If the Switch is so successful how come it misses almost every game??
I wonder why these games aren't on switch.
Other than the obvious that it is a fucking handheld that should be put down like the dog it is.
This all comes the same fucking week
Devs weren't confident that the Switch would do well, so they didn't want to even bother porting games yet
Didn't the DBFZ devs say that there is no reason the Switch couldn't run it?
Why the smug Sonyfan? Only Dissidia NT is exclusive to Playstation 4
Ni No Kuni 2: Timed exclusive
MH World: On Xbone and PC
DB Fighterz: Ditto, with possible Switch port in far future
Dissida: Port of Japanese arcade game
As for the "missing games" thing, lack of confidence.
>Also on PC
>Also on Xbox and PC
>Also on Xbox and PC
The state of Sonyfags.
And even THAT'S an arcade port.
This doesn't make any sense since PS3 and Xbox 360 has comparable hardware as the switch and they aren't on those platforms either.
>Being this buttmad
All of those have the best version on PS4.
MHW online will be dead on Xbone and full of hackers on PC.
DBFZ will be dead after a week both on PC and Xbone
And i would bet money on Ni No Kuni 2 pc port being shit.
>Pointing out the truth
The Switch is basically a Wii U revision. If a game can't run on the Wii U, then there's a good chance it can't run on the Switch. The Switch's low install base also makes spending money and time downgrading ports a huge gamble for third-parties.
You ignored the point and moved the goalpost in order to shitpost so yeah. You seem quite buttmad.
>and full of hackers on PC.
Even if it was, it's a co-op game, who gives a fuck?
I don't know any of these games other than the DBZ one.
I don't think these games are being appealed toward the Western Market. I don't see how this is "missing almost every game", to who's perspective? Western Audiences? Eastern?
Thats not what moving a goalpost is user
>All of those have the best version on PS4
Nice frog post you retarded frogposter, it’s still the truth.
Because people who run businesses don't like taking risks. If they can make money doing the same thing over and over again they will. The Switch is the new kid on the block and these companies are taking a wait and see approach.
>to who's perspective?
Switch owners.
its factually wrong
>Sonybros bragging with Multiplats
Lol is this bait?
Imagine beeing so butthurt that a console you didnt buy is going to get 2 Gotys in one year
Okay, now why would these people want these games? Why do you think Nintendo or a company hired by Nintendo, would want to port/localize these games?
ni no kuni I was dog shit so who would want the sequel?
>Sonybros are so retarded they think multiplat games are good for their console
Most of these games were made for certain systems in mind.
DBFZ especially wasn't even considered for the Switch because it was probably started for PS4/Xbone/PC around 2015 during when the Switch was the NX.
Besides, I have both a Switch and PS4 so I ain't missing shit and there's gonna be a port down the line anyway
Because these were all in development for years before the switch ever even existed.
It's actually embarrassing that you're all adults and can't fucking comprehend this very SIMPLE reasoning.
you posted the wrong wojak
the fuck is ni no kuni?
rip off pokemon with shit mechanics and animation by ghibli
>DBFZ 60 fps on PS4, most active online, no hacks.
>MHW 60 fps on PS4, most active online, no hacks.
>Ni No Kuni 2, console port, digital = literally buying air.
>Dissidia PS4 exclusive.
>Sonyroaches wants to be buddies with Nintendo fans in Xbox threads
>shits on Nintendo fans seconds later
There's a reason both Nintendo and Xbox fans hate you roaches.
>weeb shit
Why do people think hacking doesn't exist on consoles?
Apply this to every game releasing in 2018.
>>DBFZ 60 fps on PS4, most active online, no hacks.
>>MHW 60 fps on PS4, most active online, no hacks.
these will be better on xbox one x then. no hacks, no faggot japs who suck at the games
Because it’s the truth?
DaS3 is literally unplayable on PC.
>There's a reason both Nintendo and Xbox fans hate you roaches.
you act like we all same people when we not
Zelda is multiplat though
>DFBZ 4K 60FPS on PC, active online, modding
>MHW 4K 60FPS on PC, active online, modding
>Ni No Kuni 4K 60FPS on PC, modding
>Wanting Dissidia a shitty 3v3 fighting game
>The PC versions are all free
PC version is factually superior