What is the point of having a dodge function if enemies are going to auto-target me and do a 360 mid attack and hit me...

What is the point of having a dodge function if enemies are going to auto-target me and do a 360 mid attack and hit me no matter what I do?

Dodging in this game is broken.

Git gud....at making mechanics that actually work.

Inb4 adaptability, what a fucking terrible idea

you back up, wait for the animation to finish, and them hit them, jesus christ

Never had that problem but Darksouls 2 is a pretty bad game so ill bump

To avoid the tracking I think maybe you just have to wait slightly longer to dodge and choose wisely what direction you roll in

Adaptability is the key
More iframes to avoid broken hitboxes

Doesn't change the fact that dodging is broken.

The mace wielding Old Knight near the Heide's Ruin bonfire magically hits wherever I dodge to, which is fucked up.

In DS3 dodging works flawlessly.

That too, base adaptibility means your timing needs to be on point but since it isnt tied to the speed of your roll its harder to figure out the window id say

While the tracking is jarring and overboard i kinda like that it keeps dodge spammers in check. Was 3 your first? Because rolling was laughably imbalanced in your favor in that game, you can start with heavy armor and immediately fast roll with many i frames where 2 is the opposite

Kek. I prefer enemies getting an occasional hit on me with a low adp build to the shitty dodge mechanics in 3.

Technically my first was Bloodborne, but first Souls game was 3. I troed DS2 first though but gave up pretty quickly because I did not like it, but now that I have been playing DS3 alot I have DS2 a shot. My opinion has not changed.

Dark Souls 2 is the ultimate casual filter. You really need to git gud, OP, and stop complaining like a butthurt little bitch.

Delayed attacks with tracking are harder to dodge and there are stats tied to your invincibility frames during dodging. Dodging properly takes practice from the player and stat investment from the character. The fact that you're butthurt from Heide's indicates you probably haven't gotten far enough for either.

In short, get good.

>Dodging in this game is broken.
I agree, dodges make it way too easy.

get a shield

proceed to own 99% of the game

DS2 requires you to play slower and more methodically than any other game in the series, especially Bloodborne and I Can't Believe It's Not Bloodborne. Especially early on when you have shit stamina, equip load, and agility, you have to make every roll count and focus on getting away from the enemy rather than just iframing through their swings.

If you don't think it's fun, don't force yourself. There's no reason to play a game that you don't enjoy.

adaptability was such a stupid fucking decision to add in. I have no clue how that actually got in to the final product.

Dude, you're just really bad at it. It's prolly not for you. It's not for eveyone ya know. Move on, kiddo.

>DaS3 dodging is "flawless"

Read your enemies movement and dodge on the right time, easy

Going back to Crash Bandicoot.

I can't believe it's not bloodborne
Best fucking way to describe ds3

No idea but you have to work with what you got

>I Can't Believe It's Not Bloodborne.
Bless you

The fact that this thread weny from consoles to creepy waifus amazes me

Say what?

Dark Souls 2 is balanced around the invincibility frames, not using dodge to, you know, actually get out of the way. The rest of them after this game are like this too, I think it's pretty stupid.

Close some tabs fergodssake

>Dark Souls 2 is balanced around the invincibility frames,
which in the case of DaS2 it's tied to a stat.

None of the other Soulsborne games have iframes tied to a stat

>I think it's pretty stupid.
this wouldn't be a problem if models and hitboxes were kept visually in sync. instead we got an abomination in where you can jump and land somewhere else then still get hit by an enemy when their attack lands where you had initially jumped from.

what er, thread you on there buddy?


DS2 has awful hitboxes, i-frames tied to a stat, and terrible tracking. How it manages to be more cumbersome than DS1, which only had 4-directional rolling, is a fucking mystery.

>i-frames tied to a stat
like every other souls game?

ADT - 10+
Also, time your dodges moron

No, the i-frames in Dark Souls were static. Even fat rolling had its uses since the i-frames were unchanged, you just couldn't as quickly out of a roll.

>Equip load being even remotely comparable to AGL
Here's your (You). Spend it wisely.

>like every other souls game?

No. DaS2 is the only game where the amount of Iframes you have is tied ot a stat

>Also, time your dodges moron
can't time when they track your rolls

>wtf why can't I just pump up END this is bullshit

>can't time when they track your rolls
That doesn't make any sense, time your fuckign dodges m8, it's literally the base mechanic of all the souls games, just fucking dodge at the right times

>That fucking faggot smelter demon
D>oes that fucking impossible two-handed vertical slash that one shots you. No matter where you are or what you do. even if you are behind him when it hits the ground.

Dark Souls fans are actually whiny scrubs who complains whenever the game tries to level the playing field. They want the players to be overpowered compared to enemies because they can’t handle anything else.

>Scholar has the best hitboxes in a DaS game
>Also forgiving as fuck with ADP at 14+
>Still bitch

Nigga you ain't played shit yet

turrible b8, m8s

>need more str to use heavy things
>need Int to use spells
>need more adapt to dodge
I don’t see a problem

First DaS3 DLC does this shit alot too

>It's okay to tie i-frames to one stat, but not another

Timing doesn't matter when they have auto-aim on you.

stay mad friend

>implying shockwaves don’t exist in real life
Time your dodges better, holy shit

you're really bad if you couldn't deal with the tracking and coulnd't abuse the millions of frames of invincibility that came with dodging

>Dodging in this game is broken

I agree, dodging is too strong and requires far too little Stamina in 3.

everyone else can, why can't you?

>I have never played a Souls game in my life.
Literally the series staple is abusing iframes to roll through otherwise unavoidable attacks.

The only people that bitch about ADP are shitters that can't time rolls and want to spam it. The roll was fucking broken in DaS1, and it's fucking broken in DaS2. The only game in the series where it takes some skill to use is DaS2, and if you're shit at using it, you need to pay a handicap tax. This is how it should've always been.

>DS2 brigade shows up

Rolling was mostly fine in DS1, I would say the only change it really needed was splitting stamina and equip load into two separate stats, or at least moving equip load somewhere else. Strength would've made sense.

Y-You just need to git gud and pump adp enough to avoid the shockwaves and gank squads.
E-Except you also don't need adp, y-you're just bad.

Nearly half a second of invulnerability on a spammable skill is not "fine". It turns the game into a complete joke.

>buying a HP port of a bad game

no thanks

I frames were not tied to other stats in the other Soulsborne games

>millions of frames of invincibility that came with dodging
only if you knew that DaS2 tied them to a stat.

You couldn't spam that badly. Even at the maximum possible stamina you only get around 7 rolls before you run dry. If you're in over your head, panic rolling will never save you.

Did someone say DS2 isn't the best souls game?
I hope not because that would objectively wrong.

So basically we have to adapt to the fact that FromSoftwate fucked up dodiging?

>7 rolls
The fact that you can get seven fucking rolls is absurd. DaS games are the most lenient fucking action games ever.

No, because shitters like you can waste your souls in ADP if you need half a second of iframes that badly.

what would it look like if you added user scores?

>No Bloodborne
How convenient .

>No, because shitters like you can waste your souls in ADP if you need half a second of iframes that badly.

is it really wasting to get Iframes back up to DaS1 levels?

DaS2 SotFS - 8.0 User (and a lower critic score of 87 than the base game)
DaS2 PS3 - 8.1
DaS PS3 - 8.8
DaS3 PS4 - 8.8

so fans > "critics" once again

Because it's not a souls game. Pretty obvious.

Considering fans are more likely to give tens and zeros, I don’t really want to trust fans. If two person reviews a game, and one of them loves it, 10/10, and the other one hates it, 0/10, the average score would be 5/10. Even if a reviewer has an agenda against a game, they’re still aggregated against lots of other reviewers, and no reviewer will ever give a game a 0/10, so reviewer scores are a more accurate reflection than the fan scores.

>user scores
probably filled with baddies who rate it 1/10 because they can't play

>Considering fans are more likely to give tens and zeros, I don’t really want to trust fans.

>probably filled with baddies who rate it 1/10 because they can't play

all I am getting is:
from your posts


keep telling yourself that.

>Mechanics in 3 actually work
What did he mean?

You mean the same way you scream that the critics don't count?

>DS2 requires you to play slower
That explains the autists constantly defending it.

>user can't stand that DaS2 is superior to the others, so he falls back on fucking USER SCORES
a new low

>user can't stand that DaS2 is inferior to the others, so he falls back on fucking PAID SCORES
a new low

So they played the game? And then they reviewed it? Games aren’t like movies, user. Usually an hour or so with it will tell you what you need to know. Most games don’t change dramatically in the final act, mechanics wise.

>shitty dodge mechanics in 3.

they were the best in 3. Git Gud

I am just posting information that requested

terrible fucking b8

Unironically this Userscores will always be superior to ""critics""

>they were the best in 3. Git Gud
You mean they were easiest in 3
>Git Gud
Follow your own advice.

>I bought and loved Dark Souls 2
>scholor 0 score

>there is an area that has giant armoured knights-ridiculously hard to beat especially when they throw something hard at you that early without giving you a chance to upgrade or find better weapons and armor. Fail.


Prove me wrong. Name one game where you go “boy, the entire thing was terrible but that one last boss fight made up for the whole thing.”

Game is easy. Git gud

he delays his attacks so you probably should time your rolls right

>You mean they were easiest in 3

therefore the best

>"scholor 0 score"
What are you screeching about now?

Your average userscore "review"

>that one last boss fight made up for the whole thing.”
>Games aren’t like movies, user. Usually an hour or so with it will tell you what you need to know.
>avg. movie time 2 hours
>avg. game time 15-20
you can't be this fucking stupid to say that not even 1/3 of professional reviewers didn't even fight one battle on their own and then gave a solid review on the game.
fucking off yourself you pathetic waste.

>What are you screeching about now?

He thinks the reason why DaS2 has the lowest userscore on Metacritic is because of shit like that and Unknown to him, every game has troll 0 and 10 reviews so they cancel each other out.

>Name one game where you go “boy, the entire thing was terrible but that one last boss fight made up for the whole thing.”

MGS2 fans claim this with their game.

good thing user scores have many more submissions to offset the obviously shitty ones.
meanwhile out of the several dozens of critic scores you always have biased as fuck reviews who just make up whatever bullshit they feel like and will go over well with their audience.

>Unknown to him, every game has troll 0 and 10 reviews so they cancel each other out.
That's implying there's equal numbers of each, which isn't true.

DaS2 userscores aren't even low what are you idiots fighting about?

But that’s what I’m saying in my post. A review of 10/10 and 0/10 doesn’t cancel each other out. It results in a 5/10, which is mostly seen as negative.
A 6/10 is an okay score for a game you don’t like, user. Not every person will like the same game.

DaS2 has the lowest User Rating of the series.

>you back up, wait for the animation to finish, and them hit them
Making a bad/western action game 101

>weird Japanese business

did you read the fucking cons?

Yes, and? Those are cons for him. Do you not enjoy games that shoves SJW propaganda down your throat? Do you consider those a con? Now consider if you were on the other side and imagine that he might not enjoy some aspects of the game that triggers him. He’s allowed to say so because other people might have those same issues.

>DaS2 fan