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Why do I get the feeling that speedrunners are gonna love this game?

How the fuck is this even a competition when you can clearly see the koopas move way slower than Mario? How do you not get first?

Because you don't even have to do main objectives. Just satisfy Moon totals. So there'll be optimum routes, etc, etc. for going as fast as possible to satisfy goals. Not to mention the sequence breaking you can do with Cappy

>Speedrun tier execution
>Mario games ever being hard
If you just run along with them, they'll outrun you, it's a case of going a side route like that or doing acrobatics to take shortcuts

It's pretty fucking obvious he took a side route man. But I seriously doubt at the speed Mario can move at that those koopas would outrun them. But enjoy your false sense of brain dead happiness from opium release you get from those bright colors and 1st place all the time. I seriously wonder how many times the guy re ran that level to make that webm so perfect as well. Nintendo has you addicted and you don't even know it, dumb cuck.

Is his movement as simple as the Galaxy or 3D Land games, or did they bring it closer to SM64 this time?

This is taken off reddit. My normies friend sent me this. OP, Pick one,Reddit or Sup Forums. Or just stay out entirely.

Mario 64 with Sunshine style execution.
You can do some fantastic things with it. The cap jumping isn't automatic and you have to land it, the diving can be lethal, etc.




Trying way too hard to fit in for someone that
>has normie friends

>Being this mad about a Mario game
Come on user, Odyssey is literally all about enjoying the adventure.




aghjhgghhgggghhg this is incredibly painful to watch

seeing as i've played the game and that power moon, the koopas do run faster than you if you follow them, Mario is just more acrobatic, that's it.

Brains don't release opium, you're thinking of endorphins,but enjoy your false sense of intelligence that you get from shitposting on a brightly colored imaged board and gettng a few (you)s over a game you haven't and aren't going to play. Sup Forums has you addicted and you don't even know it. dumb cuck.

Wait, new Mario has Mother Base levels?
Was this Kojima's long-term V ruse?


you just BTFO that guy real good

how the fuck are you so dense that you dont see how rolling, dashing, long jumps, air tackles;;; all increase mario's speed?


Mario seems pretty floaty in this game
not sure I like it


If this game had more than one "attack" button it would be pretty cool. Shallower than a wine stain in the rug.

Speedrunner vs my attempt.webm

It's already extremely cool

>game journalists are /literally/ dumber than birds
never hath mine almonds seen such activation

I rather have Narutos crazy cinematic battles than something people will pretend is deep like Smash

I don't understand where is this shit coming from? How the fuck is Nintendo in the bright spot for everyone again. What happened, who the fuck died that was holding the company back? I mean Christ, that dog has a hat. What is going on and how did Nintendo UN-JUST'd itself?

I don't think anyone says these games are deep. Do they?


I mean Iwata died, but I don't consider him to be holding the company back considering all he's done.
They'd have to be retarded to think so, but I would rather the games stay the same.

>just got to new donk city
>first thing I see is a jumprope
>go to mess around
>oh shit it's an actual minigame where you can get a moon and everything
>get a bit over 40
>check leaderboards
>think I didn't do anything special but figure the #1 is probably like 150 or something

fucking jap cheaters

idk nigga that shit is hype

But they don't. They move the exact same as Mario, use the same moves, and take different paths, sometimes teaching players advanced techniques.

Someone got to 20k? Fuck, some fag had 11k jumps yesterday and I thought everyone else would just give up trying to top that.

I fucking love birds. Crows are incredibly intelligent too.

What the hell is in the ocean?

It isn't really unbelievable, at a certain point it stops speeding up and becomes an endurance test. I got to a bit over 300

>Mario has somewhat real momentum

You might as well call real life floaty.

Me too. Him masturbating the enemy's face is ridiculous, even a preteen may not see it as "cool".

The gold one was even going the same direction as the player, these koopas don't fuck around

Their not giving Miyamoto as much power. He's too old and out of touch.


>cliche as fuck anime cutscene with qtes
>extremely cool

A bunch of water and salt

>the chad ascension

nice looking water


Yeah thats what I said.

>we still don't have a game like this

>opium release

no it isn't its fucking piss and you've seen and done everything there is to do in like 30 minutes

>zelda saved
>mario saved
>metroid revived
>paper mario team moving away from the last two games
S-should I have hope again?


The Initial

Have hope after we see what the Switch Pokemon and FE games look like.

Imagine pannenkoek2012 on Super Mario Odyssey

I wonder if it's possible and economical to do a full semi-interactive anime like that. Like Asura's Wrath but more choices in the story.

Game freak has always been a shit developer though, there's nothing to be saved.


Nintendo is the same as ever, it's just that there will always be kids who feel too mature for their brightly colored games whining and moaning.

Is the golden koopa a ghost of someone from the rankings?

I want to believe the next game will at least have some polish. They did say most of their vets are helping work on the Switch game while the youngsters are doing USUM.

It's carbonated.

>Nintendo got you by making you have fun
I know, and i love it

Very decently animated for what looks to be a very low budget title.

>paper mario team moving away from the last two games
Source on this? Last I heard Tanabe said he wanted Sticker Star as the new standard.

How did they make movement in this game so much fun?

Imagine being like this guy.

its soda :)

CC2 should try to do that.
I do know they're making an actual (3D) anime though.

Though I have no clue why they went backwards in story presentation in 4. 3 was literal perfection for what they were trying to do.


What game?

>advance WAHOO BING BINGing



good for literally one viewing, imagine watching this garbage every time you play an online match


dishonored :^)

This is the type of person who uses "cuck" unironically, in context.

>“I always prioritize thinking about how we can build new methods and new elements. Of course, there were some series where we have not made big changes to the systems, but sometimes that’s because we feel as though these systems haven’t been perfected yet, or the gameplay can be expanded even further. We felt both of those things in Color Splash. However, I do feel as though we reached the end of where Color Splash is headed, so if we get the chance to continue the series, I think we’ll want to create a Paper Mario with a different system.”

why the fuck doesn't his head just fucking blow up into a cloud of red mist? jesus.

>Quitting before making an attempt

The absolute state of gamers

That was a story fight though.
Plus its no different from watching a super attack when playing any fighting game.

Like this.

Lol why is his face and body jiggling like he's a silicon fuck doll

so this...is the power...of mario odyssey...bing bing wahoo

fuck off it's an artistic choice

Oh shit, a pseudo intellectual! Thank you for gracing this thread with your presence!

Not sure if you're trolling, but it's a Super Mario 64 outfit.

Is that a fucking 64 costume?

The Koopas run faster than you if you try to run along with them. Of course, you wouldn't know that because you haven't played the game.

The dog only has a hat to signify that you can't control it.

That UI is fucking disgusting.

oh god is that this school girl zombie hunter game?

>thought the SM64 costume was hilarious
>now realize it'll be high octane shitposter fuel


kek Lars was in a naruto game? I've never seen that outfit.

Yeah in the 2nd one as an unlockable.
I was surprised.
