>radio station edition
ELEX thread lets go
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>this triggers the normie and gaming journalist
Oh shit, I remember hearing this Herbert guy on the radio spreading the good word of Calaan. Didn't think you could actually find him.
Nude mods when?
The Redeemer is clearly an oversight. It's an upper end tier 3 weapon with tier 2 requirements. Someone accidentally put a 65 where they definitely meant 85.
where is he so I can kill that fucker
Best faction coming through.
shit devs bad a balancing, who would've thought
is there a decent compendium of all the items in this game yet.
I'm always short on short on money and would like to know what I can safely sell and whats used for crafting and the like.
pic unrelated
Wouldn't surprise me, a perk also only works when your cold value is between 80 and 1000. Freaking typos.
Are there any side quests for CronyU4? I like bringing him along for the flash light
Also, He has a weird voice line when you try to get him to follow you with another companion, in the english version anyway.
I'm new to this. Why don't armed enemies ever drop any gear?
>no guns
>bad magic
>shits on the street, wipes ass with hand because toilet paper is against the law
Berserkers are fucking trash
>le gameplay is bad only because you suck meme
>want big weapons
>find weapons that need str/dex
>think ok, that's cool since i don't think str/con is as good
>join outlaws
>outlaw melee weapons are str/con only
FUCK. and place that's good for farming enemies so i can get $$$?
its considered rude
>le shitpost is good because i dislike meme
Oh, if youre going to kill him I cannot tell you, sorry. Herbert is a cool guy.
I wonder if the radios keep going if you waste him.
He has a pretty cozy location for a small broadcasting station.
so whats the appeal of Outlaws? What can they do best? I know berserkers are shit and Clerics can be OP as fuck, whats the deal with outlaws then?
Chainsaw swords are dex/strength, what are you talking about?
Outlaws are the most powerful. Too bad everyone fell for the Cleric meme.
>le why can't Eurojank be more accessible and easy to understand like Fallout 4 meme
they're also one-handed. and pre-patch when i had one they weren't upgraded with outlaw skills, so i thought they weren't outlaw weapons but some ghetto cleric weapon
I fucking hate Ragnar so much.
Stims. They can use stims without losing out on XP, and some of them are stupidly good. Stuff like dealing double damage, health regen or increased attack speed might not be as flashy as a black hole, but they're strong as fuck.
>they think it's over
double damage? the way this game stupid mechanics work that's pretty damn OP
boohoo stop skipping leg day
>That feel when you guess a safe code on your first try
To upgrade a weapon with Outlaw stuff it has to be upgraded to lvl 3 I think. Id suggest trying them, unless youre hellbent on 2handed
I always thought he just shit on his people with his attitude only
>They can use stims without losing out on XP
been playing outlaw almost as soon as i could
read this and now i feel like a fucking super brainlet for not abusing stims. not like i've needed them, but still
you made me laugh on that comment with ragnar shitting
The greatest hope and biggest leader of the bezerks
i mean honestly that fag's problem was that he wanted to play skyrim
I keep coming back to these threads and spoiling all the plot points for myself. At least I'll have ELEX 2 to hopefully not fuck up.
shit. So no actual str/dex 2h for outlaws? guess i'll find a nice chainsaw.
Is the chainsword or chainsaber stronger when upgraded?
>need to grind money to scam every trader of elex to make strong elex potions now so i can get my stim on
Had the same spoiling experience. Served us right. Dont go to Sup Forums threads before you finished the game.
dude you dont play a PB game for the fucking plot
I thought the whole Thoral thing was very undersold. He could have been the redeeming factor for the Berserkers. I felt like he wasnt even in the story much, pretty much just a checklist holder.
General question - is there a way to turn mana back into elex in the game? Its hinted at in Cajas dialogue this should be possible, and it would be neat to have some use for all that mana.
The only real thing they have going on for them is double damage stim but apparently can find the recipe in xacor even without a faction so enjoy double damage black holes if you certainly want to break the everliving shit out of the game.
Post more berzerk autism please. I had a good laugh.
wots this
>The designers also seem stubbornly phobic of many quality-of-life features that became standard in the genre for a reason. Things like having to constantly buy potions from vendors to heal yourself while also dealing with the constraints of a stingy, gear-focused economy are throwbacks to the bad old days when your survivability was based on the size of your wallet.
The chainsaber has slighty higher damage and stat requirements afaik. Also I just checked the Fort, and every 2hander I could find was str/con.
i figured id be able to take the faction over since thats their thing
but honestly id rather we at least be able to replace logan, he doesnt fucking do anything besides piss and moan the entire time. nasty is his field commander and william does all the day to day shit, logan just sits on his ass
>game makes it too easy to self-sustain
>90% of vendors are now obsolete
i'm not defending dumb for the sake of being dumb, but i don't like being able to ignore every vendor because i can make 500% better stuff for cheap
I don't think I ever even bought a healing potion, you find so much of them in the world. It's more than enough to deal with everything food can't deal with
desu there arent THAT many big spoilers. The story is mediocre anyway. I feel like the only big spoilers are the companion twists and the code / knowledge about calaans true nature. Thats probably the most fun adventure in the game
dude literally wanted to play skyrim
i didnt buy a single potion, the only time i ran out of small healing potions was at like level 30 when it took too many to heal, at which point i was on a mountain of other potions
>strengths are melee and magic
>clerics are better at both
>buying healing potions
Every time.
What the fuck.
thank you user this webms just made my day
You also have teleports and beds galore. Game really isn't too hard in that aspect.
I feel like the game had a grate deal of potential but PB lacks resources and skill to execute it, like the character development system feels uninspired and boring, even well writen characters tend to say some cheesy lines and jokes, there is a lot to explore but it doesn't feel rewarding enough, first few hours are just running around doing some "fetch this, talk to this guy" quests and grinding exp. This is one of the times when i can full agree with metacritic score of the game, had some fun time with it though and the scenery sometimes looks impresive enough, even though the graphics ain't that good
Yes, thats was the only and most hurtful spoiler i had.
do any of them believe you after you find out? i told whats his nuts in the throne room and he told me to fuck off back to my desert and drugs
>Certain quests in ELEX, on the other hand, made me feel like I had to break or circumvent its core systems to win. Some required me to snipe a couple enemies from a large group with fireballs at a distance, run several hundred yards to a shack with a bed, take a quick nap to regain my health and mana, and return to repeat this process four or five times. That’s a tedious way to fight. One boss took me almost two hours to slay because I had to keep trying until I got lucky enough not to trigger his unblockable, nearly undodgeable rock-throw attack (which he could somehow hit me with even when I was standing directly behind him) too many times.
Companions definitely scale with level outside of the "group" skill. At level 15 on ultra, Caja would die in a few seconds to a nightshade. At level 30 she can solo one in a few.
The funny thing is that the rock only tracks you until the last 2 seconds, at which point you should be able to dodge unless you have the reaction speeds of an 80 year old woman.
Did I miss anything by murdering the hermit that screams at you to get out then immediately attacks afterwards?
>currently playing on ultra, 20 hours in
>never bought or made a healing potion
>have 53 on my character right now
how can gaming journalists be so bad at games, it's astounding
Whenever I'm sad I'll just look for this and remind myself that I will never be as retarded as this guy
Nah, that`s just a bit of world building.
You are however an objectively bad person.
What the hell, I just started chapter four and I just realised... I'm actually enjoying the story!
I've only played the Risen games so far and I always found their stories forgettable, in fact I don't even remember them at all. So in that aspect, I think Elex has done a good job so far.
>When Melee failed me, I tried to go long range with a bow and arrow. I tried to use guns but they seemed nigh impossible to come by, and didn’t fare much better. The shooting is stiff and most of the time I couldn’t tell if I was hitting an enemy or not
>They also closed the distance so fast I could only get three shots out before I had to switch to melee. Consequently, it seems like ELEX is a melee focused action role-playing game where you are forced to use melee in order to get past the first two dozen hours of the game
The real funny thing is that he is an idiot who runs against a brick wall.
The idea that he is still to weak and should come back later when he is stronger is not existing in his gaming "journalist" pea brain.
Already in, user.
Gaze upon this lewdness, especifically modelled by the own developers.
>I quickly found that trying to treat ELEX like a shooter, or make a go of things as a pure magic user, isn’t terribly viable. Ammo and mana potions are too scarce, and going all-in on ranged makes it very hard to defend yourself against most monsters.
I guess he wanted skyrim with guns.
>One boss took me almost two hours to slay because I had to keep trying until I got lucky enough not to trigger his unblockable, nearly undodgeable rock-throw attack (which he could somehow hit me with even when I was standing directly behind him) too many times.
Is this money worth my goy bucks? Is there multiplayer?
>too dumb to use the jetpack
>ignores the game basically screaming YOU'RE A WEAK LITTLE SHIT YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T BE HUNTING AT LEVEL 2
Show its from is called GameTwo a German show
Hey it was self defense he hit me first, guess I better hide the body and blame it on someone else as well
>tfw you will never be a vidya journalist
Maybe he should think twice before attacking.
>At one point I had encountered a Raptor dinosaur and found out I was too weak to defeat it. I ran from it for probably fifteen minutes. I couldn’t even see it anymore and just went on to complete my quest. As I'm going about my business, guess who shows up? The same Raptor that I ran way from fifteen minutes ago still following me. It never stopped following me.
I bet they never even realized you can cook foor or sleep for HP. This happens when some cunt without a clue plays a game that takes a teeny tiny little bit of effort on part of the player
jesus christ
I like the game but i must say that the sounds are terrible. Everything is way too loud. Try to sneak - it's an earthquake. Go into water - a fucking hydrogen bomb went off.
And it sounds so tinny. Takes from the great world experience. But i dont think they will bother to patch the sound design.
>home invasion
He was the one defending himself m80.
climbing ladders is SO loud
I only had the interaction when I was an Outlaw, but one of the high ranking clerics in an office tells you they know, and keep it a secret for the 'greater good'. He sends you back to the guy in the cathedral to explain it, but as an Outlaw he didnt talk to me any more
>a fucking hydrogen bomb went off.
I just went on a 2 hour exploration of killing low level enemies, looting and fleeing from raptors and i found so much stuff to sell its unreal, I'm really liking this game. After 10 hours i'm finally in a position to do some real damage and not be kicked around by chickens.
Just did the fight with Kallax. Why the hell would the outcome of him living only happen if you had cold status? If you are neutral or warm he dies instead. Makes no fucking sense.
I have to give it to him.
There is actually a bug when running away. The aggro wont stop and they are not going back to non aggro state even if you come back after teleporting around magalan. They are still in aggro state 200m away from you and chase you down.
It happend maybe 3 times in 30h to me.
Stop posting old screencaps!
>two hours
>undodgeable rock throw
yeeeeah, fuck that guy in particular
The hermits usually only attack you if you enter their home at night, because theyre freaking out. If you come ot them during the day they tell you to leave them be and take what you want because theyre fed up
do you need max level merchant skill to make a profit buying and selling scraps? Or can you do it at level 1/2?
all you had to do was fly up on a platform with no path, they drop agro