Be incredibly hyped for a game

>Be incredibly hyped for a game
>Think it's going to be amazing
>follow every little piece of news that comes out about it
>constantly talk about it on a forum
>it finally comes out
>it's shit
>never get hyped again

What game was it for you? It was Spore for me. I used to follow it on a little site called Hookedonspore from 2006 to 2008. When it came out i played it for a day, and some part of me died. I've never been hyped for any game ever since.

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Spacehulk Deathwing

Never again will I let myself get so excited I buy a video game on release date

that's a pretty nice cat tbqh

No Man's Sky

Project Ego turning into Fable

never had expectations for anything ever again, just wait for reviews and or pirate

That looked pretty good, what's so bad about it?

Still feel like a retard for falling for that hoax.

Oh well, it was my first and last time pre-ordering.

Age of Conan

Pretty soon after leaving the starting area I realised I'd been duped.

The writing was on the wall. user. You should've known that "procedurally generated" was a scam.

Black & white. Bought a new PC for it and everything


For me.. maybe Diablo 3. Built a new computer for it and everything.

Guess it's fine now, but at launched it was really lacking. Never came back to it to try any of the dlc or fixes.

Red Alert 2.

Battlefield 3.

You better be joking

I'm still fucking mad.

But it's even worse now.

guild wars 2 heart of thorns

I never played any MGS game, what was so bad about 5?

Didn't you learn your lesson with GW2 vanilla? I sure did.

Was supposed to be THE game that finally linked naked snake to the evil big boss of mg1. We got like a third of an unfinished sotry instead. Gameplay was as good as the hype though.



I was so hyped and that game was so shit I couldnt even make myself play XV which I was even MORE hyped for. I just don't want to experience that kind of soul sucking again

Fallout 4, I was honestly naive enough to think bethesda would actually take a few lessons from New Vegas.

So just buy it and play it anyway, with an open mind.
I dunno why you´d be hype, since the game looks shit

Same tbqh


i only play pve world so maybe i didnt find any faults with it till heart of thorns shitting all over it with group only map metas

Skyward Sword, then MGSV. FF7 remake is next

>mfw i got your money

How could you look at this face and give the man your money?

I thought BF3 was pretty good??? Way the fuck better than 4 or 1.

Of course I got BF3 after the final dlc dropped, and it was an amazing game.

Probably Cities Skylines, one of the smaller reasons I built my current computer. The others that I can think of I was probably too young or not involved enough in.

I wasn't quite as involved in the hype being 12 at the time, but I still remember when "Super Mario 64 x4" was demoed at E3 and believing it to be a remaster on the Nintendo DS (also mis-believed to be equal on power with the N64 but could play Game Boy/Color games) with an added multiplayer mode instead of a remake that substantially altered the look and feel of the game and not for better.

Danganronpa v3. In the end it wasnt even better than 1. The only boring game in the series

>Garry's mod
I watched a ton of stupid shit like gmod idiot box when I was a kid and when I actually played Gmod, it was nothing but prophunt and ttt servers

You missed the golden age of gmod.

>Implying I didn't pirate it

I'll buy it when ps4s cost like $50 and the game is like $10

It looked good when it was first announced but the more I hear about it, the less I actually want to play it. Both demos were lackluster too. Didnt even finish Episode Duscae


The young one now knows the feels of the experienced.

How does this happen? I'm honestly flabbergasted people get bamboozled out of their money in a day and age where it is so simple to see hours worth of unadulterated content and discuss games with fellow people.

I even preordered it. I played it during beta and seriously beta was much more enjoyable than the final thing.
If you say they fixed it then is there even a point starting playing it now?

Assassin's Creed 3. I know, I know, the series was never great but it scratched an itch for me and I loved the Ezio trilogy. But holy fuck did 3 body all of my hopes and expectations. I won't go into it unless prompted but it was a downright insulting game. The worse part is I bought the $120 edition and still have that giant statue of Connor jeering at me. On the plsu side, it at least woke me up to hype and I haven't preordered a single game since.

it's pretty good now, patches fixed the performance. release was godawful though

mighty no9

I was young and naive

Every WoW expansion since WOTLK and I fall for the same trap every time.

I liked soundtrack

real talk, it was brawl
japan time was a mistake

>mfw i stopped near the end of WotLK

Same as you. I only get hyped for actually good games ever since.

Same, at least i didn't fall for the wod. I'm still mad I listened to my friends and bought legion tho. Literally played for 2 months and dropped it harder than nigger drops its baby.

Only game I ever preordered was Mortal Kombat 9.
But I loved it and it came with book/game holding statues of Scorpion and Sub Zero which I still use. Too bad the spear coming out of my Sub Zero broke.

Red dead redemption. Single player was fucking great, but go back and watch some of the videos for it's online pre-release. Looking back it was like todd howard wrote the marketing. I was beyond disappointed.


>tfw nobody plays awesome gamemods like Morbus anymore while boringfest like ttt stays on top

Same story here, got hooked after watching the full GDC video not long after it came out (not the 35 minute cut that's popular) and then followed it religiously on the spore wiki and gamefaqs. Taught me a valuable lesson about getting hyped for games.

Skyrim. Tho I once got hyped after that, and decided to go in 100% blind. Didn’t make Dark Souls 2 any better.

I became an adult, and life was never good again.


Basically every MMO after SWG:JTL

You and me both. I even got the special edition PS4 with it.

Xenoblade X.
Never finished the game.
Still feel hyped but rarely and not as much as before.

If it's an MMO then you can safely assume it'll be shit.

That doesn't stop me from being hopeful. Fuck late-development EQ and WoW for ruining MMOs for all eternity.

Final Fantasy versus/XV followed since the very first trailer. 10 fucking years of hype and painfully mediocre endproduct

Mortal Kombat X


I upgraded the shit out of my PC for that game too.

Half life 2

Diablo 3, didn't get a pre-order bonus. Game was shit.

Devil May Cry 2 was my first real experience in this. Since then I have been a more savvy buyer.

>Xenoblade X

Same here.

Overwatch, but the let down was honestly a bit prolonged. How they managed to make every mistake Valve did with TF2, combined with even more mistakes in beyond me.

I'm not one to cry shill, but Jesus fucking Christ, this board is filled with actual blizzard shills.

It was a step down from BF:BC2. Made me not even bother getting 4.
> suppression meme
> tripod meme
> scope flare meme
> auto shotgun explosive round
> auto lock on AA missiles
> shotgun sniping nerfed because no fun allowed

Not a vidya but a movie.
Fuck warner for wanting to make the movie grander that it was, fuck snyder for those colors, fuck Geoff Johns for letting them get away with it, fuck doomsfay and Lex jr for being shit villains in a movie that needed no villains, and fuck Grant Morrison for not stoping them with his magic

Dragon Age 2
Mass Effect 3

Good thing I didn't buy any of them. Bethesda and Bioware deserve no money.

Why the fuck were you hyped for all of those? And why didn't you buy any of them after being hyped so hard?


I upgraded my pc for some of them which is even worse.

>tfw got it for free due to a store-error
>Never played it.

And so it was that Rome Total War 2 was released in a completely broken, unplayable, uninspired and ugly state and that user eternally swore he would never be excited for anything every again.

Final Fantasy 12. Was already playing WoW when it came out and the game felt like an MMO without any other players. Only played for 6 hours before never touching it again. Honestly WoW killed my ability to really enjoy or be hyped for any games but FF12 was the first time I had a depressing case of vidya buyers remorse


Dragon Age 2.
I can't even trust a sequel made by the same studio anymore.

Warhammer Online

I remember when somebody discovered that the Chosens auras actually worked in reverse so that the debuff auras actually buffed your enemies and your buff auras debuffed you allies. It had been like that for 6 month.

For 6 month I had been fucking over my team and didnt even now, no one did. The sudden pointlessness of that shitty game then hit me like an atomic bomb and I never touched it again.

>7 years later I got screwed by my GF and now I cant get hyped for women either
>At least Sup Forums feels more like home than ever

>same studio

except they replaced a shitload of people with retards who don't know what they're doing.

Haha faggot. Glad I never fell for the "infinite worlds" meme.

>playing Warhammer Online in 2010


I upgrade my pc for witcher 2 and damn that was so mediocre game. I even pre ordered the collectors edition and I never finished that game.

Because the director straight up lied and released bullshit trailers of things that weren't in the game.

I realized this after the fact. I might keep up with where good directors go, but not everybody. It also seems like if a publisher puts puts enough pressure on a team even people experienced at making quality games will produce shit.

I feel the same but the opposite

>mfw I got hyped for Takedown: Red Sabre
>mfw I got hyped for Ground Branch
>mfw now I'm getting hyped for Ready or Not
just one good game please


Nah it was the 6 first month from launch, couldnt really remember how long ago it was so I just took a shot.
>mfw it was actually 2008

SFV and alittle bit with TEW2 but it died before it came out for me because once I knew Mikami wasn't the head I knew it would be twisted into shit from the first alright game.

Civilization 5 definitely. Killed a great series.

Gameplay wise nothing. It’s one of the best games ever made. The story might have been lacking, I wouldn’t know though since it was my first MGS game

Damn, Warhammer Online was released in 2008? I always thought it was released back in 2006 and then died down quickly.

what did your gf do

more like
>Be incredibly hyped for a game
>Think it's going to be amazing
>follow every little piece of news that comes out about it
>constantly talk about it on a forum
>it finally comes out
>it's really good but I already know 90% of the things in the game, thus spoiling much of my potential enjoyment

What game

The War Z. Never again did I pre-order.

Bioshock mothefucking Infinite.
I'll never not be mad about it.

This shit happened to me with ME3
The whole plot getting leaked 6 months before launch didn't help either. And to add insult to injury pic related happened too