Help me. I can't stop playing Hatsune Miku Project Diva X.
Help me. I can't stop playing Hatsune Miku Project Diva X
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Get future tone
>Diva X
Is there any news if the West will get Future Tone DX?
>Future tone
I'm waiting on November 22nd for project DX. I just love the actual music in these game with the exception of a few garbage songs.
Did Monday come early this year?
>not on vita
Future Tone DX? Is that like a GOTY edition of future tone?
>FT DX has a grand total of two (2) whole songs
>FT was $54
It's a physical release with a few more songs and stuff.
Yeah. It doesn't add much more on to Future Tone (about two songs, ps4pro support and some photo studio thing) but it's available physically.
I think I had bought the season pass for future tone. Would I get the new songs for free?
I doubt it. The DX dlc for digital is separate from it.
Well I don't in future tone yet, so buying it would net me all the stuff FT has plus the new stuff from DX
I think theres like an upgrade option when DX launches for those who already own FT. I know Japan is getting a physical local release where as the West is getting a Sony store release on November 22nd.
Fucking Australians.
Motherfuckers don't know about my Miku's. Hatsune squad ain't to be fucked with.
Trying to get all the trophies for this is true suffering.
I've finally maxed out the crystals yet im still missing some modules for miku. Havent even started on everyone else.
>All trophies
I'm not even gonna try. I'm just playing as many songs as possible on extreme while still having fun. Some songs are just really good to listen to and a blast to play on extreme.
I didn't bother with all the trophies. Grinding out all the modules and accessories was enough for me. I don't care about the Diva Room crap.
Just go for extreme perfects in free play and call it a day. Grinding out the gifts and friendships (and doing all the songs again in free play normal and hard) isn't worth it.
Oh yeah, I'm now closer to complete the Mirai team. KAITO was supposed to come with GUMI but got """misplaced""" somewhere along the way. Press F to pay respects.
Doing plat for F2nd was a pain in the ass as it is, you have to be fucked in the head to even think of platting X.
I only care about getting perfects in future tone.
What's wrong with getting perfects on X?
Nothing. I just started Future Tone first so thats my main diva game.
No way to practice the song. There a certain part you're trying to get good at? Hope you have the time to play the full song in it's entirety only to reach that part and fuck up. Again.
Share Miku's.
Do the Diva X songs sound more childish than normal?
Say no more.
We'll still get it as dlc though right?
I want to FUCK Miku
She's still in high school you perbvert! Fuck Rin instead. She's got no future anyway.
Yea, but you're only getting 2 songs compared to the 230+ you get from the base game
nigga got this game on vita
the song are soooooo terible
f2 hat awesome songs
but x has like 3 songs which are nice
fuck x
Miku is 26 years old now.
I doubt it'll cost as much as the base game as dlc.
Miku is no longer stuck behind copper bars now, and I fixed the algorithm so it works exactly like the arcade touch controller
It'll be like 10-20$ im betting
They'd better include a few extra goodies if that's the case.
Playing Project Diva in front of my normalfag friends is delicious. I get the most stupid comments from it, too.
They even nicknamed it "hentai hero", because for them all anime is hentai and the only rhythm game is guitar hero.
I suppose this is for the PS4 game, yes?
How much?
>Giving normies the privilege of laying their eyes on Miku
They just can't appreciate her user. Time for a new circle of friends.
your friends are right
you even posted a pic related
That looks pretty damn neat user. Good on ya.
Over $600 in materials
If you downsize it and use cheap chinese knockoff buttons like the other user it'll be a lot cheaper. You can't downsize the touch panel though, turns out plastic is pretty fucking shit for capacitive touch sensing
My brothers watched me a play few times. They kinda like it, especially the videos.
A new UI/ttitle screen maybe
2 songs and 2 modules to go with the new songs
The main draw of DX is the physical CE, which has 3 BDs of 200 videos of songs
It's funny because they ask to have a go at the game and I get to watch them fail miserably. Reminds me of the first time I picked up the first game on the PSP.
I wonder how soon is "too soon" for a child to play a rhythm game. I wonder if my 5 year old nephews could play a song on easy?
Subarashii, shame I'm such a brainlet to make my own. I'll just stick with Hori's controller.
Only person I've seen saying anything perjorative about the games is my brother, who calls it "Barbie Hero." In turn I make fun of him being Silver in League of Legends.
>600 dollars for a custom made controller
Okay okay, suppose you dropped the touchpad and added two levers instead. How much would that be?
At this point I'd rather get a fighting stick instead. it would work good enough.
If they like the music and the video I can see kids having fun with the game.
I think most normies would make tasteless remarks about the game, without realizing that the lyrics and dancing Miku performs aren't considerably different from mainstream pop music. With some exceptions.
In that case I'll be coaching the world's youngest weaboo.
Semi related: Anyone pick up Taiko Drum Session the other day? It has _4 Vocaloid songs.
This game seems pretty great for children. I think girls would like it more though, It's pretty much a Barbie singing game. I'd have showed it to my cousins if my aunt didn't already think I was a pedophile
>over 350 Temers for the bundle
>another 150 for shipping
>high chance of being taxed 60% import tax on arrival
I like Taiko but not to the point where I'd be willing to spend the equivalent to four full-price games for it.
I think rhythm games are great for kids. I first started playing them when I was around 5 when parappa the rapper came out.
I presume you mean replacing the touchpad with buttons? In which case you would need 4 buttons rather than 2 since you can have double slides in the same direction
The touchpad is pretty cheap though, it was
I guess it's not practical enough to use levers instead of buttons for the swipes? I've never looked into making stuff like this so I don't know how it even works.
Perhaps I'd just have better luck buying an existing fighting stick that's similar enough to the arcade cabinet?
Most people truly don't give a shit unless you're an obnoxious sperg.
It could work but I doubt it'd be very satisfying to use to be honest, you'd better off replacing it with buttons.
You could use a fighting stick and certainly someone has uploaded a video of them using a fighting stick to play project diva, but I think most fighting sticks don't have that tactile "click" feeling when they bottom out which would make it not that satisfying to use either.
The hori mini controller is literally a fighting stick made for project diva, although I hear its quality isn't that good
Nah, but I'm looking to pick it up next paycheck.
Green text time.
>Hack Wii U
>Find out there are Taiko games on it
>Get Taiko Games
>Play -oid songs
>Most of the Crypton 4 (Miku, Rin, Len, Luka) I've already heard
>GUMI and IA are the only new songs for me
>Realize I'm shit at Taiko
>Don't bother gittin gud
Taiko is hard but fun
Said normalfag friends are actually my fraternity brothers and housemates. They know how many games I play and anime I watch. I even have a dakimakura, so it's not like I am being shunned by them. The comments I get from them range between "holy shit user that game is fucking insane" and "dude you could have bought Fifa 18 instead of this weeb shit".
Incidentally, there's been a few times that I came back from class and found my Chad friends playing the game an passing the controller around.
>you could have bought Fifa 18 instead of this weeb shit
>tfw not enough huge tit, thicc miku art
I am a very demanding retro-gamer. You know, the type that uses scart RGB cables and cares about muh original hardware. I can certainly get behind an argument built around having a satisfying experience.
However, I've never seen or played a Project Diva arcade cabinet before. Right now, all I want is to upgrade from using a DS4 controllers so that I can actually git gud without the controller restrictions. My goal is to find a cheap solution that will improve my performance. If I can get that from a fighting stick, I certainly wouldn't mind going down that route.
>and certainly someone has uploaded a video of them using a fighting stick to play project diva
Link it.