Morrowind vs Gothic 2

Let's settle this debate once and for all

Which one is the ultimate king of open world RPGs?

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Ultima 7

I enjoy both equally and think they're really fun games.

If it wasn't for atrocious combat and wikipedia style copy pasted dialogues is Morrowind it would be truly great

But Gothic is better


gothic has better atmosphere and combat, some dialogues and quests are really good
morrowind has better lore and RPG elements
as much as I like gothic, morrowind is probably better

Gothic 2 without a doubt

morrowind plays like wank, gothic for me.

gothic is massively overrated.
all it had going was the nice atmospheric open world, but gameplaywise it was more like some kind of action adventure than an actual rpg.

The obvious answer is Gothic, as it actually has characters, Morrowind just has copy paste NPCs that dont say anything unique. Its very lazy and unimmersive

Is that your ass or your face?

Gothic 1

you say that, but that's just for peasants

Gothic 2 because despite the hilarious voice acting the world and characters actually feel like real people instead of Morrowind's wikipedia poles

wtf is this cuck shit fucking germany racemixers jews did this.

fuck off he's a top bro

fuck off sjw bbc cuck

Gothic is more streamlined and has less RPG elements.
Morrowind had no voiced dialogue and an atrocious combat system.

All in all you can't really compare the two. Gothic was always heavier on the action part with a tighter storytelling but was also more generic setting-wise. I personally prefer Morrowind since it was more alien, had a much bigger world, more factions, more items and more RPG elements.

people piss in the open
people stay in one place all day long

>once and for all
>makes the same thread for the millionth time

What do you mean?

Even in German voice acting was never about capturing the zeitgeist of the 16th century or something. But you could actually hear the social standing of a character by his voice acting. A drunken sailor would have a harsher voice and less sense for linguistic correctness than a mage. A mercenary would always be talking more shit than a Paladin.

This man is objectively correct and probably 30 years old.

This is correct