What is Sup Forums going for halloween this year?

what is Sup Forums going for halloween this year?
pic related, me and my gf

your girlfriend has wider shoulders than you

That's a cool guy

Is that you Marc? What the fuck are you guys supposed to be? You look terrible.


>gf doesn't peg

fuck off normalfaggot

I have no friends.

I'll dress as a doctor and hand out candy at my house. Feels kind of cringey to go trick-or-treating after you turn 18.

>he fell for the gf meme

They have a very small fertility window no point in having one.

I don't leave the house.

Just finished my King Dice head all I need now are the white gloves and the purple bow tie. My brother is going as Joker.


>GF is bigger then you
>Wider shoulders
>Same build as the bf
>Seems to be taller
Are you sure she is girl? She seems to be big gurl for you.

P-post ass

What are you supposed to be OP?

what the fuck is with all these "WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR HOLLOWEEN" threads?

I'm going to be Cyclops.

fuck off normie piece of shit kill yourself

The first thing I noticed about the picture.

reddit as fuck

>I don't understand perspective lol

I haven't done anything on Halloween in 20 years.

The smears on the masks look pretty shit but 9/10 for the idea.

>ywn be able to cosplay a male/female pair

>having friends
>having gf
>going out
>having fun
>putting in time, money and effort for inane shit like "dressing up"


Ok OP,you are not a manlet.