>Playing a game
>Pick up a fun-looking companion
>They reference casual sex with someone other than you, the player
Aaaand dropped
>Playing a game
>Pick up a fun-looking companion
>They reference casual sex with someone other than you, the player
Aaaand dropped
She was a degenerate whore.
>Being so insecure that a woman you JUST met and have no former relationship with talking about having sex with someone makes you dislike them.
This shit is why we needed the Unity.
Who wants to be friends with someone who talks about who they're fucking when you first meet them. I don't want to know who my best friends are fucking, let alone some post-apoc stung out slut.
Imagine being so insecure that you feel cucked by pixels.
Do you really expect a virgin waifu in a postapoc setting? She probably suck your dick when you were resting and you didn't notice
Cass is the worst.
>I'm such a slut lol!
>Sex? With you? Nah, you'd just break my heart!
Even in the ending she fucks someone else instead of the courier by mistake.
You can turn her in to the Van Graffs and the huge nigger will kill her for you.
>turn her into the van graffs
>smile as roastie gets toasted with laser beams
>by mistake
She busts into the Courier's room intending to ravish you, sees someone else in bed and fucks him instead because he's cute. She knew what she was doing
Oh ok. So if 2 dudes talk about sex, it’s jit’s cheeky boy talk. But a chick talks about sex and suddenly ew, retreat back to the boys only clubhouse.
I liked her, but this ending slide really spoiled the epilogue.
Fuck you, Sawyer.
Hmmmmm... It's almost as if Sup Forums has a problem with women.
Really makes you think.
>playing games with non-female NPC's
back to neogaf with you faggot
>Has a fucking heart attack if you side with House
t. dumb roastie who doesn't understand gender dynamics
We don’t have to live by the status quo, fuck boy. And what’s a roastie?
wait, really?
I bet you horny dogs would fuck anything if the game allowed it.
>tfw I just want to watch everything get fucked by tentacle monsters
Yep, she inherited cardio problems from her father, which is also the reason why she hates drugs
Wait. really? I never kept her around and even took the lesbian instead.
Does this actually happen?
Can you even romance any character in NV?
it's a way of not so subtly implying "no big ideas"
Huh, I checked. IT DOES.
What a slut.
Fuck this shit. I play vidyas to escape reality, not relive it in a different setting.
"I can only enjoy games if I get to be a chad"
Go jerk off on your body pillow you faggot
You'll never be able to escape reality, so you should probably just off yourself.
Wrong. Escapism generally works pretty well for me. But there are some annoyances like these sometimes.
You seriously have no interest in who your best friend has sex with? Not even just for casual conversation? Do you have autism?
That's ok. I prefer to spend time with my grandma instead.
>everybody must suck my dick
Yeah nah, go play a bethesda shovelware if you want that.
Can you not put yourself in someone else's shoes for 5 seconds? It's no fun to think about when you've been single for a very long time or forever.
all women are whores
>talk to a chick
>reveals she'll bang anything after a few drinks
>she's a borderline alcoholic
Oh yes
>Aaaand dropped
Here is what she looks like in the real world.
nice feet
>ywn hook up with a southern belle that's as fun as Cass
I just want her to call me sugah
Not you though, she likes you too much.
>alcoholic with heart condition that's almost 40
You're not missing much
You could, even outside of your companions. But they're all so fucking prude that the first sex i had is with the fisting robot. As a male character.
Sarah and Red Lucy, probably one or two others I'm not thinking of
>Say one good thing about The Legion
>Flips his shit and goes full autismo
Whats his problem?
>the fisting robot
kek me too and I remember it being kind of an accident.
"What? OK let's see where this is going. Wait no. WAIT WAIT WAIT. Fuck."
They really made you jump through hoops though.
>sex = romance
It's been 10 years since I had sex and I talk about it with my best friend all the time. speak for yourself nigger
Nobody said that. Nothing wrong if she rejects the courier's advanced, but ending just contradicts with her character.
if you unironically sided with Daniel your an idiot
They kind of stole his wife. He's not even 30 and his life is ruined.
Numbness will subside in several minutes
>Not modding in companions to fulfil your waifu needs
Your fault
>He's not even 30 and his life is ruined.
This game just got a whole lot more relatable.
If you didn't at least talk to Daniel and find out why he wanted to evacuate before siding with Graham, you're an even bigger idiot
Isn't the Courier supposed to be like 30 or something?
If you have the Lady Killer perk and meet that one guy in the Strip who doesn't know who his dad is and mentions a mom back in Montana, you can nervously ask if he's 17.
more like NTR
Courier cares about nothing but the job.
Prove me wrong.
>playing with companions other than whatever version of dogmeat is available
You can have a dog companion on top of a non-dog companion. There's only a robodog in NV though. I prefer the eyebot.
He will handle your package if you know what i mean
The Courier is however old you want them to be, they're a blank slate character. What you think they should be and what you make them say is what defines them.
If you're not male, don't take Lady Killer or don't use that particular line then the Courier's age isn't established in that conversation
EDE is acceptable as well. But it's supposed to be a solitary existence.
You have to be a retarded evil homosexual to ever even think of siding with the legion.
ah, so youre the cuck of the friendship
Post your Courier.
Yeah I agree with that.
Companions help you carry stuff though. That's probably the main reason I have them.
But also you need to hang out with them long enough to get their fucking quests. I think that was wrong to do it that way.
The "party" system of companions isn't right for Fallout I think (even though they've always done it this way).
degenerate detected
Well what if i am, still better than faction that can't notice spies under their noses
>he joins factions for things like "improving the Mojave" or the "betterment of mankind" or "morality"
Caesar is the only one of the four who pays you on the regular
but, she is still a virgin, right?
or just a normal person
Dude, I am swimming in caps, weaponry and play lego using gold bars in my room. I do things because they amuse me and fit my own personal morality.
>People always put Cassidy as one of the best companions
>I always play on Hardcore since it makes the game a bit more challenging without being to annoying ala J.E. Sawyer Mod
>Has extremely pitiful health
>Shotgun weapon only good at close range
I only ever used her when doing an alcohol run and refuse to touch her since.
On the subject, is Boone a bit too OP? He has some of the highest health and can one/two shot most enemies of the same level. I know this is meant to compensate his Legion hateboner but really, how often do people even WANT to join the Legion?
What the fuck user
"Sorry, I can't be happy for my friends because I'm a sad lonely virgin"
REE in peace fag
IIRC Boone's gun skill is actually 125 or something.
I guess that's what you call forced bad acting.
Is she a motion capture actress for pixar?
That's stupid. Like I love Boone as a character and companion but that is almost as stupid as that one Super Mutant companion in 3 with a minigun and the power of invincibility.
Sure I can be. But why tell me about this?
Like you don't talk about food to someone who is starving or I don't know. Geeze.
Especially if that friend is a woman and can get laid whenever she likes like it's nothing while she knows that you can't.
And juggernaut dogmeat.
>Doing any of the killing himself
I'll bet money Caesar's never even been in a fight.
>using them when it's not required
I guess Sup Forums really is casual
Cass' quest involves wiping out two factions which makes it really nice.
She is an opera performer.
You have to over emote so emotions can be read further back.
tfw jsawyer makes it really easy to "let go" because the gold bars are halved in value and they're almost not worth taking to sell because of their weight:value ratio
Companions add additional challenge, like having to guide a 4 year of through Stalingrad.
Also, I enjoy Rauls quips.
He isn't invincible. It just happens that Dogmeat and Fawkes suffer from shitty programming, which makes their helth increments per level skyrocket as you approach level 20. At level 30 they are both juggernauts that need several nukes to put them down.
>naming this webm anything but she sees your dick
you have failed as a person
what a dickhead
They don't even help that much, except for Boone maybe. Also you kind of need them for personal quests.
As a note, Dogmeat's puppies are even stronger and sturdier than their parent. Twice so.
Barely enough for autists to read it from 2 feet though.
>That armour