What is the appeal of Sniper to new players?
What is the appeal of Sniper to new players?
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Assassin/one shot one kill meme people get an idea from games like Sniper Elite or Hitman
It's the easiest class
call of duty
i have how everyone tries to make sniper look as edgy as possible
It's the hardest class
It teaches you tracking. Something you will need with any other class in the game.
>games like Sniper Elite or Hitman
You must be new.
Saving Private Ryan made sniping popular.
Same thing as spy, instantly killing players and you don't need DM skills. Imagine being a new player and picking scout. The only way you can win is if you end up in a 1v1 vs some one of lower skill or someone who is caught of guard, but most the time you're going to get your ass kicked by a more experienced player. It would be super frustrating after a while not killing ANYTHING. However, on sniper you only have to rely on landing your shot. Even if they aren't particularly good, they get SOME kills as opposed to it being nearly impossible on more DM based classes.
>no mobility needed
>stay in same spot and shoot enemies
>limited mouse movement required
>headshots are satisfying
New players of the game or the genre?
Safety with the distance I'd imagine. I went heavy when I first played, had lots of fun.
What is the appeal of Engie to any player?
Shooting long range without much retaliation from enemies.
High damage and general perception of high skill since you can't rapid fire in succession and have to land your shots to be effective.
Pop culture around a sniper being a lone wolf badass and wanting to be just like that.
Perception like "quickscoping" from other games further fuels the attraction behind being a sniper.
I tried TF2 once, literally many years ago. I set up my controls, joined a server, picked sniper and bodyshot someone twice and got banned. I literally uninstalled. The fanbase in TF2 is easily the most autistic fanbase of any game ever. Given that the game is as old as it is, I can only surmise that, like a fine wine, that autist fan base is even stronger today.
COD audience, he has a sniper rifle and SMG, kids love that shit. Although why anyone would pick a sniper over a minigun is beyond me.
Many games make sniper rifles look like elephant guns which kill everything and everyone in one-two shots. Single-player games especially contribute to it. So, when new player sees that there is readily available class with sniper rifle, they go all in, expecting to be unstoppable. Plus, also thanks to SP games, they think they have good aim, since bots move in very predictable ways.
I dunno user TF2's pretty fucking stupid but based on what you said assuming it's true which I'm sure it isn't, you sound god damn autistic as fuck
tho this is Sup Forums so
>Gets banned from ONE server
lmao what an autist.
>stay in your nest like a coward
>build it near spawn thinking you contribute
>not much requirement to aim
gunslinger + shotgun engie is my third favourite class to play after stock soldier and kritz/ubersaw medic
>Still mad "many years" later
>what is self awareness
>watch AutoAim montage
>Holy fuck I want to be a sniper
>Play sniper
>Hit detection in Tf2 is Ass
>Even """pro""" snipers don't enjoy playing the class because of the inconsistency built into the game engine
Also, there are certain types of players who can shut down any sniper regardless of skill.
splash damage is what makes soldier fun
>gets banned for playing the game how the developers designed it just not how autistic faggot fans in game want you to play it
That is some next level autism
Doing nothing while feeling like your doing something.
Although the engies that don't hide in their cuck corner and actually get shotgun kills are cool
non confrontational
can kill in one shot
"le epic lone wolf badass" stereotype
stop using it, stock/original has a much higher skill ceiling, a couple hundred hours of practice later and you'll thank me
I switch to engi when I see that my team really needs a teleporter right now. Which is surprisingly often.
But I don't turtle. I do build the big sentry, but if it dies fuck it, I want to run around with a shotgun like a shit scout.
>It's a Sniper wearing edgelord items with a sniper rifle that is either in italics or some cool-looking latin word
>Has a dedicated bind that he spams every time he gets a kill
>Throws a shitfit every death
>assholes do nothing all game
>except when one is actually good and gets 20+ killstreak on the same guy for an hour
Fuck that guy, happens to me way too often.
>playing ctf_turbine
>tryhard enemy sniper with killstreak sniper rifle
>he's camping in the ground floor corridor to their intel
>he pops out and gets a kill then runs back to the engie nest
>any whiff of an enemy nearby he runs back to the engie nest
>ends the game with a 25 killstreak
not gonna lie, i got mad.
mobile engie with a level 2 sentry + jag is ideal IMO
I main Medic and Engie because i cant aim
>wears a re-painted The Anger
Why do people still use the razorback? Have they learned nothing from all those deaths to two amby shots?
Same, but why not use Heavy? You just need to get a room-size away from an enemy(s) and click in their general direction. Hell, you don't even need to hit them, the cone of fire will intimidate them.
easy instant kills from far away safety,coward kids just fuckin love sniper
if it was up to me i would remove snipers from every multiplayer game
AWP ruined Counter Strike as well
Cheevo item.
>as soon as there is one good sniper on the team, all the mongs go sniper and there are 5 snipers
>not running up to people and shooting them pointblank with the huntsman like the dickhead you are
you dont know fun
they literally took the pure autistic power and infused it into an entirely new blizzard game. Pretty sure lootboxes pretty much fuel the forgotten choromzones
Low risk for high reward
Anyone else feels like spy's situation overall got a lot better? Sure, he got nerfed in some places and his hard counters are now running all over the place, but it feels like there's now an appropriate number of spies in most games. Usually one in a large team, sometimes none, very rarely two or more. As of this update, it feels like spy players fit into the average team composition and you no longer get ridiculous pick squads.
Engy is great for when you just want to dick around and not need to put in too much effort. Also, Frontier Justice.
Why are the matches so unbalanced? One of the team always gets destroyed
>Supporting teammates feels good
>Going offensive is highly rewarded with a decent team
>You can be actually useful in "serious" CTF matches
>Game changing class in almost all situations (for the better or the worst)
>get locked in the spawn room
>half the team goes sniper and lines up to get shot by the other team's snipers
>other half goes spy and gets rekt by the other team's defense as soon as they walk out that door
>uber someone at the perfect moment
>they completely drop the fucking ball and don't kill anything
tbf TF2 and Overwatch aren't nearly as similar as people think, and making a comparison between the two is inefficient at best.
Because casual matchmaking was a mistake.
>Use Kritz
>They have godawful aim despite being a Heavy, Soldier or Demoman
Bonus points if they proceed to focus an Engineer and his buildings while kritzed
>kritz a soldier
>gets instakilled as soon as he turns the corner
Anger, but also fear.
>Defense on a cp map
>The majority of the team is scouts, snipers, and spies, not a single engi or if there is one he's mini sentry
>Enemy team is all heavy classes
I hate defense sometimes, having a ton of light classes on defense is almost always a guaranteed loss.
>Fire a random crit pill
>kill a kritz soldier and his medic
They did not rage in chat, but I felt the disturbance in the force.
No Skill Requirement
Low Risk
High Reward
The entire appeal to a Sniper is that they're supposedly calm and cool-headed people that can turn the the tide of a war with just one bullet. TF2's Sniper is such one trope and Overwatches Widowmaker is similar but she can only Snipe because technically shes dead inside an unfeeling merciless killer that only really kills for the thrill.
They're also the go to to newbies who are new to a game simply because they know they would be no good on the frontlines and feel that sniping would be the best thing they can do that way people dont see how much they suck while being a small detriment to the team but thats not the case obviously.
>Sniper with lime bills and b.bandanna picking off near dead targets with strange pro killstreak sniper rifle called 'silence is bliss'
>Spams lenny after every kill
>Get him after flanking as soldier
>"Way to shoot the floor, dumbass"
This thread made me remember when I used to run as a rent-a-medic. One scrap for one round. Good times.
>never snipe because only ever see shitters doing it
>do it one day
>im actually really good at sniping and top scoreboards
>rather play scout
its weird feeling
Post more useless sniper pics.
why do people like this stupid shit
So I never knew the strange count transfer tool was a thing until yesterday, now my friend has a rocket launcher with 71k kills.
Reminds me of that match of dustbowl where all the engies built there, never moved up, and so we couldn't make any progress on their defenses and ended up losing.
In TF2 specifically, I think a lot of new players are used to playing on 24/7 2fort servers and it teaches them to play the game wrong.
They always just stand around and wait for enemies to show up from a single predictable vantage point because they're used to playing on a map that only has one vantage point, and they ignore the objective because they're used to playing on a map where pretend deathmatch and endless stalemates are the norm.
>the bodies
>Dane openly dislikes reddit and does shit like this
>He probably lurks here without admitting it publically
reminds me of this one time when some kind of server celebrity autist got mad at me for killing him with primary weapon insted of melee when he was running around with demokinght setup
>Killing friendlies mid-match
Knock yourself out
>Killing taunting/dancing players during pre-setup countdown
because I suck at tf2 so I just build a turret in the flag room and pretend that I'm contributing
I think I feel ya. I only recently realized that sniper is fun with some small practice but honestly I would rather be on the frontlines.
heres an appropriate image.
I don't know what to tell you, I haven't seen that movie and I like sniping.
>one autist starts being le friendly pyro xD
>server joins in and suddenly no one is actually playing the game
christ this will always annoy the shit out of me
One Hit Kill's.
Vote kick the friendly before people the influence spreads usually works.
They stay out of battle
There's very little danger where they're at
All they have to worry about are other snipers and spies
Their weapon is a meme weapon that can kill anything in one shot
They can killwhore without ever having to involve themselves in the match and have to make an important decision
No one expects them to push or cap.
I hate this faggot so much
>cant seem to hit anything when scoped
>end up going round no-scoping people 2-3 times then finishing them with the kukri/SMG
Why? He tells new players to stop being dipshit ctf turtles, is that a bad thing?
Reminder that Kenny was right about everything
>Start killing them all and they lose their shit
back when i played gunslinger caused more raw anal pain than any other class/weapon combo by miles. maybe they've nerfed it
I don't mind that part of him, but it's his voice and fanbase. One person brings him up and then it turns into a circle jerk of "UNCLE DAEN DA ENGIE MANE XD".
It's in the name, stay far away from the action and kill people in a single click.
>enter server
>team is entirely made if snipers, pyros and spies
>use the gunslinger
>accumilate asspain
it still got it
The only thing that annoys me about gunslinger is when we only have one engi on defense and he's gunslinger.
holy fuck thats good. my sniper is dressed like leon the professional.
>enter server
>team is entirely made of friendlies
>vote kicked
>Just saw the professional
why'd he have to die? He was so close
Depends on the game, but usually being a sniper requires the least amount of map knowledge to feel like you're doing something.
Front line combat in games requires the most knowledge of the map. Support requires the most knowledge of game mechanics and systems. Being a sniper is just hang-back-pointy-clicky.