I want to play some fucking weird games. It can the mechanics, the story, the visuals...

I want to play some fucking weird games. It can the mechanics, the story, the visuals, or whatever the fuck but it has to be strange. Post the most bizarre and obscure games you can think of.

If you don't want to be a faggot then maybe say what's weird about the game you post along with a link to said game. Or don't. I just want to play some unusual games.

Other urls found in this thread:



I just played Mogeko Castle for the first time yesterday, english version is here
It's bizarre but primarily comedic, minimal gameplay ~2-4hrs long.

EDF 4.1
LSD: Dream Emulator

Here you go. Also, it looks like Lone Survivor is also pretty good.

check this game out OP

reccatear or something like that. You open a shop, collect slaves and send them off to die in dungeons, and occasionally go into dungeons yourself.

Thanks for the suggestions so far. I won't keep replying to people to thank them but please keep them coming and thanks in advance.


Holy shit I haven't heard about that in a while. I remember threads on Sup Forums where we would all go and fuck around in it. Do people still do that here?

10/10 post.

Weirdest game I've ever played is google


Shivers 1 if you like old school point and click. You get to explore a haunted museum with strange puzzles. Very atmospheric. You'll need to run it inside a windows XP VM, but most copies of windows come with that for free I think. It's 16 but so it won't run natively on a 64 bit OS. One of my favorite games.

Laura is a slut


What year is this?



If we're going into non-strict video games: Chris Marker's Immemory. Also a weird experimental thing called 18h39 - which is in French but really shouldn't matter as the meat of the game is Blade Runner-like exploration of a picture..


LSD on PS1.

And probably Moon a Remix Adventure (I hear there's a fan patch these days).

Wall Street Kid, Taboo: the sixth sense, Incredible Crisis, Fantasy Life, Gallop Racer, Choro Q, Retro Game Challenge, im sure ive got more, but those are the ones i think of right away.

Even Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon and Minecraft were weird to begin with. I happen to be a big fan of weird games.

What did lynch actually mean by this

Flower Sun and Rain

Lost Boy

...don't play it

>check the steam page

T-there's no mention of slaves...

>And probably Moon a Remix Adventure (I hear there's a fan patch these days).
It's still in progress, but I played through the game in nip and it's incredible.

LOL: Lack of Love on the Dreamcast

It's a semi-obscure art game where you explore an alien planet while teaching various life forms how to survive while evolving into higher lifeforms as the game goes on. It's a bit slow paced but relaxing and a good bit of fun. Also the soundtrack is done by Ryuichi Sakamoto of Yellow Magic Orchestra which is pretty cool too.

It's Japanese only but there's hardly any text so don't worry, you don't need to know any to get the full experience.

armed and delirious

Is there anyone still using worlds.com? Would I experience weird shit if I gave it a try now?

>too much of a brainlet to understand the combat


google kanoguti soft

>Flower Sun and Rain

Is the DS port okay or should I go for the PS2 original?

The Void
One Shot

If you know japanese play the original, it has better visuals and music. The DS port is fine if you don't, though.


Who knows what the fuck is going on in the game?
But whatever it may be, if you walk backwards into gravestones at the crossroads, then weird shit happens.

Cool, thanks.

greatest love story ever told

play the room the video game

find all the spoons aswell


Noby Noby Boy


>All played the games itt and none of the actually good weird games are posted except ones like and

This thread is really bad and proof thaf Sup Forums has become reddit 2.0. Nobody has taste anymore, back in 2010 you'd have these threads and people would recommend shit nobody has ever played.

Is that the one with the labyrinth? Why not? Looks boring anyway.

If you have time and want to slog through 7 routes, then a multiple timelines with evil clones and cute librarian story, to end it up with a fever nightmare, i recommend it to you, also is free.

This is probably one of the creepiest non-horror games I've played.

It's free, but there's also going to be a commercial remake apparently.

Germs: Nerawareta Machi is a strange first-person exploration game where you investigate a town that's being invaded by aliens. It's incredibly impressive and ambitious for a PS1 game but you'll probably have some difficulty making progress if you don't know japanese.
Also seconding these

Doki Doki Literature Club. It was my first VN so I don't know if they're all weird like that but it was an experience.

that reminds me, I've always wanted to play Linda Cube
time to check in on that translation project

Japan's take on Twin Peaks. There's an English patch.

I've been following this game for YEARS. It's probably never going to come out.

I'm actually working my way through this currently, it's really unique.

Galerians is pretty unique


Steam says 2017, so I hope you're wrong.

can you read japanese, or are you just winging it?

Not yet, the patch seems to be mostly complete as of now though, but it's not officially out.

Eternal Darkness
I've never played another game like it

desolate hope, it's free on steam


there's a scene in this game where Shrek gets killed by cyber ants for having sex with a human girl.

I'm not making this up. Look it up.

I'm not fluent but I can grasp most of what's going on. I use a jap dictionary as I play.





Sounds like you should play the Void.

Holy fuck. maybe someone in here can figure out this game I havent seen again in like 6 years.

Theres a game on pc that probably came out around 2011 or 2012 that is in first person, the visuals are extremely colorful and change as you move around, the light on objects i guess could be described as rainbow that changes colors as you move around the area. I thought for the longest time it was called "faster than light" but that is a completely unrelated game. This thing i'm thinking of might have been more of a tech demo than a game, regardless I have never seen it again.


zineth, skiing fast as FUCK

He didn't say it had to be good

Antichamber ?

>Ctrl+F Yume Nikki
For shame, Sup Forums. Fangames like .flow and Yume 2kki are also worth checking out.


Fourth post in the thread.



I'm fairly confident it was not antichamber. A scene outside is what sticks in my head. I'm going to look through some clips and see if i can jog my memory.

You don't say!?


I'd say Drakengard. The story and music direction are incredibly bizzare as is how a game that completely shit and awful to play actually got released, 2 bad sequels and a decent spin off

Oh God I love that game. I expected NotKiller7 but instead got Hotel Dusk on Crack

Dougie will never get a stand alone series


You just walk around an alien city with cool music.

Dougie Jones


its the same thing philip jefferies said in fire walk with me. Meaning Cooper is going through same horrible shit he went through and so its bitter sweet most likely. Cooper used laura as a time bomb to destroy the universe judy took her in but at the cost of his own reality erasing.

Play Thumper if you like rhythm games.

It has an achievement for reading the manual

Watched gameplay, this one looks pretty cool, might have to get a copy off ebay, shame there's no English version though.

Deadly Premonition is hands down the weirdest game I have ever played. Runs and plays like absolute shit, but the wacky story and characters are worth it.


A Slower Speed of Light?

It's literal malware.

>Zeno Clash
First-person fistfighting game in a setting that looks and feels like a Hieronymos Bosch painting. The first game is a linear string of repetitive fights, but the sequel is more open.
First-person puzzle game in the general vein of Portal.
>E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
Already mentioned. Looks like a WH40k total conversion mod for Half Life 2 that got out of control. Features 32-player co-op multiplayer.

Moonbase Commander. It's a turn-based strategy game where building placement mechanics are like those old Flash games where you have to aim and time the power of a cannon shot. When you construct more buildings from your base, it creates a power line from the building you made to the one that created it. Destroying a building that's parent to other buildings kills all successors as well. Since there are no directly controllable mobile units, killing any player's starting building causes them to lose since everything controllable dies.

Of course, if it were just buildings, it'd be boring as shit. You launch all attacks on your opponents this way as well, and there is a large variety of weapons to choose from. Straightforward bomb lobs, bombs that split into multiple smaller ones at the peak of the lob arc, homing missiles, electrical spikes that can hit power cords and damage buildings on either end, crawling bombs that move past enemy shields and anti-air but can be attacked, EMP bombs that shut down all buildings in a large radius for a turn, computer viruses that crawl along the chain of production and shut every building in sequence down for one turn, it's surprisingly diverse for what it is.

It also has RTS-style fog of war (complete with scouting balloons and pylons) as well as resource management (you can drop energy extractors on purple energy pools for more buildings and weapons to throw). It's not an RTS though, combat is strictly turn-based even though certain actions sort of happen in real time. Think Worms. Really fun game, if you like PvP strategy games give this a shot with a friend or two.

Cho Aniki series user.

I'm sorry.

>A Slower Speed of Light?
thank you so much user, I swear I thought it could have been a dream. You found it.

Garage: Bad Dream Adventure
Cho Aniki (series)

You PROBABLY won't find any games weirder than those.

>Cooper used laura as a time bomb to destroy the universe judy took her in but at the cost of his own reality erasing.


To save laura duh. He was going to save her in part 17 when he went back in time at the end but judy teleported her to that dream world (basically our world) in part 18. Cooper found her there and used her scream at the end to wake her up (you can hear sarah say lauras name just like in episode 1 of the whole series) this ultimately destroys the dream but what happens to cooper we don't know. My guess is he becomes nothingness and so its bittersweet. But this is just my interpretation. Lynch is extremely post modern in his approach of this and thinks everyones interpretation is valid. Which many people are annoyed about but whatever, Lynch is just doing what he likes to do best and that is fucking our shit up.

Well if he had luck, I'll try.

There was a thread many years ago about these weird flash games on a devs website. The game in particular that sticks out is like an RPG where you play through as the father I think of a family. It was top down like most RPG maker games and as every day passed things got weirder and weirder until there is a massacre.

I think it was called something like The Himalayan Mountain Incident or something like that.

In the mean time here is another weird flash game.


He was bored.

Twin Peaks makes me rock hard. I ordered the Secret History and it's arriving with the Final Dossier next week.

E.Y.E : Divine Cybermancy
Break a leg.

Stalker can get pretty weird, it is based off Strugatsky after all

Enjoy mate. Can't wait for final dossier

I would say for Deadly Premonition, as well.
Posting with Laura pics confirms this.