So this is a thing

So this is a thing
>And now Sir Dan fans want to see MediEvil make a comeback, and are assembling a Twitter campaign to commemorate the original release's 19th birthday on 30th October. There have been various rumours regarding sequels to the Sony Cambridge platformer over the years but none have materialised, and outside of a cameo in ill-fated brawler PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, we haven’t seen sight nor sound of Fortesque since the first instalment was remade for the PSP in 2005.

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>>And now Sir Dan fans want to see MediEvil make a comeback
They've always wanted a comeback
Same for Sly Cooper, Ape Escape, Jak and others

Daniel can't be ressurected.
His design is too edgy for kids nowadays.

Yeah, but now they're trying to do a twitter campaign for it

I liked the game but please dont make a kickstarter remake thanks

What are you talking about man?
Kids love scary stuff.
FNAF attracted so many autistic children and I've seen merchandise of it directly aimed for kids

Please make it happen. And give it a decent budget, too. Medievil was great

>fucking terrible marketing
Someone should be fired, fuck this retarded garbage and fuck you for posting it
kill yourself shill rat

But Medievil isn't scary.
Kids nowadays wants realistic and cool looking characters.

I'd like to be wrong though, I loved Medievil so much on PS1.

He's already dead, let him rest.

>kickstarter remakes which panders off nostalgia

any kickstarter that panders off nostalgia has failed

2 and Resurrection were pretty lame games. 1 still holds up fine if you want to play it.

Let it be, stop raping old franchises and make something new. The remaster/remake/reboot/HD meme has gotten way out of hand.

What makes you think they'd turn to Kickstarter?
Doesn't Sony have enough resources to do it and find a new developer for it now that the old one went defunct after RIGS bombed?

>MediEvil fanbase will try to get #ResurrectFortesque trending on Twitter

Good fucking luck with that in the current [politically (libshit) charged] video games industry.
As much as I would love seening old, classic Sony IPs return to its former glory, Nu-$ony will fuck it up and fuck it in the ass. What's been dead is better off staying dead.

sony for the love of fuck, do something right for once. medievil remake NOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!111!!!1!

You already got it :^)

Medievil 3 please, everyone has played through the original a million times.

Is it really worse compared to 1?

MediEvil has a fanbase? I never even played the games when they came out because there was always something better to rent.

Has this ever worked?
I mean for fuck sakes, they just started a petition

Nah, remake Maximo and give it the Crash Bandicoot treatment.

The tone of the game is worse and they removed a handful of the classic levels only to have room for some shitty minigames.

Bruh, when he was the only character announced for PSASBR that garnered any sort of hype as a surprise.
Everyone else was too obvious

>Everyone else was too obvious
I don't think anyone was expecting Spike either, simply because it's usually the apes that represent the series in crossovers.

At last! He has risen! Sir Daniel Fortesque. The hero of gallomere, but we knows better.

inb4 From Software makes it

Everyone knew Ape Escape would be represented in some form

But i don't think people expected that look from Million Monkeys.

>7 new Sony titles are being announced tomorrow
>same day as Medievil's birthday

>1 still holds up fine if you want to play it
Not really. The gameplay itself didn't hold up at all but things like the framerate being shit makes it downright unplayable.

I love medievil, it's one of my favourite games. the only thing they got wrong was the camera which you could attribute to the technical limitations of the time.
if they create a remake, it will be fucking trash. mark my words.

That episode always pissed me off. Everyone just shat on Homer for not wanting to risk and shorten his life (which to be fair was his own fault even if it didn't make any sense whatsoever) and then they just took his kidney without consent and all just laughed about it. I'm fairly sure the writers intended for you to side with them as well.

They already fucking did, and it was trash. I swear what is the fucking average age of Sup Forums that they don't know obvious shit like this?

Who owns Medievil exactly? Who made Resurrection?

who the fuck owned a PSP?

Very different man, dan never even made it to ps2.

>twitter campaign

just fucking release something. campaigning on a dying social media site isn't going to get anyone's attention.

>Making excuses
How old are you?

Sony owns the rights. They sacked the studio, Guerrilla Cambridge, back in January this year. Shame. Primal and Ghosthunter were genuinely good games, but they didn't get anything good in their hands later on.

Too bad sony hates their old IP and only ever pulls them out to shit on them.

fuck a remake, make a new game
I'd love a super gory and over the top game with daniel cracking one liners all over the place

>Sony owns the rights

It's dead Jim

MediEvil doesn't need a revival, it peaked at the first game and everything was downhill from there.
That and if there was another game, it'd be on the PS4 and I really don't have time for that shit.

>I'd love a super gory and over the top game with daniel cracking one liners all over the place

They were super gory all along. Just change the blood color from green to red with a code and you're golden. Also, I'm sure Sir Dan would do great with those one liners:

Primal got released on PS4 at least. From what I've played it's ok.

Also why hasn't Medievil 2 been released on PSN? The first one and the PSP remake are on it.

lol undertale refrence?

Primal is excellent. So is Ghosthunter. They're both perfect examples of PS2's amazing overlooked titles.

Monkey's Paw
Ninja Theory makes it

hm I remember some funny lines he had on the original, it's actually been 20 years soo

>I remember some funny lines he had on the original

The time is playing tricks on you. He doesn't talk shit without his jaw.

>This is a thing
Has this ever worked?

weren't there subs of what he was actually trying to say?

Yeah I'm happy with what we already have and would rather keep it that way. Not everything needs to be a huge franchise.

>Rmake remake remake remake remaster remake remake remake


Nobody mentioned a new remake in the article

How's 2?

>Doesn't Sony have enough resources to do it?
But user, a big company like Sony can't bother wasting money on something like that! They NEED that money to make The Emoji Movie 2!

Worst b8 I've read all day. Have a (You), you've earned.

Replying like this is like downright shouting "look at me, I'm butthurt".

Getting greedy there, try again tomorrow and I might give one again.

MediEvil was garbage though. The combat was awful, the camera sucked ass and the platforming was utter shite...

I always wish I could have played these, but my mom thought they were horror games as a kid and never let me play em. Do they hold up?

Here have a (you) on the house since you seem to be collecting them.

Play Maximo instead. Similar theme, far superior game.


Medievil plays like absolute shit. If you have no nostalgia for it avoid it and I'm saying this as someone that regularly checks out PS1 games and has found quite a few great games.

Fuck, there is no way that 2 separate people have similar opinions... nah impossibooo!!!!

I don't know why you keep shilling such an old game but you've clearly never played Medievil if you think they are anything alike.

It's good, fuck ya'll haters.

That's why they aren't doing it on Facebook :^)

You are a stupid fucker. I said they have similar themes (which they clearly do) where they differ is that Maximo is a PS2 game and more importantly is actually a well crafted and fun game. MediEvil was trash...

I know this board is in a pretty rough shape these days, but still I'd prefer to think that no more than 1 person would have such an underage shittay opinion and taste.

not even official

i don't GIVE A FUCK

once Sony says its real, i will care and be happy

fuck this, OH BOY, I HOPE THIS HAPPENS shit

This is an ad campaign. The fact that this is coming from an official source means it is already in development and they want to drum up attention.

>I said they have similar themes (which they clearly do)
They don't, at all. Play the games before shit posting.

You still didn't answer my question though, why are you shilling such an old game? Is it getting a sequel?

If you played MediEvil and fail to see its many flaws you are probably mildly retarded.

>smug anime girl meme
Oh so you wanted to shitpost all along by implying that MediEvil is a good game. It was actually pretty amusing from that perspective so go ahead.

I tried MediEvil couple years ago, (not a nostalgic game for me, didn't play it as a kid) and boy oh boy was it complete garbage. No new MediEvil games please

The game looks pretty bad but the soundtrack sounds great.

Fuck, Sony have a graveyard of cool old dead IPs almost as depressing as Capcom and Sega.

>Ape Escape
>Forbidden Siren
>Dark Cloud/Chronicle
>Wild Arms
>Arc the Lad
>PaRappa the Rapper /Um Jammer Lammy
>Soul Sacrifice

It had an interesting setting and some clever and witty writing. The cut scenes were top notch for its time but the game was a steaming turd...

>neo/v/ hates Medievil now
Are you sure you're not just venting out Mario Odyssey buyers remorse on anything Sony related? I mean I've never seen people bad mouth this game before, not even on Sup Forums.

and everyone keeps shilling as hard as humanly possible for them, its impressive as fuck how collectively retarded Sup Forums is.

been here longer than you have and medievil is shit

>Are you sure you're not just venting out Mario Odyssey buyers remorse on anything Sony related?
Mario Odyssey buyer's remorse???? What is this blasphemy? Sony fag go home...

While 1 is still better in some areas, 2 is still worth playing, both are very fun.

Dude you have some serious problems if you bring console wars into this.

I've been here since 2009 and every single Medievil thread I've been in has been entirely positive, explain that.

The only explanation that seems logical is that Botw and Odyssey were really as bad as people make them out to be.

>Dude you have some serious problems if you bring console wars into this.
Especially when I just praised MAximo which was a Sony exclusive. Some people eh?

>normies start a movement to resurrect Medievil
>Sup Forums realizes that Medievil is now too mainstream at this point
>declare Medievil shit and dig up some random obscure PS2 game that no one played as the new cool thing
I can appreciate rooting for the underdog, it's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it. I think I'll stick with the normies on this one.

I'm here since 2006 and I agree that MediEvil even though it's rarely mentioned is generally held in good regards. But it's downright delusion to say that there were no negative posts at all towards the game. Even on nostalgia cocksucking boards like /vr/ where they still fellate stuff like the atari 2600 there are a lot of negative opinions towards the trash that is MediEvil.

I literally started playing this today for the first time, I just beat the stained glass demon and got the warhammer. Is there any point in going further? The camera, combat and movement are all arse and the level design has been a mixed bag (the church looping back on itself was nice) but all I've ever heard about this game are good things. Is it just a nostalgia thing or what?

>pic related
Well he sure got that right, guess he's just desperate for attention.

No, the game is shit.

I only played the game on PSP. Sure it was really fun but it was super short too. How did it even get such a big fanbase?

When I was young, my friend told me if I did a certain thing in the game, all the characters would have a food fight during a big feast.

Was this ever possible? Or was he a lying sack of shit?

>no mention of fucking Syphon Filter

They tried too many things in MedEvil, the game has no consistency. What is left is a lot of half assed tech demo shit.

>Indie shit
>Indie shit
>Walking simulator
>Dark Souls ripoff
>PS3 game ported to PS4
>PS2 game ported to PS4
>New trailer for Days Gone By or The Last Of Us

Yess. make him wake up in Modern day LA.

Call it Dan Theft Auto.