How do we fix the MMO genre?
How do we fix the MMO genre?
What anime?
Dont need to. They're making a comeback, just in another (worse) form
I dont really see a solution not involving a real - life purge
NEET shit
Destroy the holy trinity
1. Stop people from looking for the "perfect MMO".
It's never happening and by seeking it you force developers to cater to your shitty little niche, removing the "massively" aspect.
2. Stop giving anything on Kickstarter money.
3. Stop giving the "old standbys" like WoW and FF14 money.
By supporting either of these cancers you promote more of these cancers. It's like feeding a stray cat. The "But I just want something to play now!" attitude means all you'll ever have to play is mediocrity.
4. Stop trying to make MMOs hardcore and force out normalfags, and vice versa.
You need both babbies and tryhards, catering to one over the other is an effort in vain. Only by having both in harmony is there any chance for satisfying certain weird niches like market analysts and Shiro wannabes. Who wants them around anyways? They do. Doesn't matter what (You) and (You) alone want. See 1.
Kill yourself.
Also this, but that's a Renaissance thing after we cut out the tumors and have a canvas worth working with.
Recovery of an MMO Junkie
MMOs were only really good before things like Facebook, Netflix, and YouTube came around. Since they were one of the few things you could do on the Internet besides shopping, banking, and fapping, they attracted all kinds of people, which created a unique social experience. After all the normies left, MMOs turned into just another game but with crappy mechanics.
in an age where the metagame is prominent and a certain class or spec's efficiency is measured down to a hundredth of a percent, how would you possibly destroy the holy trinity without:
A. causing the game to be homogenized into "roll one of these few classes because the community discovered they are slightly superior to the others"
B. causing another holy geometry problem because you tried to avoid the first problem by making combat encounters require certain mechanics that are specific to certain classes.
This is why the first good mobile MMO is going to be the next big thing. Then cheap VR will allow for the VRMMO genre.
lmao this isn't a MMO thread you fucking idiots. this is a anime thread.
First time i saw this picture in 2009 i laughed so much that i couldn't breath it was 3 am and my dad ran into my room and beat the shit out of me
there's already tons of mobile MMOs. they're nothing new or innovative. VRMMO is doomed to fail because of constricting game design.
Obscure the numbers from the number crunchers. Abuse hidden RNG or make a bunch of weird unlisted stats like +damage while crouching in a cave on an odd numbered day.
What's the difference?
This is your guild buddy for tonight.
There were tons of MMOs before WoW too. What of it? They're all dead because they didn't cater to a wide enough base. Thus first good mobile MMO.
i liked the episode where she ERP'd online and masturbated
>You will never play an MMO with erito nito
Why live?
Transition back to adventure / discovery based game with most of the focus taken away from gear loot carousels and onto resource acquisition and management, player run economies / goods / safe zones, and lasting meaningful player choices (that player's can't easily opt out of later).
>first good mobile MMO is going to be the next big thing
I'm not so sure about that. Phones are distraction machines, so I don't think they can support the same kind of immersive experience as PC MMOs (though as you say, VRMMO could be a game changer, especially if it leverages phone hardware to bring up adoption).
Conditions are also different now than they were then. Back then, Internet access was not universal. So normies flocked to chatrooms and the like to get their social fix online with strangers. But these days, you already have contact with all your circles of friends so why bother.
not to mention the big problem with mobile MMOs are battery life. phones get worse battery every year and playing a 3D always online MMO in HD is just hell on a battery
>Keep your dev team small. No more than maybe 20 people.
>Accept that your game is never going to push the envelope for visual fidelity. It's too expensive, consumes too many resources.
>Open up shop somewhere other than California so you don't have to pay people north of 6 figures to live in a shithole like San Francisco.
>Keep the game and the dev cycle as lean as possible so that you're not trapped in a constant cycle of crunch, hemorrhaging employees and making your customers pay to train your newbies every other expansion.
>1 flat subscription fee. No cash shop, period. No collectors edition bullshit.
>Encourage player interaction as much as possible. No cross realm bullshit, no CRZ bullshit, no queues. Guilds, or a similar system, forms the backbone of social interaction in the game.
>Ditch a rigid class system. People level skills like old school MUDs but there's a mixed raw XP / free use XP system that allows you to level skills you're not directly using to avoid FF2 bullshit where you hard grind getting hit so your HP goes up.
>Crafting and gathering skills are actually important. Gear sourced via killing mobs is fairly lean- enough so that it's expected you'll talk with a crafter.
>Unless it's a PVP server players can generally only help each other in the world.
>Excluding a series of tutorial quests, quests are rare.
>Do everything possible to remain a private company that isn't beholden to a publisher.
>Accept that you're not going to make big big bux with your project. A few hundred thousand subs will be a success.
It'll get better with VR MMOs, but don't expect it to until then. The main issue with MMOs is that there's no organic interaction between players. It's all instanced, so there's not really a "world" to get engaged with. It's just a glorified queue waiting room.
Make the overworld engaging, remove the dungeon queue and make open dungeons people can fight and explore in. Run a single server instead of multiple servers with multiple, instanced zones. Once people have to tolerate each other, things will get better.
MMOs nowadays are too theme parky and want to hold people's hands, and take away the "stress" of having to organize and cooperate with other people, which was the entire fucking point of MMOs in the first place.
Until we can hook into the game Matrix style, the MMO genre is dead.
WoW with good professions and WPvP
How do we stop Sup Forums from watching shitty fotm anime?
You will have to kill me first.
PUBG saved it
Which anime
Its fucking easy.
Make Ragnarok online but 3d AND WITH WOE.
We make sure that developer that is not afraid to try out something crazy is also the publisher.
1] Stop bending over backwards for the playerbase.
Players don't know what they want. They need to work and suffer for rewards, for those rewards to have any meaning.
2] Force exploration
Make players travel and explore your world to do ANYTHING. Want to do X quest? 15 minutes of walking, minimum. Want to buy consumeables or learn skills?15 minutes of walking in the opposite direction. The experiences gained during travel time are infinitely more organic and rewarding than instant gratification.
I grew up playing Ultima Online, so consider my perspective.
WoE would never work with today's audiences. You might have nostalgia for it, but an equivalent of WoE in a modern MMORPG would get the game a huge amount of hate.
>People complaining about competitive balance
>People complaining about having to join a guild
>People complaining about having to PvP
>People complaining about their class/build being worthless
>People complaining about how other people play
And yes, people will complain about being "Forced" to do it simply because there are incentives to doing it.
Exploration based, lots of classes that do a few super unique things to encourage parties/synergy between moves, no fucking retarded "you're the special one" story, and no fucking linear quests based around the aformentioned
MMOs are fucked, user. WoW has been going on for so long that any new, full priced MMO made will only be a fraction of WoW’s content.
FF14 has the casual weeb market, and I guess guild wars 2 has the poorfag market. Destiny has some weird shooter mmo market, but that’s already pretty dried up.
MMOs are suicide.
>implying the GW2 market isn't also casual
GW2 has the fashionista market