
>good story

these two will never coexist in the same game. Prove me wrong

protip: You can't

Other urls found in this thread:


System Shock 2
BioShock 2
Resident Evil 7
FEAR 1 and 2

>good anything

>Resident Evil 7
>good story

The OG CoDs were fucking fantastic. Brilliantly atmospheric. Of course, this was in a time before FPS and WWII shooters had saturated the market.

delete this


Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2. If you disagree you're a contrarian faggot.


stalker has good gameplay, not story

>any cod game not 1-4
get off my board underage

Metroid Prime

Hello contrarian

>game with no story where you just kill bosses in different areas
you must be 18 to post here

What is System Shock 2.

Half life


>muh scientology scan lore

fuck off primefag

a game that doesn't look like dog vomit

Halo CE and Halo 3
System Shock
And more.



>good story
are you high?

Stalker and half life comes to mind.


stalker has a shit story. the atmosphere and environment is what carries it through

What is Deus Ex?

a story that is good

First time i saw this picture in 2009 i laughed so much that i couldn't breath it was 3 am and my dad ran into my room and beat the shit out of me

same, only it was my sister's boyfriend and her laughing at me while he pummels me

>Resident Evil 7

You can’t move the goal post.

Clive Barker's Undying

I just did. What are you going to do about it?

Marathon Trilogy

Good believable writing and world building


the british parts of cod1 and uo were really great
a lot of it was good, even if there were lots of references to movies

Kindly and sternly inform you that you have lost the argument. Congratulations! Sup Forums has shown you the FPS’s can have good stories.

Halo 2

It's not a narrative masterpiece or anything, but it's the best "simple" FPS story I've seen: Characters undergo development, there's multiple narrative threads, there's we've of character relationships, and there's effective use of environmental storytelling and story/narrative information built into the mission's, not 0nly just cuteness. There's also a lot of hinting and allusions to lore and backstory info about various parts of the universe that would later be more fully explained in novels years down the line or hives extra context if you've already read some of the novels.

ODST is also decent for most of the same reasons, though with more generic characters and themes, but also way better use of environmental storytelling and loads of symbolism, some side outright wrote a 17 page article just about the dantes inferno symbolism in the game: forwarduntodawn.com/nine-levels-underground/

You fucking what? CE barely had a story, aside from the main twist it's essentially just an excuse to justify going from mission to mission. 3's story was generic video game action movie plot.

Id argue atmosphere and environments can be an element of a good story if narrative or thematic elements are coveted through them. I haven't played the stalker games though so I can't comment if it does there.

fuk u

>video game
>good story
When has that ever happened in any genre?

>Hurr durr I can't read
I'm sorry your brains are so small that you need an NPC constantly talking to you or cinematic cutcenes to get anything out of a story.

>i-i-if there i-i-is no s-s-story that means t-t-there is one but y-y-you're to dumb t-t-to see!@!@
what has Sup Forums come to

The first Unreal.

Nigga, there's scan logs fucking everywhere. It's your own dumbass fault for having the attention span of a gnat and ignoring everything.


>He's never played the Timesplitters series

Halo trilogy doesn’t have a good story, it’s pretty generic, but the dialogue and character interactions are both amazing and memorable over a decade later.


>day 1: just boring shit
>day 2: oh shit aliens!
>day 3: plz send samus lol

great story

Stop reminding me this exists. Why couldn't he save her Sup Forumsros?

To be fair only future perfect has what you could consider a good story because the first two have no story at all, and even then it’s more of “Cortez gets in wacky situations” but the humor is timeless.

because she was too pure for this world

>He only played the first 10 minutes
A pity, really.


>BioShock 2
>Resident Evil 7
>FEAR 1 and 2
>Good story

That's true but the levels in 2 felt like they still managed to tell a bit of a story. Breaking your mate out of prison and killing the corrupt mining overseer, zombie research going wrong in Siberia, stuff like that.

delete this now

>caring about used goods

The first Star Wars movie and all three Indiana Jones films are the same, but people love them anyway because sometimes people just want memorable dialogue and characters.

I want whoever made the prime games hanged and shot by a soviet firing squad

EYE: Divine Cybermancy

DX is a FPRPG not an FPS

>Losing an argument with a random user online
>Resorts to calling for the death of the devs
Never change, Sup Forums

kill them all user

He was just a teenage boy at the time. I always get feels when he tries to call her but she gave him his crush's number, then it skips to him still thinking about her years later.

If they never made that game I would've never been BTFO on Sup Forums

Deus Ex


>COD 4

My nigga.

but Sonic can be considered an anime and an anime character because of Sonic X.

Halo 2 has the best story though you fucking retard

>good story

>Not trying to save the used goods and purifying her

The Darkness 1


Nah squirt, you're just retarded.

who cares?

Sonic was originally made in japan.
Try a different image with a different mascot that isn't natively Japanese

The damage control this kid is pumping by out. Kek

I'm not that same person. It's sad though that literal children don't know the origins of that hedgehog. A real shame

Titanfall 2

Yeah, them claiming it's anime and shit. So stoopid

I mean... maybe Breakdown? If you consider it an fps that is

Why does this picture make me so sad? I don't even know who that is.

Deus Ex nignog.

It's you don't know.

The original Prey.

Semete, Ano Yuki no You ni