
>fun to play
>stuck in a shit game
it hurts

League is a good and fun game if you are above gold.

Hahahahha holy fucking shit that's a riot my friend

>farming for twenty minutes and then having an average of 1.5 teamfights to end the game

ay but is he high tier tho??

Will being a contrarian ever stop being a cheap, easy way to bring attention to yourself?

I think not.

knows whats up

Will being a mindless sheep ever get you the mental stimulation needed of someone with an IQ above 90? I think not. League is garbage and if you play it so are you

What's contrarian about it? Sup Forums agrees LoL is shit, do they not?

Sup Forums is incredibly bad at every multiplayer game they play

League requires less skill than tic tac toe

why are yordles so cute?

LoL is as fun as you make it to be, if you constantly tilt and get frustrated yeah its not fun at all. It has highs and lows and fun metas and shitty metas but its still good imo

>ur just bad lol

doesn't help that people get easily offended when they die ingame like this guy

>It's goos if you tell yourself it is repeatedly and look past all its flaws

league is fun if youre above gold and youre playing vs bronze and silver players

t. rick and morty fan

I havent touched the game since season one
Has really nothing changed?

gnar is concentrated cancer fuck off

this is a character for high q intelectualls

yes nothing has changed, it's exactly the same game

there is no fun anymore

I enjoyed it for a while playing mid with a team of chinks. It was never good though.

i want to fuck gnar

>fun to play
let me know how 27 armor is fun
literally beat the shit out this guy anytime

>Have 2k hours in dota
>Few months ago uninstalled the game
>Havnt looked back since
Im so glad i escaped that fucking pit. Sometimes i do miss playing it but then i remember all the frustration i felt every game. The last 10 or so games i did took nearly 2 hours and i lost all of them.

My favourite character, Gnar should have his own game. Also Rumble.

gnar is NOT for fug!

a game where you can fuck both and keep them as sex slaves

Gnar is pure and innocent.

>tfw boosting accounts to gold
>tfw easy money
are you guys boosting too?

gnar is a pure slut

i could but i have no fun playing this game anymore not even money would motivate me.
hopefully the new runes will make me wanna play again

a game to have a harem of male yordles?

new runes will make everything broken I think

Gnar is 4 years old, guys.
Don't sexualize him

I never understood why boosting was a thing, but do people ACTUALLY boost to get to gold? I sort of see the reasoning for getting boosted to high elo, but gold is just average why would anyone spend money on this??

we're not sexualizing him!

gnar is like 1000 years old so he's legal

my same feelings for fel queen chromie.

I never asked anyone to be honest, I just boost to the rank they want me to, maybe they like the gold border or some shit

they just want people to think they're good or to boost their own ego

This is so stupid, what's the point of playing the game if you're not playing with people of your skill level?

>hey guys look at my rank, I'm better than you haha
>holy shit user you're so good, do you want to play with me please?

the bara husbandos is the only good thing from this shit game

wrong its the shortstack males thats the only good thing

gnar or teemo

I am in Plat and it still fucking sucks. I know Diamond won't change that either but I'll try for it next season.

>Top tier waifus
>Shit game

Every time

I can't seem to win anymore with her, plus I'm getting bad at hitting her Q. Should I just spam practice her in normal queue?


I am Diamond and I only have fun when I troll with Nunu or Tahm Kench

soraka horsecocka

To be fair, you need a very high IQ to fully appreciate the humor of Rick and Morty.

don't bother, learn to play hook champions and carry games by yourself

Oh, you think darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING

>I'm getting bad at Soraka
And no the reason she's less good now is because they nerfed ardent

People are dumb more news at 11

>try it out
>get into games
>some shitlord is 0/7
>tell him he's trash and should neck himself
>get banned for 14 days
I hate multiplayer games, especially the ones inhabited by faggots.

They really did good with the urgot rework, I'm actually playing him succesfully in solo Q

And his ult is so goddamn satisfying to use

I can only enjoy the game if i shitpick assassin mids and do everything BUT lane mid.

I feel you friend, first you get banned for 14 days then you get perma

Why is this rat so lewd?

that's not it
people think that they are good at the game and they're just "stuck in elo hell"
they believe they belong at a higher rank than they are
they dont understand that they suck at the game and just blame their team

you only have yourself to blame. ive been toxic for 7 seasons and most i ever got was chatbans


Oh yeah, League of Legends exists.
How is it nowdays?

The team behind Sion, Warwick and Urgot rework are next level shit. All of them became 100% more fun to play.

I could get behind Galio too if his kit wasn't made "4da esports player"
Yorick is not bad either and Eve still needs some tweaks otherwise she's good.



>noob champion
>full tank oneshot
ahhh the good ol silver chat

They are puching him to build more ap and less tank itens, give him a try now.
Hero Entrace with 400+ ap is so much fun man.

1. Gnar
2. Rumble
3. Kennen

>You will never be double teamed by Soraka and Lamb

Why even live

I abused him when his Q did like 40% of your max hp until they hotfixed it 2 days later.

>Hero Entrance
I know I'm probably shit but I so rarely hit anyone with this ult, I'd rather have it work like pantheon's

>fun to play
>stuck in a shit game
it hurts

1. Kled
2. Ziggs
3. Teemo

i want all three of them to sit on my face


>make an amazing looking champ with godtier voice
>nerf her into oblivion
I'm still mad

Her kit was always shit though.
>dude let's have those two beings
>dude let's have the second being be only VFX on 2 spells


yeah I'm not

>you'll never date a yordle boy
it hurts

twitch a slut

>Make champions designed for a specific playstyle in a specific role
>Other champions almost always end up doing their job better

They obviously added wolf as an afterthough to fit with whatever bullshit the lorewriter decided her background was

>make role called marksman
>move champions from this role to top, jungle and mid to the point where bottom is left with 4 champions

ecks dee

>Best boy
>Old lore
>Revealed face in some shit skin
>Lack of art even gay
>Shipped with slut


kindred should have been a male

trolling in diamond is probably the most fun you can get in that awful game

no matter what list it is we can all agree on male yordles> female yordles right?

wew that's terribly animated

Best thing is that you can't even get banned unless you run it down mid. I recommend playing disco nunu and just eating your jungler's camps.

>Not playing jungle
Laning is so fucking boring but jungle is actually enjoyable, minus this last season.

Super galaxy Kindred looks really masculine actually

>tfw silver 1
>having fun

t. hash

Is Hashinsin the DSP of League?


that gets you a perm ban in league??? that's like fucking saying hello in heroes of newerth