Why was this allowed?
Why was this allowed?
>op was ashamed
op is a fag what a surprise
Sadly, game came out of Japan, else it wouldn't have. But with the declining birth rate there and eventual population replacement, I do think feminism will take off in a big way in the next 10 years.
shame the person they modelled it after doesn't even have a body that good
One can only wonder.
>dude she's half-naked because of parasites lmao
Because you don't get to choose what is allowed and what is not, and thank God for that
More like Stephanie Ireland
>you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds
>no one was ashamed of their words or deeds
What's wrong with it?
It's sexualized for no reason
>for no reason
It's to help you fap. And it is quite welcome. I don't see anything wrong with it.
>still no nude mod
modern modding is so disappointing
Why wasn't this allowed
post her feet
I don't know, OP.
It wasn't a very good buddy, but i liked customizing D-Horse.
>Sexualization needs a reason
she breathes thru her skin
Why does there need to be a reason faggot?
Holy shit it got so hard!
I fuck women and jack off to porn!
How was Kojimbo not literally beheaded for this? I thought this was 2017, we have a female president now for frick's sake
There is tho
this is the reason and its JUST FINE.
>Could have made her a quirky sexy comic relief character that no one would take seriously, maybe throw in a dramatic moment or two to give her depth
>Instead the game treats her super seriously, her arc ends on with half assed social commentary that leaves a sour note in your mouth
Why does potentially the funnest game of all time try to be so joyless
>Sexy is bad
Puritans need to go
So she's like Froppy?
>tfw D-Horse got ran over twice while I was trying to stop a tank so I could fulton it
That son of bitch took it like a champ and got right back up.
>She won't stop fucking humming
Kojima felt that it needed justification.
There are some pretty great Quiet ASMRs too.
>Kojima is divorced
>Finds D-list tv model in Japan
>profits from virgin nerds
I wonder why
Me too, dude! BROFIST
I just punched my screen
Well it's better if there's an in-game explanation. It's more interesting/immersive. But let's be honest, it's not the real reason. Players like this. It's enjoyable. So there's demand. Nothing wrong with it. It's not sexist. It's not objectifying. It doesn't mean the character is shallow. Not that it would be *that* fucking horrible if an attractive character wasn't well developed. Oh no people are gonna jerk off to sub-softcore porn, s-stobbit you should only touch yourself to romance novels or 50 shades of abusive rich asshole raping you or whatever.
When/why did he get a divorce?
>Well it's better if there's an in-game explanation.
No, it's not. It just comes off as "It's not pervy! There's a reason for it!" Just own up to it and say you wanted a half-naked model based on Joosten. Do the girls in Senran need a justification for big titties and big asses? No, the creator behind that series just loves ass and titties.
Haha, post boobs! Women have them, they make me HORNY!
Dude, lmao, there was boobs and a butt in a game and also on a website I went to!
I'm a guy I want to fuck thing stoo. Holy shit, even guys that look like girls. I love anything remotely girl like, my dick is hard all the time! Also, one time, I saw rocks that looked like boobs! MY dick was rocks, haha!!!
I love sexual things! Post more of that! My dick!!! Holy fuck!
Sometime 3 years ago, people in Japan noticed that he doesn't wear his wedding ring anymore for a while now
We, the west, only noticed after the recent Silent hills song by Lena Katina. It referenced Kojima as "frodo" and noticing that he doesn't wear his wedding ring anymore
The song also references Death Stranding with the bleeding eye and mention of "black holes"
That said, we don't know why he got divorced. We won't ever know considering how secretive they are of personal lives
now i might just have an unpopular opinion... but does any one else think boobs are BASED?!?! i think they are based as hell
unironically Mike
One time outside of the house on the beach I saw boobs on a woman. My dick was literlaly diamonds. I put it in a ring and sold it.
Also one time I saw a girl lean forward in a game, my dick literally became sharper than pixels.
My fuckin dik!!! Aww yeah. Sauce please, on every item that even resembles a woman. Oh baby... My dick
>thread about female character
>trapfags start chimping out
If I even see boobs, or the image of a boob, I need sauce instantaneously. I have to also jack off immediately. Boobs and butts are literally just, so sexual to me. I want to fuck them inside and out. I am just, such a sexual person. My dick is always hard. I need sauce now on every single image anyone posts that is even remotely sexual or woman-like in nature, also, if some guys look woman-like, sauce please too. Also, my dick is just, phew... It's going off right now, brb, girl in a video game I'm playing
>yfw PT is a low key reference that Kojima got tired of his family
>yfw he's the father in the radio
>Log on internet
>See a woman
MY dick!!!
>kojima has defiled that in ways that you will not
Feels terrible, man.
sometimes i like to jack off until i cum to pictures and video of sex
Kojima did nothing wrong. There should be more characters like her.
Divorce aside, I still don't know why Reddit shadow banned Tatu's Reddit account when trying to reply in the threads that involve her latest song. Every post their team member made got hidden by moderators on the silent hill sub, nbgo sub, and death stranding sub
It doesn't help that the sub for death stranding was made before it was revealed by 3 days. That and /silenthills/ (with an s) and /oatsstudios/ is private
It wasn't that's why Kojima got fired.
why are the feet censored?
why no soles pics?
How come The End didn't run around in a skimpy outfit despite having a similar thing going on?
Kojima got fired because MGS5 turned out not to be a pachi gemu
Konami won't stand for that shit
Based Kojima scanned her feet for the game
Why was this allowed
No it's because he blew most his budget on tricking Stefanie to get nude as much as possible under the guise of better character models.
Why does anyone have a problem with that on a site fueled by anime?
It's been years since this game came out but I still want to impregnate Joost-kun.
Why do social justice fanatics endlessly crap on about how "women can be [sexual thing] anywhere they like, fuck morals!" then somebody makes a sexy woman in art and they go apeshit.
Pretty sure her problem is how Kojima made it sound like there's going to be a very tragic reason for why she's nearly nude that would make all the naysayers freaking out about her reveal feel bad once the game is out only for it to be the polar opposite of that.
he was bald, quiet wasnt
Because they are in competition with the art that is created, women feel that the art is more appealing than they are, and they are right, which is why less and less of them are finding husbands and boyfriends, they aren't that appealing anymore. Why do you think women want to block sex robots from being made? They know they will be replaced in an instant and the only value they have will be lost.
I don't get it. Feminists used to be pro-pornography overall. Maybe it was just to piss off conservatives though. They're still pro-porn AFAIK but for some reason they don't want sexy females in video games.
I think it's because they perceive video games as too male-dominated. They want to dismantle any "male spaces" they can find. Men can't be allowed to be alone with each others, it's too dangerous. They could unacceptable develop ideas together. Porn is lonely so they don't care. Maybe that's why they support it actually.
You should become a Muslim so you can protect all women from evil men by forcing them to wear plastic bags.
Well what do you expect him to say when there are a bunch of faggots yelling at him for how she looks? He's not used to that shit, I personally just wish he told them to fuck off, I like tits and ass, or maybe what he said was something konami made him say to curve any feminist/sjw backlash, who really knows?
Because the bitching is just a way for them to avoid responsibility for their actions and gain social and political power. All the actual "arguments" are just a mask for this and they fall apart the second you realize this.
Except they don't. You are misrepresenting the views of several different groups into a single strawman argument.
Stop defending every little thing Kojima does he's not a god just merely a man who is alright that can make mistakes once in awhile. He fucked up with that tweet end of story.
Joosten is the fetish of every sad Japanese man.
Except I'm not, prominent voices in their movement such as Wu or Anita or HackJournalist 5824 would support women being as sexy as they like, but they can't be in videogames.
Just admit you're a hypocritical wowser and continue browsing Facebook and idly staring out the window. People aren't intimidated or feeling outsmarted by your arguments, it's just tiresome shite.
>women shouldn't be allowed in games
Kojuma deserves defending as he's being attacked for pretty much being a man with the talent to create what he likes,, unlike the Zoe Quinns and Anita Sarkeesians of the world.
I don't think that's true outside of memery senpai. Guys turn to porn and vidya waifus because women weren't interested in them, not the other way around.
But women often still want their *attention*, even if they're not actually interested in them. It's narcissistic selfishness.
Do you think the Joos have veiny tits too?
I'm just annoyed the strings are glued to her body. That's not how they are suppose to work.
Never EVER defend someone for lying. Lying is literally one of the worst things a person can do you should feel ashamed for even thinking what you just posted was remotely ok.
do you think joost gets embrassed when she watched her in-game model do sexy moves?
Hypocrisy. When they dress sexy or protest wearing nothing but crime scene tape, it's a powerful sign of independence. When other actually attractive women do it, or men portray women that way, it's cashing in on misogyny and sexual fantasy.
She doesn't even have tits to begin with, even the little breast you think she has is just padded bra. I don't mind, I think it fits her figure.
Wouldn't she have done the mocap?
>It's sexualized for no reason
She's only stretching here. What's the issue?
I hated Bioshock Infinite because the girl wasn't dressing like a slut. She was just a fucking bullet dispenser, a dog would have worked too.
What exactly is wrong with fanservice?
Girls play video games now as well, they are offended by women with sex appeal.
delete this
He hurt you didn't he? Also, like I said, we don't know if that was his "lie" or konami's, and another thing, who's to say he lied? Maybe what happened in the story was something he actually believed would make people feel ashamed for talking mad shit about his character, we don't know that either, it's just people had their expectations too high and now blame it on Kojima.
How come I don't get offended by this?
Literally nothing.
That's stupid and childish. Most video game guys are tall, buff dudes and I don't give a shit. I want to play as them and with them. They're cool.
And why would they be,do you think us neckbeards get offended by the jacked dudes.
How many disgusting Hollywood actors are there?
>He hurt you didn't he?
I'm not the one with his dick halfway up my ass right now.
There is no "they" in videogames. These are not self aware entities that decided of their own free will to dress attractively. They are creations, almost always created by a man, designed to be sexually attractive purely for your gratification. You want to argue about the repercussions of such a thing then fine but don't act like it's equivalent to a woman in real life deciding to dress sexy of her own free will for any myriad of reasons. Being intellectually dishonest does not make your opponent look stupid, it only makes you look stupid.
Neither am I, and even if this wasn't Kojima I would be saying the same thing and defending whoever. Whatever though, people these days like being upset at someone or something, so have at it.
who makes these posts?
By their logic you liking to play as the big sexy boy is a male power fantasy. Why they don't do the same for sexy female characters is beyond me.