>The final boss sucks at the game
The final boss sucks at the game
So, is the game on Steam halfway decent for a casual read solo player ? Is there enough single player content for the game to be worth it (like the game boy games) or not ?
he's not even the final boss though
Bakura was an absolute jobber. Completely irredeemable.
Play Duel Links
We even shill the game on the back of real booster packs and it's coming to Steam this winter.
What game boy worth it senpai?
>final fight gets paused so that a new series of enemies can come out of fucking nowhere and stall the series for months
>The final boss fuses with the protagonist to become the real final boss
Only if you tell me how to regain my acc back after I didn't link it
Start all over not like it's hard to catch up. They shit out gems for new players and you bet they will have campaigns for PC niggers.
>The final boss is making a trap that turned into a baby smile
Arc-V was a fucking travesty, I can't believe how hard they fucked it up
I remember some GBA games to be good. The one I played the most was probably Worldwide Edition.
No. Emulate or play YGOPro.
Utawarerumono did this as well.
That was kind of a shit ending.
No, don't play it. Links gameplay has nothing to do with OG YGO, and will get the trash parts of the game soon.
>your bro was the final boss all along
>havent played since Tag Force 5
fuck man i thought some of those 5D cards were bullshit i cant imagine whats out now
>final boss gets destroyed by 1 spell card
>The final boss is the strongest at the game.
>Beat him anyways
>Marik sucks so bad at the game the only person he actually won against was himself in the entire arc
>4000 LP
>Tribute rules
>No syncro/xyz/links/pendulum/retarded mechanics
>Speed duel format just like battle city during the anime
>and will get the trash parts of the game soon.
It really is quite interesting to see a game begin again like Duel Links and proceed with hindsight, changing or actively excluding things that caused problems in the past
Obviously we are still getting stupid shit (hello cyber angels) but this alternate timeline yuhioh shit is weird
>rival is the boss
>he breaks the walls of reality and fiction with his autism just to play a children's card game with you
>game rules
>4000 LP
>His unique ability in Duel Links
>LITERALLY has the ability to draw any card he wants GUARANTEED once he loses half of his life points
>isn't even a popular skill
when you put it like that technically he didn't win a single duel
He's the best character. Constantly shitting on everyone and just focusing on one single goal.
>Final Boss is the Protagonist's best friend
>He has all your best items
so Legacy of the Duelist isnt worth it? i checked YGO online and its some Dawn of a New Era but looks like they got recently hacked
I really hate that costume, his Duelist Kingdom one was so much better
Its a shame most of Zexal is shit, because Zexal II is actually pretty good
Its pretty much OG Yugioh lite. Pretty decent for mobile game, I can see why they made the changes, a standard duel would take too long for the average mobile game duration
Im hoping with the Steam release they add a full mode. But they probably wont.
I really hate you people
>Sidekick almost defeats the final boss
Post Ishizus.
>Rival stops bullets with children's playing cards
>Rival almost drops a nuke because he almost lost a children's card game
>Rival builds a Blue-Eyes White Jet
>Rival builds a Blue-Eyes White themepark
>Rival's autism keeps him from being erased from reality
>Rival makes his own virtual high-fantasy world and makes his little brother the princess (male)
>Rival launches a spaceship into the ground to go fight a dead guy in the afterlife
>tfw you will never be Kaiba
That user right at the end of last thread was bullshitting about the Ishizu video, right? Because I couldn't find jack fucking shit.
>Rival threatens suicide from losing at a children’s card game
>Rival teaches aliens to play children’s card game
>Beta version is a better version than the release version
Seto Kaiba is the absolute madman
Personally I like his white outfit. It's got a knightly feel to it. But is Duelist Kingdom outfit is just stylish. Not to mention it's easier to cosplay as this than any of his other outfits.
>The final boss sucks your cock
>He actually buys the BS
T-t-they ended up together, r-right? Please tell me they did ;_;
>It was all part of your plan
>You wreck him with your personal gear
That's an understatement.
What the fuck was his problem.
>heh, oh shit i dont have main character plot armor
shit gave me feels.
>Literally wins 1 duel against Bones.
The only duels Marik wins are because Ra is bullshit.
Although you could also attribute his duel with Yami Bakura to the fact that Bakura was stupid enough to not remove Ra for his Necrofear or setting monster reborn down before exchange.
But I guess that's just asking which shitter is shittier, and that falls on Yami Bakura anyway
I always though Alexis was their daughter in the anime.
fake news.
Autism and having access to an infinite amount of money.
This is what peak autism looks like
I'll ask again, what is this from
>didn't use KUNAI WIT CHAIN
He got what he deserved
>the state of Yugi's final boss
>localization butchers everything
Card game Vegeta, except he actually wins.
What is the story of yugi yoh anyway.
>final boss summons 2 extra minions in one go
He absolutely was.
The Arc V tag force game for the PSP
You can't find an even more incompetent final boss than Bakura anywhere in the planet.
He was bullshitting. Name is Nathalia Uasapud, no porn in sight.
>sends a children's card game to space to show aliens art
Kaiba is truly the ultimate autist.
i do not remember tea and serenity looking so fine, goddam
Yea spent a few minutes skimming.
Sup Forums has sunk to new lows
short ver: Ancient egyptians fought with magic and actual monsters. Japanese schoolboy accidentally summons the pharoah of that time who was sealed away.
American millionaire makes a card game based off what he saw in Egypt. The madness continues into the modern age.
Magic the Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons become hardcore as fuck.
From a poor fan translation of ARC-V.
Seriously though that translation can be cringey.
>Final boss is not the KING and gets beaten easily
>sequel to facebook
Is this real? Who else can you romance? Please tell me Kaiba is possible
>final boss gets beaten early in the story
So is it worth it to watch Yugioh subbed?
Daily reminder.
You tell me, user.
>antagonist ends as the protagonist wife
You're only a REAL FAN if you watch it subbed, all seasons and play pendulums. AND duel links.
everyone goes on about how censored the dub is but i think the cheesiness is part of the fun
i thought that was a choker at first
>season 3
I needed a break from this ad marathon anyway
I'd say it's worth a look. But if you really want to get into the unedited series, the Manga is a must read.
>That music
Oh my.
the dub is better
i actually liked the Deck Master concept but it never got expanded on i think or it died faster then Dungeon Dice Monsters