Do you think it would it be better for the game as a whole if Mercy was reworked to have a full insta-heal instead of a rez?
The Mercy Menace
I think it would be a better game if they went back to the drawing board and redesigned many heroes / maps / everything. And even then knowing blizzard they'd fuck it up hard.
Yes. Resurrect is broken, it needs to be removed entirely. Blizzard would also need to nerf Mercy's healing rate and ultimate though. She not only has one of the best single target heal, but her ultimate makes her mostly invulnerable. Even pro players have said there's no point in attacking a mercy if she's in valkyrie mode.
It would be better if the whole game was Mercy
>in-game chat
>call mercy broken
>"lmao if shes so broken just swap to her bro"
>"dude just try shooting her if you hate her so much lol"
>"she's not op man just use winston haha"
mercy changed perma fucked OW
You need one now or you're fucked
it wopuld be a better game if mercy sat on my face
Winston actually became a terrible Mercy counter suddenly
I have two ideas: Rez just revives the target at spawn. It lets people comeback sooner but also doesn't turn every fight into a 7vs7 and reviving people at the last second would be a waste.
The rezed person only has 100hp so rezing tanks isn't as strong.
It would be a better game if Blizzard stopped completely changing the balancing every week so that an actual meta could develop before they change everything in a kneejerk reaction to people crying about this or that being OP.
I think it would be better if she wasn't so fast while ulting,.
I'm willing to bet that blizzard will give OW the HotS treatment a year or two from now and completely retool the game if shit really starts to go south and their esports scene doesn't live up to their expectations by then.
That's horrible. Rezzing people at spawn will make Mercy way better on defense while being shit at attack.
It will also not make a difference when the fight is too far away from spawn since when you reach it your team will already be dead and you will have to wait anyway to group up.
can someone fill me in on how they changed her? I havent played OW since like first 2 or 3 months following release
Until they remove ultimates, OW will always be trash.
It's gotten to the point where I expect to lose if the other team has a Mercy and my team doesn't.
Took away her rez ult, made it a regular ability where she can rez only one person every 30 seconds
Her new ult lets her fly through the air, makes her pistol shoot faster with no reload, makes her self heal quicker, and makes her heal/damage boost beam chain to nearby teammates also she gets a quick double rez also her movement speed is higher
A very sensible post
Blizzard will surely ban you for voicing such an opinion
>tfw the game went to shit after they killed Roadhog
And yet tons of faggots in the OW community bitched about Roadhog pre-nerf to no end. Fucking sad.
>removed resurrect ultimate
>replaced it with "valkyrie mode" ultimate which gives her flight, increased self heal, makes her healing beams attach to all nearby allies, increases beam distance, and makes her guardian angel basically a insta teleport to her target. Also increases her firing speed and gives infinite ammo. Lasts 20s.
>resurrect is now an "e" ability on a 30s cooldown. Single target resurrect, gains an additional charge during Valkyrie mode.
Makes Mercy a must pick, resurrect now negates any of those "we got a pick, lets move in" strategies, and in ultimate form she's basically invuln, yet is able to heal up the entire fucking team and revives them when they die. Broken as fuck.
as someone who hasn't played overwatch since launch, what's wrong with mercy now? I thought early after release everyone said mercy was trash
Can't believe they did that. Sure he was annoying, but now he just feels so fucking weak.
Roadhog is great on deathmatch
I only play mystery hero anyway, so I don't have to worry about team composition. But yeah, he's probably always the strongest hero on his own, but that doesn't change that he feels extremely weak now.
thanks anons
the fuck were they thinking? All they had to do was give her a speed boost/damage reduction and let her beam continue healing/boosting when out of LoS during ult
so hard
roadhog used to be a better dps than the actual dps characters. after the self heal buff he is in a pretty good spot now
How would that have changed anything about the peek-a-boo playstyle that forced Mercy to hide during fights, only to then negate an entire team wipe?
The "problem" was the ult though, she had to lose the revive everybody ult. But you can't do that without having some sort of different revive.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Mercyraging Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Shoot Her When She's On Screen Like Nigga Use Your Abilities Haha
Instead of bringing up other healers its still HOW DO WE TONE DOWN MERCY
Yeah I gotta agree I can get ez ult off this fatass and he can't even one shot me anymore for peeking :^)
roadiecucks were never good at this game
So tanks aren't overpowered. Did you just start playing recently or forgot about the tank meta?
No. Resurrect was fine as an ult.
Makes no sense for a newly respawned mercy to instantly turn the tide 30 seconds into the match. Near the round end though, after building up an ult around heals? Rewarding, makes sense, and requires more effort.
Also promotes Mercy hiding instead of healing so she can ress everyone so the game turns into find Mercy or kill 11 people. That's why they changed it,
I'd be okay with rez if it didn't heal them to full HP. Maybe if it capped at 200 health? Or if it worked as a fixed percentage? I dunno, I'm just tired of whittling down Roadhog's fat ass and then having to do it again, EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Man it's almost like we want Mercy to be actually balanced instead of so broken it would be retarded to not have her on your team
FPS's shouldn't have revival mechanics. It doesn't work in Battlefield, it shouldn't happen here.
how do you buff the other supports to be as broken as 1 free res every team fight+ults on the retarded levels of valkyrie?
maybe mercy should have both ults, like indian tech support lady and the bait gurl with her mech and such
Resurrect encouraged Mercy to hide away and wait for her team to die so she could rezz them, whereas the rework allows her to keep on supporting her team even when she has ult. Also it was frustrating to have a Mercy negate a team wipe for the enemy team.
fair B
I've found reaper incredible for taking on Mercys. I'm not much of a flick shooter (Practicing consists of flicking your wrist and hoping your brain just works things out some how), and soldier does too little damage at range to do much with tracking.
Reaper's entire kit is based around flanking, and he does MASSIVE damage with even if your tracking skill is moderate. Even if she escapes after your first shot from a flank (usually takes about two-three for a borderline diamond like me), she'll be on such low health that you can ping her to death, and you're forcing her from the backline where your teammates can slice off the remaining 50hp.
>buff other supports
>wanting it to be 4 tanks all the time
Change the ults
Anas nanonoost not only reverts to its initial state but she herself gets the boost
Lucios ult now creates a damaging aura around himself when used [music changes]
Zenyatta now is able to attack during his tranquility launching rapidfire orbs that ricochet
Symmetra now dies instantly when placing her ult
>playing a shitty fpsmoba
You all deserve what you get.
>the actual dps characters
Offense =/= dps.
While your point is a fair one, they've made her into more of a problem. You don't look for an alternate solution to a worsened issue without taking a step back.
Ditto for you. And there were many more counters for a mercy rez than there are for her current state of affairs. Now every time she gets back into the fight she can rez somebody - ult charge counting doesn't matter.
I hope you guys aren't seriously suggesting that the meta is better for these changes. Blizzard saved her (already decent) usage, and ruined it for multiple others.
What's wrong with it in battlefield?
People in battlefield die in a couple shots anyway
the dps roles were getting picks to allow your team to push or to prevent a push, roadhog did this much more effectively than the designated dps heroes with less effort
>the designated dps heroes
Can you tell me what these are?
Not him, but everyone in offense until Sombra came along.
Defense heroes can do the same, but are less about mobility and more about getting picks without venturing into enemy territory.
>Symmetra now dies instantly when placing her ult
Also, cooldowns aren't shared. My team used this to our advantage. Me and the other guy kept going back and forth swapping Mercy so we could reset our Ult on the last Gilbratar point.
Shit's broken
The MMO trinity makes for real shitty FPS games imo
Reset our rez instead of ult. the fuck brain
>Not him, but everyone in offense until Sombra came along.
Fucking wrong. Genji isn't DPS, Tracer isn't DPS, they just flank. McCree isn't DPS either, he just kills flankers. And there are other heroes that are more DPS, like Orisa now.
>but are less about mobility
Which isn't something you need if you're just DPS. DPS is sustained damage.
Tell me more, I'm intrigued. What do you mean by "reset our Ult"?
Resetting the Rez not ult. You can Rez, go back to the room, swap heroes back and forth (or with someone else if you die) to reset the Rez.
I'd die as Mercy with my Rez on cooldown. Our Ana was about to respawn so we'd swap heroes. She goes as Mercy with her Rez refreshed. Die, swap with me and I'll respawn with Rez reseted.
He hold the point for like 2 minutes into overtime with this.
>Fucking wrong
Touched a bronze nerve, I see. DPS is used to refer to characters who's main objective is to kill, which is why old hog was considered one.
Tracer/Genji absolutely maim the opposing team's backline, McCree is a solid pick to take out their flankers and deal damage on people out of position down range.
>Which isn't something you need if you're just DPS. DPS is sustained damage.
Ah. A prescriptivist.
Words mean what the majority define them as.
DPS refers to the role of dealing damage.
Tanks take damage and push the frontline.
Healers heal.
Tech picks are heroes that are selected for a niche.
This has been common knowledge for about a year now.
Oh wow, nice. I'll bear that in mind if I'm paired up with a teammate.
That would actually be the best thing ever and I'd be all for it. Especially if they went out of their way to de-emphasize healers like the HotS team did, e.g. turning Tyrande into DPS that happens to have a heal.
>DPS is used to refer to characters who's main objective is to kill, which is why old hog was considered one.
Bullshit, it refers to characters that deal damage mainly.
>Words mean what the majority define them as.
Same as above.
>Tanks take damage and push the frontline.
Also wrong, tanks are defined in this game as being bulky and harassing. Not just pushing the front line. It's why D.Va and Winston are Tanks.
If you disagree, post some resources for your claims then.
>McCree isn't DPS
He's not designed as such no, that Blizzard is a retard and can't make a flanker killer without also making him insanely good at deleting people's heads is a different issue from him not being designated as a DPS.
This idea existed long before mobas, it just wasn't synonymous with "pick the exact character pros use or I swear to god I'm gonna throw". A metagame is just a game above the game, for example the ideas of blocking, throwing, knockdowns, and reversal in fighting games. The metagame of defense is knowing how to use those properly. Rinse/repeat with everything else.
It's just that Riot spun it into "never deviate from this exact team composition in pub games ever" and because of how big League was, people ran with that idea.
Flanker killer is the role that they managed to balance him into. He was a sniper-dps with an ability to counter dive flankers if they try to fuck him up. Did you forget that his damage had no falloff? Did you forget his dumbass right fire that killed everyone assuming you can point in the general direction of an enemy? There's no way they did it unconsciously and only later remembered that he was supposed to be short-to mid range anti-flanker.
>Flanker killer is the role that they managed to balance him into.
It's what he was always supposed to be.
>There's no way they did it unconsciously and only later remembered that he was supposed to be short-to mid range anti-flanker.
Yes there is.
I main Mercy and wish she'd either be reworked or removed temporarily until Blizzard knows how to deal with her.
The resurrection is awful and doesn't blend into the game well. It's a 100% HP heal on a single button and invalidates any good play the opponent made. The healing throughput of the staff healing twice as much as other healers is too much as well, particularly as there is no resource management necessary. Mercy is boring to play but you need one in every match/comp. It's mindboggling how she never got nerfed to a point to be in line with other healers. The new ult is bullshit, too. Mercy already has high mobility from bouncing between team mates and didn't need to fly around mindlessly. The free rez from the ult is also dumb as shit by design.
I'm also not happy with many other heroes. Tracer is too useful (due to high surviability and short ult charge) and can be used in most comps/maps. Sombra's gun needs a buff. is too versatile - tank HP pool, burst dps, vertical mobility, kockback projectile shield, room clearing ult and two lives is just too much.
There's just so much wrong with the game in terms of balance and I wish they'd just sit down for a few weeks and talk about intended roles and purpose of certain ones so they can properly rebalance them.
Right now it's just game breaking balance rodeo. Nobody was asking for a Junkrat buff. Nobody needed the Roadhog nerf. The Mercy rework didn't address the main issue behind resurrection. getting rockets to burst with wasn't necessary either for a hero with such a good ult and unlimited peeling pressure.
Not all is bad - some heroes work very well though and have their place but I merely wish I'd see those more often. The best matches I had lately are quickmatches with people just picking random shit and avoiding strong picks. If I could make the same experience in comp I'd be content and not complain.
Sure thing bro, considering the fact that blizzard reworked 3 heroes in a year and a half of the release date I'm sure they knew exactly what kind of roles character would end up at and what kind of gameplay these characters would have, lol. Counter fucking flanker with no damage falloff of his main gun, sure.
>DPS is used to refer to characters who's main objective is to kill, which is why old hog was considered one.
>Bullshit, it refers to characters that deal damage mainly.
You've crudely described the same thing. My explanation is just better. It's what they're used for, not what they do on paper.
>Tanks take damage and push the frontline.
>Also wrong, tanks are defined in this game as being bulky and harassing. Not just pushing the front line. It's why D.Va and Winston are Tanks.
Incorrect. Those are their tech usages. When somebody on your team says "we need a tank", they're not referring to D.Va's missiles or winston's ability to harrass.
They're just asking for a tank.
Any tank. Something with a large healthpool that healers can get behind.
If they want a Winston, guess what? ...they'd ask for a winston.
>If you disagree, post some resources for your claims then.
But you don't have to because you're too lazy?
>I'm sure they knew exactly what kind of roles character would end up at and what kind of gameplay these characters would have
Not what I'm saying, but okay.
>not what they do on paper.
We're talking about what they're designated for, not what they're used for.
Not going to address the rest, because quoting that would be incredibly annoying with your fucking reddit formatting.
>McCree isn't DPS
>DPS is sustained damage.
>it refers to characters that deal damage mainly
Are you seriously implying IDDQD's job is to flash people and roll around reloading
Yes, that's what he was designed as.
>We're talking about what they're designated for, not what they're used for.
Designated by the players, sweetie. Do you not know what a metagame is?
>Are you seriously implying IDDQD's job is to flash people and roll around reloading
>Yes, that's what he was designed as.
Please leave, you're embarassing yourself.
No, it was designated by Blizzard, otherwise Roadhog wouldn't be the exception. You're talking about something else.
>pro players cant aim and do 200 damage within 1 second
>rework Mercy because the peek and rez is not a good playstyle for a character
>give her a new ult that is completely overpowered and turns her into a must-have pick on every team
Truly, Blizzard's idea of balance is deciding who is the next character/class/build that gets to be overpowered.
Not even worrying about it anymore. Came home to TF2.
saying it now: whoever approved nu-mercy should be fired
Foolish user, you can't fire me
>She not only has one of the best single target heal
Thats the fucking point. ANYONE she is healing should be able to tank any ult in the game and walk through the whole enemy team attacking them. The enemy team should be forced to kill Mercy first.
The problem is the game should have zero situations out of Ults where a player can be killed from full health without a method of getting away. The player should ALWAYS have the time to react and fuck off to safety. Roadhogs hook completely prevented that. What they did to him though was uneeded. They should of just turned his hook from a stun to a trap so heros could use their abilities to get away or completely negate it such as Mercy just flying away or McCree flashbanging Hog. It would of forced Hog to work with his team and call hooks while still being able to solo kill enemies on occasion.
the devs of this game are fucking babies. Everyone was shitting on this change on the ptr but they put it on the live servers anyways because they didnt want the guy who made it to feel bad.
that sounds fucking retarded senpai
>put her Rez CD to 90s
>change ult so that all allies (no matter the distance) have their health 100% restored and their abilities instantly recharged
There, fixed her.
I should mention this only affects allies who are currently alive.
It would be better if they made her sit on my dick
90s is ridiculous. 50s is perfect.
I wish they'd use the ptr for this sort of changes instead of how they use it now
The Res need some form of counterplay. Khepri's resurrect in Smite has counterplay in the form of Execute abilities, which prevent the rez from going through.
I thought it was because Jeff's wife is a Mercy main.
Ah, the DOTA solution. Nobody can be OP if everyone is OP
You are a man of taste.
>old team shooters
>healer has the same loadout options as everyone else but with less storage because they take heals
>want to support your friends? well fuck you eat a dick, enjoy no hp, no armor, no weapons and getting shit on all day with garbage outfits
Nope its because OW devs are babies. Every dumb change they've made to the game has been shat on by the community and got released anyways. Its not the first time they do this
yeah, her left shift feels like it is far better/faster CD than Winston left shift.
Mercy just bounces to ally after ally, why winston has to chase...
I now am using Sombra more and more...
She is good at killing mercy if you can land about 10 head shots, which is doable at close range.
The Rez needs to work like it does in other games in that it's a temporary buff visible to everyone that will restore a player to %HP if brought to 0.
That's basically extra HP, though. It's no different than getting extra armor or shields.