Which one should I get?

Which one should I get?

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Why is this a question?

>Why is this a question?
Why is this a question?

well which one has games you want?

the 3ds is the only one that has games

2DS (or Citra) and Switch



Can you emulate the Vita yet?

All of them, that's the point

cracked 3DS

3DS and Switch.

No, thanks, I already own a PS4

3ds, homebrew it for all those free games.
Only buy switch when it get hacked so you can play pirated games.

The newest one with the most future life ahead of it

3DS has the most games right now

I have the feeling the few WiiU games will eventually be ported to Switch

So if you want games now 3DS if you want long term investment Switch.

the one that wont be dead in one year.

The one who has 2 GOTYs and a future.

>2 GOTY's

Zelda is a Wii U game

Switch still has it

>2 GOTYs
Sonic Mania (on multiple platforms) and...?

>Developed for WiiU
>Best played on PC
Its many things but BOTW isn't a "switch title" by any mental gymnastics.

>officially released on the Switch

Yep, definitely a Switch game.

They're all shit though and none of them come close to odyssey.

Get a Switch, at least then you're futureproof.

Yeah because Nintendo consoles are known for not going through long game draughts

Wii U has a decent lineup but it'll likely get ported. Wii U has the best Virtual Console, pretty much as all the great Nintendo games from NES to N64. Also it's a good way to play Wii games since you can get them digital.
Switch has a lot of great games right now. Zelda, Blaster Master, Mario, Splatoon, definitive ports of Wii U games. And it's going to get all the good Nintnedo games in the future, so it's probably the best choice.
3DS also has a good library, but I wouldn't call it great. It's a good way to play old games though. Also Samus Returns is good.

>anything made by nintendo
nobody buys nintendo stuff as a main console

honestly man fuck Nintendo
they dropped the Wii U like a bad habit and fucked over their most loyal fans before the console generation was even up

is there any reason to get a 3DS if you never leave the house?

BoTW and Odyssey

a hacked 3ds is the best option, put a 64/128gb sd card in there and an r4 card if you want to play DS games and you have an insane amount of games, can play every Ninty handheld and SNES/NES game for like $150

You can set the WiiU up as a pretty comfy emulator if you hack it.

3DS has billions of games but a 240p screen
Switch has nogaems but a 720p screen

Wii U you should buy for under 100$ or else it's literally a scam console

yeah but the whole thing is pretty lackluster, zelda doesn't use any switch feature, it's very much a port more than anything, you can feel it a lot when you play splatoon 2 or odyssey and they run at 60fps with much better graphics

Tropical Freeze didn't use any of the Wii U Gamepad's gimmicks, but it's still a Wii U game. Unless you count the Off-TV play as one, then you could also consider the Switch version of BotW as taking advantage of the Switch's ability to dock and connect to the TV

Vita cause you get both good hardware and nice library. Although switch will probably get more good games in a year or two and hardware revisions

Buy a 3DS for it's current library (which is good) and a few more months of development

Buy a Switch if you like Zelda and Mario. They are both good games and the future library.

Buy a Wii U for the lulz.

can the new 2DS XL also be hacked?

any firmware can be hacked, newer ones require a bit more work though


Nvidia Shield Tv

How long before it can play Switch games?

They're also much smaller in scope. Rendering processes are more demanding on the GPU when it comes to open world games since it renders a large portion of the game all at once. That being said, the switch has a very underpowered GPU and the LOD is terrible for Zelda