Where should it be set bros?

Memphis ofc



Vice City

I'd like to return to vice city, see how much it's changed since vice city.

GTA VIce City, obvious choice.

1970s San Francisco

UK, would finally make since for the map to be a island

Blade runner 2020 Los angeles.


In the apocalyptic hellscape of America after RINLON LONDO has been President. Some expertly crafted, biting commentary from Cockstar to be sure.


VIce city

We saw East, South and West in GTA universe and it is time for Midwest. Carcer City will be the location of GTA 6. Vice City will never be the setting for any GTA game again. It was a period game. It was all about 80s. Modern day Vice City would never work.

Can't wait for some 'dumb simple midwestern folk aren't they so cute not at all as sophisticated and smart as us coasters' shit.

a smaller, more rural town with a metropolis you can travel to. Base it off of several locations and combine them, such as Seattle, Virginia, New England or the rust belt
>you play a young criminal looking to make a quick buck
>soon you become involved in your towns seedy under world, with corrupt politicians, businessmen and police
>you can pick your crew to work with from a selection, all of which have faults that can lead to problems such as gambling, or pedophilia
>you can kill people on your crew and replace them like in the Godfather pt 2
>those you dont pick become your rivals
>your work your way up through the criminal underworld as you see fit

Set it in the 1920s and 30s





Downtown Austin

90's Russia.

gta jerusalem when?

70's Vegas


60's London, why is that so hard?

GTA VI isn't happening.

Bullworth academy


Are you Memeing or being serious


trash can

I think rock* is finished. GTA V was absolutely horrible and up until then every single GTA was based as fuck, even the map itself was so boring and bland despite having actual beautiful rivers and wild animals in the countryside. SA's three cities with unique country inbetween them was just more fun and it's probably impossible to capture that atmosphere in another GTA game because they'll want to strive to make everything be graphically intensive and "realistic. Something like that would be too much work.

may be a cyberpunk tokyo setting

the capital of no ass land, fuck yeah!

Leaked setting brainstorm from R* apparently

>Miami - whats new? not worth going back to
>Small town gta - tight stories, scheduled characters, ridiculous levels of ambience, every home interior modelled. Every building enterable. More realism - if your wanted you are on the run for a while.
>Vegas 1970s- CASINO?
>Somewhere snowy - chicago/detroit
>Mexico City

Serious. Why would Rockstar bother with another game if they can just milk GTA online with Shark cards? It's now known that they didn't even bother to make single player DLC for GTA V, what makes you think they will make a whole new standalone game? GTA VI is not happening, at least not for another 10 or 20 years.

Hope they go somewhere out of the US, make it in Europe or somewhere more interesting.

this would be good just for R* making fun of their plastic surgery and the koreaboos on tumblr crying about it.

Toronto would be nice but Europe would be more interesting. I story line that happens in the near future (like five or ten years) would be more interesting than something contemporary or set in the past.

>GTA VI not happening
It wont come out until 2020 mark my words. But it will come out.

More than one city where you have to have to purchase plane/train tickets to get too.

Because a new GTA would bank them another $$$ from people who loved V or got bored of online after a couple months. That is the way you milk people, user.

Canada or the Midwest in the future would be sick.

Like in San Andreas?

They would have to up the violence, even for GTA standards. Also I'm not sure how it would play out with the player getting kidnapped and ransomed/executed by the cartel every time they cross the street

If you're going for the future why the fuck would you choose Canada or the Midwest?

No, the way you milk people is with microtransactions just like Valve did it with Hat Fortress 2 and Counter Strike: Skin Offensive. Making a whole new fucking game is financially not reasonable when you can have a steady amount of cash flow, besides they've already made bank with GTA V.

It's going to be VC/Havana. Game will focus on drug smuggling/dealing in the same way that V focused on heist

t. deshaunde

I want more wilderness so there can be pot farms and methlabs to destroy/build/take over. More hidden areas for bunkers and airstrips. I'm sure GTA VI will have an even larger map and more wilderness is a good thing when you have bunkers and assets like that in the game. Also near future will include drones and other objects like that.

No like completely different regions flying from from like Anchorage Alaska to Mexico City and have to factor in the flight in missions. Would just allow for a different variety of maps instead of one big region.

this is from a leak isn't it? do you have the original screencap?

I like GTA IV concrete jungle, it was fun to play. GTA V although massive didn't feel all that big because everything was open.

I dont care as long as they do the pc port at the same time.

I liked GTA V's map but I had a few issues with it since I'm a California native. Mainly the layout didn't make any sense.

>no ass


I'd rather see the people behind Sleeping Dogs it


*do it

San fierro/Las Venturas 1970s

why does everyone talk about where it should be set, and never about what kind of mechanics or features they want to see? same thing happens with elder scrolls. people only seem to care about the setting and not about the mechanics. it's fucking weird.

Alright here's some mechanics I want to see
>line of sight police ai and none of that physic shit
>more melee weapons to pick up from the street
>Improved IV physics
>Chinatown wars drug dealing where drug packages are actually in-game objects with physical properties and not just a static number (actually a reason to have bigger safehouses)
>Max Payne 3 gunplay/movement
>Pawn shops where you can offload stolen goods
>Dynamic heist where you can decide exactly how you want to enter/exit like rainbow 6
>Red dead redemption gore with visible exit wounds

t. potato nigger

It'll be a multiplayer game with a shitty sp campaign as an afterthought, you know it.

>Small town gta - tight stories, scheduled characters, ridiculous levels of ambience, every home interior modelled. Every building enterable. More realism - if your wanted you are on the run for a while.
THIS, this would be truly great. If they keep going bigger theyre just going to get more boring, unless they do something really ambitious like pic related

>Vegas 1970s- CASINO?
>Somewhere snowy - chicago/detroit

honestly these could work with it. A small town setting with a period piece in a place we havent been to yet. At least they could say they tried something different. 5 was ok but actually got boring too fast.

Jeez how long has that autistic fan map mockup been around? Feels like a decade by now

GTA VI: Shark Card City

>Vegas 1970s- CASINO?

Would buy. Casino management would be a lot of fun.

1940's Liberty City with
cross over characters from RDR 2

vice city, 1980s

Every time there's retards like you.

Chicago is the only logical answer.

GTA Doesn't do cut maps.

it is and will always be islands surrounded by ocean, the people posting stupid ass maps take that into consideration please.

I like the idea of Vegas

Carcer City.

somewhere in Texas

I want GTA to go do Mexico City so we can have something close to Total Overdose

>t. brainlet

Miami, obviously.

They should do one set in Europe. Why is literally every GTA set in USA?

w-what's wrong with her boobs?

The devs are from Scotland and they I suspect that they don't really care for doing something like that.

Plus, pop culture is almost entirely American which makes it easy to satirize. Whereas satirizing Europe would be confusing, weird and would reach a smaller audience.

They're natural and probably a little big saggy. Suck on those things faggot.

80s tokyo

That would be pretty fucking rad

I agree

GTA VI should be only in America
Vice city will be cool.


>we will never have this autism GTA map

Current rumors are D.C. or New Orleans.

The entire series is literally a satire of hollywood movies. It wouldn't work in any other setting outside of America. And yes I'm aware that they did an expansion in loldon, but that sucked.

IF they do one in the 70s, it HAS to be Liberty City. 70s NYC was a legit SCARY place.

Something in the UK would be great so long as they condense the overall flavour of the country within it rather than just fake London. Having a major port city, some rolling countryside and a couple of former industrial towns turned to service industry focused to mimic Yorkshire with a clear North/South divide would be amazing.

They've already done 70s NYC with The Warriors

>>Small town gta - tight stories, scheduled characters, ridiculous levels of ambience, every home interior modelled. Every building enterable.

This would be mind-blowingly amazing.

>another american that believes all games should be set in america

>third worlder desperately clings to fantasy that his favorite game will be set in his irrelevant country

>1930s GTA set in Illinois as a Public Enemies/Bonnie&Clyde/Untouchables homage when?

id like to see Rockstar take on a latin country
something inspired by 1980's columbia

I want Miami, but a small town in the Deep South would be awesome.

Athens Georgia

>Bigfoots as roaming creatures
>Nuclear silos
>fucking Nazis
this map is the endgame of the entire GTA franchise