a noose
Lmao, brainlet animefag getting mad
It's almost universally true that weebs are dumb as fuck. You're just another fine example.