This game is honestly garbage. Who even though that autistic time mechanic was a good idea?
This game is honestly garbage. Who even though that autistic time mechanic was a good idea?
Play the song of time backwards and git gud
Only autists whine about the three day cycle. Their OCD hates that they can't do everything in one go.
Complaining about the time mechanic is the same as announcing to the world that your a low level shitter. Git Gud or Git Out.
Time mechanic adds tension and atmosphere.
who was the autistic time mechanic?
It gives you so much time that the day system actually becomes interesting instead of hindering. Also fuck you op it's handsdown the most unique, interesting, and atmospheric Zelda game.
I did. I really enjoy it. Maybe you should up play something else instead of making stupid threads.
This. No other Zelda has come close in those regards.
You nearly can with decent time management , the only things that are too time consuming to fit in are the swamp spider house and restoring the great fairies
you don't need to git gud because the game is extremely easy you retarded fedora cuck
why are majora's mask cucks so autistic?
Majora's Mask is hipster trash and most of the people who believe the game is good are ugly and fat virgins in their 30s
I wish more games would use the time loop gimmick.
>hipster trash
One of the biggest franchises in gaming is totally hipster bro
Maybe you should go take a good look in the mirror yourself faggot
majora's mask is certainly the choice for autistic hipsters though
I'm sorry the characters actually have charm and interesting backstory unlike your Ocarina of Time
Seems like I hit a nerve you fat fuck.
>2017 and still using fedora and hipster to insult MM
Won't change the fact that MM is easily one of the best Zelda games
Dumbass can't handle time management
We have another one folks
it's basically Groundhog Day: The Game
I love it
Majora's Mask is overrated garbage liked by redditors.
>ugly looking overworld that looks totally unnatural
>many of the masks are useless in combat and only serve one fucking purpose.
>many of the so called good NPCs are garbage compared to even the NPCs in Elder Scroll games
>fucking fetchquest galore
>literal rehash of OoT
>the terrible 3-day mechanic makes any progression in the game irrelevant
>worst save system in the series
>even more fetchquests
Fuck this game
I don't think I've ever seen a person dislike the time mechanic but still like the game. What about time management puts people off so much? I have friends that refuse to play Dead Rising because of it.
There are people on Sup Forums right now who thought Pikmin 1's time limit was too stressful
You learn to either ignore them or laugh at them
>gets intimidated by the time limit
What a pussy
>autistic time mechanic
Get a load of this cuck and his meme argument. Pure kino.
>Who even, though that autistic time mechanic was a good idea?
MM is my favorite game of all time
Every single Zelda criticism boils down to the person sucking at the game. "Muh time limit" "muh weapon breaks too fast".
Literally Arin Hanson tier criticism.
Clock Town is amazing. But honestly, the rest of the game fucking sucks. The dungeons kind of blow. Even Stone Tower I found to be outrageously overrated, the only cool part is when you turn it upside down and see the sky below you, the rest of the dungeon is just as shitty as the others. Most of the stuff you have to do pre-dungeon is also garbage, only fun thing was the Deku palace. Having to walk around Snowhead and unfreeze the Goron elder was fucking boring, and gathering the eggs in great bay is fucking painful.
I honestly believe they should have focused almost entirely on NPC interaction and the like, and forget about the dungeons. Maybe it would have been better if it weren't even a Zelda game.
It increase the game difficulty in a rare direction and they can't handle that. The most likely have poor time management skills irl, so it's a hurdle they can't overcome.
That doesn't make it a good Zelda. In fact, Majora's Mask is a bad Zelda in that it does everything it can to not be a Zelda game.
>x game is bad because it's not like the other ones in x series
Are you sure you didn't mix MM up with BotW? The only real difference between MM and other Zelda games is the time loop.