You know what the Switch needs right now? 60+ hours long RPGs.
You know what the Switch needs right now? 60+ hours long RPGs
Xeno 2 and Octopath Traveller
Weird, OP. I was thinking it needed more shmups.
Disgaea, zelda and golf story
>Tales of Switch game
Get me a vesperia port and I'll pick up a switch
So it needs to be a PS1?
Its good to dream.
SMT V soon user.
Skyrim is coming
Xenoblade 2 baby
Every system needs more of that
It's the closest thing we have to an old school console.
I don't care if it's a 20hr JRPG. I just want a good one.
60 hour RPGs would require recharging the switch to full 25-30 times!!!
This is true. Same reason I bought a WiiU. Miss those days where good, new, original games, and RPGs, and goofy racers and car combat cart games rained down upon us.
The thing I love most about the Switch is the sleep function, it's just so quick.
What it needs is Smash
We're about to get one with Xenoblade 2 and I wouldn't be surprised if they announce a Tales game for it, whether that's a plus or a minus depends on you since a lot of people don't like Tales these days.
Tales is confirmed to be coming.
It needs dragon quest. They should have locked that in as exclusive.
We got Xenoblade 2 coming out on December 1st.
>From Software will never make a Soulsborne game for Switch
Disgaea. You can easily rack hundreds of hours on that alone
>soul games
yuck! Give us some armored core or kings field
They're on the list of partners, so maybe we'll be getting Armored Core?
I like Tales. Fuck you
>best part of the switch is when it's not playing games
sounds like a shit console desu
Ports not being handed to developers whose website looks like it was made by a 10 year old.