>stealth pistol: MK23
ITT: the single perfect gunfus in their class
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Nice toy, not the real deal.
you only like that piece of shit because of the bulky flashlight
fuck off
ok kid
OP posted the M23 from MGS. That's a laser, not a flashlight. You're thinking of the USP from 2.
I've always been a fan of the C96, because I'm a huge naziboo.
>tfw can't go to the range and practice shooting without rednecks wanting to discuss how loud their gun is or how fun it is
>tfw they still don't leave me alone after I tell them I don't find guns insteresting and I only own one to protect my family
>retirement-home pistol class
What are you a homo?
>luddite who finds engineering marvels uninteresting beyond their practical application
>calls others rednecks
They can tell from your appearance you don't really have a family
the 1911 is an american treasure and i will NOT stand for her name to be slandered. goodbye!
I can smell the Chinese plastic from that children toy. If you want to get a gun without a license, get a non-functional replica.
Ever since SOFII I've always preferred the MP5 Navy without the integrated suppressor, not sure why
>people talk to me sometimes and it makes me uncomfortable because i am gay
Just buy a ton of land and shoot there.
>being this autistic
Always found Wesker's beretta to be oddly sexual
It's good to see another man of taste
>nigger blaster: Sawnoff Shotgun
I thought faggots don't go to gun ranges?
>folding an MP5 stock
GoaT submachine gun though. Back when they were useful.
Wayne Rooney is smarter than you.
Nah, soon every gay person will be packing heat
what gun is that
DP-12. Double Barrel pump action meme shotgun
It's literally printed on the gun you blind wanker.
DP-12. It's a pump action double barrel shotgun.
jesus christ it says DP-12 right on the stock you fucking mongrels
westaboo is the term. Don't ask
>average intellect of a gun enthusiast
Pink Pistols, dogg. "Armed gays don't get bashed" and all that.
I hope a nigger breaks into your home faggot
It's shit.
>gun without a license
What shithole do you live in where you need permission to own a gun
Wehraboo. Westaboos are Asians with hardons for European culture
>mfw mk23s are several thousand dollar unicorns
>mfw that LAM is even rarer and would cost a fortune if you actually found one
Why? Because I only care about guns as a way to defend myself instead of a toy? That's some leftist mentality you got going on, bro.
>I don't find guns interesting
Wow what a fag
>License for a gun
>westaboo is the term.
No it isn't.
Because you're belittling people for enjoying something you don't despite clearly seeing the advantages and how someone could be interested in it.
>for the price of 2 of them you could get a WA2000
How did you get that out of my post? I'm complaining about people not leaving me alone despite me clearly not being interested in guns as a hobby. I never said you faggots shouldn't look at it like a hobby, just that I don't.
If you really thought I was belittling anyone then you have some extremely thin skin, just like a leftist faggot.
ur shit
>go out in public
>people talk to me
First time i saw this picture in 2009 i laughed so much that i couldn't breath it was 3 am and my dad ran into my room and beat the shit out of me
MK23s aren't that rare actually, its just that you can get a nice AR or SCAR for the price of one.
They're neat, but my Automag in .30 Carbine is cooler.
of shotguns
>gunfu thread
>"umm aktchually I don't even like guns, I merely use them as a means of self-defense"
Who asked, fag?
Did you see all those yous calling you a faggot, bru?
>the only gunfu with a jet aircraft mounted on it
That's cheating m8 but still perfect
The Samurai's Edge in any incarnation is incredibly cool. Barry's is cool but Jill's classic will always be my favorite.
that's pretty hot user
Which out of the M9 and M19 is the most overrated gun of all time?
>non-threaded barrel
M9 for sure, did nothing new or better than anything else on the market at the time
Why is the laser attachment so fucking huge?
>having to own a gun to protect your familly
How is the weather in the 3rd world ?
I thought it said OP 12 because that's how old this one is.
What's a good cheap pistol for a skinny manlet
nice iv'e always liked deagles
Adds stability and style.. and probably a longer battery.
S&W Shield 9mm
it really is a plain ugly gun without it
Hi point.
>current year
>anything other than sriker fired
No thanks gramps.
>look at me im so cool
fuck you kid
Snubnose revolver.
Has a nice squarish look.
pure skills
FNX 5.7 or Deagle
That's an option I've considered but I'm not ready for that yet.
I love this gun, especially when it shots from both barrels at once, the double fire might kick like a mule, but the noise it makes is just orgasmic.