What is a good game to meet some Sup Forums users on?

What is a good game to meet some Sup Forums users on?

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>Wanting to meet memespouting redditors


Are you a memespouting redditor?

You need to go back

Fucking this. I will never understand why you faggots try so hard to let everyone know you visit this shithole. The chillest Sup Forums anons I've met mostly play fighting games though so try those out.

This. Newfags out.

You don't want to that, OP. Trust me.

occasionally you meet a cute submissive boy in your area and things work out.

Man, Kotori really let herself go

Did Rich Evans finally transition?

I just want to meet a cute boy who will let me pound his ass while playing vidya

>Cute boys
>Sup Forums

If by cute boys you mean obese neckbeards pretending to be cute boys than sure.

>meet some Sup Forums users
I'd be worried about that desu.
Are most people here actual autistic assholes or just enjoy shock humor and venting their frustrations, etc?

I went to a Sup Forums meetup once it was pretty chill except for a few people grabbing dicks

stop lying

Pick any MMORPG

As much Sup Forums cancer as you want.

100% orange juice

You're wellcome, knownyourmeme writer.

nope. met him IRL and everything

Lol I'm not playing this weeb shit

you'd probably like this cool game called grindr

We call each others faggots all the time and we're not wrong it seems.

Why are you guys so gay

I have no friends and im desperately lonely.

where do you think you are


she's cute!



if your a small cute boy please reply

Wait, do Sup Forums meetups end in gay sex?

I think Sup Forums generally has a prison gay thing going on.


the anime retards dont go outside too often

I wanted to meet fellow Sup Forums dudes once, now i just spend my days playing games alone because i realised i hate voice coms

This. Except Sup Forums is way worse than reddit.

No you don't. We talk to each other via websites for a reason

My bad not meet, play


Join the Sup Forums discord!


No you don't, there is reason why the vast majority avoid Sup Forumsvg/ guilds like the plague

What would you rather play, reddit spoofer?

>Wanting to meet Sup Forums users


That video is 5 years old, things are probably even worse now.

Id rather not get spammed by
>tfw no ___ ;-:
>any cute bois around
I just like playing games with other people some times. Im also a boring person

Sad thing is you really believe this. Sup Forums has been a site for normalfaggots for a long time now.

>Expecting anything less than a gangbang with 27 bottoms and 2 tops.

>What happens when you play with yanks

I guess ill just stick to playing alone then

Why would such a gay place be so against gay rights is what I always wonder? Like how is it edgy if I as a straight man say gays should be allowed to adopt in faggot HQ?

The FFXIV cactuar guild was alright until it collapsed.

>Like how is it edgy if I as a straight man say gays should be allowed to adopt in faggot HQ?
Because faggot HQ knows better than this, duh.
Gays are allowed to be gay and that's enough.

I completely forgot about the Cactuar FC. I stuck with famfrit and made my own since it was the only server I could consistently connect to during launch

Some skinny loser with a jew nose and gross greasy hair doesn't mean they're normal looking or cute. Most posters here are hideous as fuck and thats why they don't have gfs

Is it because /vg/ is a cancerous containment board?

so i can avoid it of course

you are right, Sup Forums used to have a camwhore thing going on
now nerds seem to have given up on girls and just have the weak and girlish nerds wear skirts for them

nah, a lot of fucked up people from a mental health perspective.

Is that a bad thing?

Boys are better at being girls than girlss anyway.

I'm gay and I hate faggots.

A man and a man can't make a child together, it's clearly not natural. Feels amazing to fuck ass though.

Because it's full of meme spouting 12 year olds


Yeah it's pretty rare not being able to get a gf unless there's something wrong with your appearance. I'm a manlet and I have some acne, so there you go.

That doesn't sound very good.

>27 bottoms and 2 tops

How does that work? 25 people are on their all fours waiting for their turn? Also it's pretty much a lot to ask for 2 guys to shag 25

I wonder if there's any legit Sup Forums females lurking and what games they play.
i'm cute and single ladies

>add user from a steam thread because he wants friends and someone to play vidya with
>barely talks
>get tired of trying to keep up the conversation so stop messaging him
>remove him
>he re-adds me
>still doesn't talk
>remove him again
>he tries to add me again but I block him
>some other user adds me
>he keeps talking about how politics are ruining Sup Forums and how fucking "Drumpf" is a shithead
>tell him I'm not interested in politics and I'm an europoor
>he still whines how Sup Forums is ruining the whole site
>block him
After these 2 and reading other stories I don't want to meet more people from Sup Forums aside from here.

They do but they're too busy rping as cute, shy boys

I'm willing to accept my duty as super top.

Playing duel links

The only girl I know that browses Sup Forums is a married lesbian.

Have you ever been to /r/gaming?

why the fuck would you know such a "person"?

>ywn have cute cosplay gf
Life is just suffering.

I prefer keeping to myself, so while I do sometimes play games with Sup Forums like Ace of Spades , Doodle or Die and, more recently, Battlefront 2, I don't try to make friends here.

Yes. I've met one in steam friends thread. She drew lewds and was an attention whore.

I met a girl from Sup Forums playing Overwatch funnily enough. She's a reinhardt player and we occasionally play together.

But don't get too close to any female who willingly spends time on Sup Forums.

>a lot to ask for 2 guys to shag 25
What are you, a manlet ? It takes a super top such as

I pretty much dislike homos so you better not come out or hit on me or I'm gonna end the friendship. Nothing personal I just don't want to be "guilty" by association.

I don't understand why a woman would be here honestly. Unless it's to get off from bullying the nerd virgins.

cute boys

cute boys


She is a friend from college, calm down. She's basically a white male loser trapped in a woman's body anyway, her wife is even a flip.

What is wrong with this mouse?

The same reason why a man would be here? Because all other videogame discussion websites on the internet are garbage and nowhere near as fast as Sup Forums?

Dunno why you guys keep thinking women are some completely parallel beings.

>I don't understand why a woman would be here honestly
Do you really have to ask ?

Answer : $$$$

Know that feeling. Bring that shit up and we can no longer 'chill'. You're just some gay person I know.

>that feelio when you're the only straight male left on Sup Forums

cause 99.9% of them suck at video games and the top streamers on twitch are always male and if they are female they are top streamers because of their boobs

>Dunno why you guys keep thinking women are some completely parallel bein
female sexually is all kinds of weird and confusing though.

Don't let them get you

boobs are nice

boys can have them too

I'm only gay for 2d

You seriously think that after all that time browsing Sup Forums and seeing the shit the people here are into? Come on.

Vaginas are nice as well.

That's A okay

nah its pretty straight forward

What this dude said. I've met a few peeps, usually from Sup Forums lobbies, and a few back way back then in the older college threads when they were pretty frequent. Fighting game anons are usually pretty chill and normal. As for other games, jesus christ are some of them spergy. Had some autistic asian dude keep trying to meet up with me and shit, he'd message me every day. Even if you think that you're a loser, you're bound to find someone even MORE of a loser than you are, and they are going to annoy the hell out of you. Don't do it, dude.

O...kay? What does that have to do with anything? Even if it were somehow true that 99.9% suck at games that 0.1% is still a few billion women.

Do you not have female friends or anything? There are lots of women that enjoy vidya and are at least decent at them, just because they're not streaming doesn't suddenly mean they don't exist.

>27 bottoms 2 tops
If there was a gangbang meet up, I assure you it would be the exact opposite. Tops are way more common than bottoms with Sup Forums because you're all prison gays. Prison gays want to top. Only true gays bottom.

How about fucking MAN UP?! in loneliness there's peace. You don't have to respond or own anything to anyone. At most, some fake Steam friend to play with.

>tfw want to be the cute boy in this scenario
>tfw losing weight, partly in the hopes that it could someday happen like that


kill yourself, brain damaged little fag