What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the Syphon Filter series?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the Syphon Filter series?
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Literally who
2 > 1 > 3
Rented the game and got half-way through it.
Remember the controls were awful.
teaser gun was good
>taser people until they burst into flames
That was the tightest shit back in the day
A better spy game compared to goldeneye.
Why the fuck do people compare it to metal gear?
Last I checked the only thing they share in common is a virus that can kill anyone (foxdie/syphon filter).
The only game that I would purchase a sony console for. But the dumb chinks let this franchise die after Microsoft showed the world how to properly craft a third person shooter.
Literally all I remember from the game is a taser and some grenade launcher. Maybe I should play it again.
I was playing metro the last light and i killed enemy while he was on the phone and nobody cared. No alarm no nothing. And then i remember that in SF on ps1 you get an alert or your missions failed. Yes games was better then
>properly craft a third person shooter
But MGSV released a couple years ago.
Top-notch screaming.
I think it's the art design. Both of them looks like each other in environment and character design. You're also a spy-like one man army in both
Lian Xing is best waifu.
A great game, set up plenty for future tps, but i think much of that was learned of this game was forgotten.
This guy is a gentleman and a scholar
>Not Teresa Lipan
you suck
its better this way. the desease one for ps2 was a insult.
i played the psp ones and they are good but they fucking kill gabe logan so the series is literaly dead
i forgot le pic
psp/ps2 games are the most mediocre imaginable third person shooters of its era.
original trilogy is still better in almost every way.
the one that starts in the ship was good, the OTHER one was fucking terrible.
ps2 one is not actually that bad. IT has lots of effort put into it. And it gets rewarding and story is cool actually.
Kino. The trilogy for the PS1 has aged terribly though, controls are trash. The only reason MGS1 became more popular than SF1 is because of its bizarre ass writing and voice acting. Syphon Filter blows the fuck out of MGS gameplay pre-3 (Subsistence).
If Sony wasn't retarded, you would see a revival of this franchise for the PS4. There's very little stealth games left, MGS is dead after V and Splinter Cell is dead too after Blacklist.
Syphon Filter got stealth and action better than MGS's own Tactical Stealth Espionage tagline.
The devs for this series are now too busy shitting out a zombie game.
It didn't age at all, play with a fucking dpad, not the sticks. I can still land headshots easily.
>shitting on Blacklist
How to spot someone who either played it on easy or didn't play it at all.
I only played 1 and 2. I think they're amazing games, especially 2.
>muh tank controls
Controls are ok you just suck at games.
I was 10 when i first played them and i had no problem with moving and strafing. I replayed it as an adult and died like 5 times in the entire game.
Sure, Blacklist is competent game, but fuck, it's not Splinter Cell. It shares nothing with the PS2-era games other than names of characters, and the fact that it's a stealth game (Which it's really not, compared to the likes of Chaos Theory)
I remember getting to the end of disc 1 in SF 2 as a kid, but never finishing the game. I've also never played 1. Should I play the original first? Were there any gameplay improvements going from 1 to 2?
As someone who just replayed through Pandora Tomorrow and is replaying CT for the 15th time, Blacklist is genuinely a better game in every way, except the voice acting. Old Sam is very overrated, and on the few genuinely witty lines the dialogues are still ruined by the absolutely horrible NPC voice acting.
Better than MGS.
Shame Sony Bend are now just doing that boring-looking zombie biker thing. Like, I'm sure it'll be a decent enough game, but they're a talented studio, so it's a shame to see them just aping TLoU and Dead Rising.
The first Syphon Filter was great, the plot of the 2nd and 3rd just get progressively retarded, I haven't played anything past those three. Lighting a dude on fire with a taser is still one of my favorite things to do in a PS1 game. I also loved how when you threw a frag grenade, the enemies would yell "you son of a-" and explode before they could say bitch.
>talented studio
Fun fact:
They also made Bubsy 3D.
Have you retards forgotten about the Danger meter that was designed so the AI wouldn't fuck you over instantly with their superior headshot lock-on ability while you stop strafing, stand, and aim? I completed the original trilogy on the original PS1 controller, you know, the one without any sticks.
>I replayed it as an adult and died like 5 times in the entire game.
Which one exactly? If you died 5 times during SF2, then you haven't finished it at all and are lying out of your ass. Some parts are complete RNG due to the AI aiming and grenades.
>Thinking the stealth portion of the game gets any better on higher difficulties in Blacklist
How to spot someone who is trying to justify their purchase of shitlist. You sound like you started with Conviction and think Blacklist made the series reach new heights with the somewhat refined stealth.
I loved the shit out of the second game and it had better gunplay than MGS1 at least. The multiplayer was kinda fun too. I remember being impressed by shit like bulletproof vest guys needing to be shot in the head or they took very little damage and the Air Taser. Also the game was one of the very few games that had the G11 in it.
>>Thinking the stealth portion of the game gets any better on higher difficulties in Blacklist
Hard mode literally removes all the meme gameplay mechanics and makes you incredibly easy to kill. Also the game actually rewards stealth the most, ghosting in fact. You clearly did not pay attention or even play the game, like I said. Now please fuck off. And I pirated the game.
SF2 does have couple of parts which are insanely grenade spammy but nothing that a little of trial and error wouldn't fix. Stealth missions are still fucking 10/10.
Did someone call?
I don't really think you can compare them. They have completely different philosophies in the game design. I don't like the action-stealth in Blacklist. I much more enjoyed the slow pace of the PS2 ones, and the vulnerability Sam had.
I do remember the shit NPC voice acting, though. Always thought they sounded off
>hip wigglan
>crouch rollan
>gas grenade multiplayer spam-an
there were some absolutely amazing threads about SF on Sup Forums cca 10 years ago.
>tfw you could find a G11 in the first mission by parachuting onto a high ledge and just slaughter everything
Fun times.
>Which one exactly? If you died 5 times during SF2, then you haven't finished it at all and are lying out of your ass. Some parts are complete RNG due to the AI aiming and grenades.
It only gets hard when enemy's starts shooting with k3g4 which have armor piercing bulets.
Dude you just press circle to roll when danger meter is on high and remove your self from vicinity.
Fun fact - your mom gave birth to you.
I think people like to romanticize old SC games. They are great, I love them to death, and I will argue that each SC is superior to whatever contemporary MGS title as far as gameplay and core mechanics are concerned.
But levels are stupid linear and small. And generally unmemorable if you think of a big picture. Splinter Cell had barely a few truly epic and iconic levels - CIA in 1, Train in Pandora Tomorrow and Bank in Chaos Theory. I remember all of them because I replayed each 5 or 6 times throughout the years but the truly iconic are those three alone and none else.
CT in particularly overrated to shit, very short, horrible consolitis controls-wise. It did some stuff that was pretty neat, like failing to meet certain optional objective affecting the next mission etc but still not as great as it could truly be.
Blacklist can be very combat-oriented but that is all optional. Again, game rewards the most if you completely ghost everything in terms of points awarded. Its possible. Is it a bit too fast paced for its own good - sure. But MC in Blacklist is also very vulnerable - you die from a bullet or two on hardest difficulty.
CT isn't overrated, but second part of the game is weaker than the first.
Hokkido is when "that levels" start, and even they are pretty good.
>But MC in Blacklist is also very vulnerable - you die from a bullet or two on hardest difficulty.
The difference is the tools that are given to Sam. You have far better weaponry, far greater maneuverability, and as you said, far more fluid controls (Which should really be a positive, but that gave some difficulty to the old ones)
Also, can't recall if mark and execute is disabled on highest difficulty?
It's been a lot of years since I played the any of the SC games, though, so I'm speaking from faulty memory
Really enjoyed 1 2 3, and the ps2 game which was actually meant for online, which I did not have so I had to deal with impossible to beat infinite respawning enemies while diffusing 2 bombs and transporting hostages. It was hell. Sadly I cannot stand the gameplay anymore.
>Hard mode literally removes all the meme gameplay mechanics and makes you incredibly easy to kill.
Woooooooooowwwwww. Perfectionist mode lowers your health. How can this? True stealth action!!! This was only added in to get the old fans to think this trash was any good.
Also, mark and execute is the most useless shit in the entire game, even on easy it's worthless. Had more use in Conviction as it was designed for that game initially.
>Also the game actually rewards stealth the most, ghosting in fact. You clearly did not pay attention or even play the game, like I said.
No you didn't, panther is the best style because it rewards takedowns instead of running your way around shit. Ghosting takes much longer, even if it's more foolproof. I also pirated the game and still felt ripped off.
No shit, that's the reason why Gabe rolls in the first place. Sometimes you are literally better off using a knife by rolling up to the asshole, crouching during roll, and then slicing him a new one. This does nothing against grenades. Grenades in SF are like nukes. The M16 in particular is super useless.
Best gun is easily the shotgun in nearly all situations, zero contest. Moscow level in SF2 proves it.
>But levels are stupid linear and small.
I hope you're not saying Blacklist doesn't have that flaw, because it clearly fucking does. Blacklist literally makes no improvements in regards to Chaos Theory except for adding more action oriented shit. End of story.
The great ullillillia.
He still alive?
Mark and execute is indeed disabled on the highest difficulty.
Ehhh you still carry an arsenal in Chaos Theory. Assault loadout has you with 120 rounds for the assault rifle.
>No you didn't, panther is the best style because it rewards takedowns instead of running your way around shit.
For the third fucking time, ghosting gives you MORE points than going around killing shit in stealth mode. I don't know how dense you are that you can't read. Game openly encourages you to ghost everything. Just because you apparently love killing shit doesnt make it the game's fault.
I liked the first mission so much, could just fuck shit up with the Air Taser because it had infinite range in aimed mode.
Also the game made no sense to me as a kid because SF2 was my first game and SF2 started literally where SF1 left off so I didn't really know who the guys you were with were except that they were U.S Army but the guys after you were U.S military as well.
It's weird that people think SP is some sort of lost knowledge when the best-selling game of 2017 is a stealth TPS.
It should go without saying but the MGS series has dominated stealth this long for good reasons, overall it is more sophisticated. Obviously its competitors have certain things they did or do better.
I don't think TPS really worked on the PS1, Tenchu is another good stealth game from the era and the melee combat is more suitable there.
I think there's a reason that no one ever mentions any CT missions after Hokkaido. Like holy shit, who thought that the entire second half of the Bathouse was a good idea? Bank and Displace are also the only missions that aren't totally linear.
Unironically the best stealth game on ps1.
I used to exclusively go berserker mode in with the knife in vs mode.
You can also find it again under the waterfall. Loved the sound it makes, rather a useless weapon though.
>For the third fucking time, ghosting gives you MORE points than going around killing shit in stealth mode.
You said the game rewards you for ghosting, not giving you more points. No shit, stealth is seen as the premier choice rather than guns blazing in a stealth game.
The game rewards you for going the panther style by saving your precious fucking time, and it's doable on perfectionist difficulty.
>You said the game rewards you for ghosting, not giving you more points.
How fucking mentally impaired do you have to be to not understand the meaning of the word "rewards" ? Seriously, you are making me resort to straight insults now due to how frustratingly hard it is to communicate with you.
>saving your precious fucking time
newsflash, its always faster to cheese everything in every single video game ever made if "saving precious time" is your primary concern.
no porn of lian
>Be vague about "rewards"
>Because that definitely only has one definition in this context and it refers to game design l m a o
>Get mad
Get frustrated at yourself, 'tard.
>newsflash, its always faster to cheese everything in every single video game ever made if "saving precious time" is your primary concern.
Newsflash, it's not cheesing if the game actively promotes it as a style. Panther is the most efficient if you want to get shit done quick instead of pretending you're playing a hardcore stealth game. If you want to see cheesing, go check Chaos Theory speedruns, then compare them to Blacklist speedruns. Get back to me soon, sweety.
That section was tense.
Why can't modern stealth sections be this atmospheric and tense?
It was hardly tense. It was more trial and error to the absolute max.
Best part was seeing her undress and gear up after that section. PSX polygons boiii.
MGSV's hospital is more so, until you realise it's on-rails.
>Best gun is easily the shotgun
>MFW the Combat Shotgun
>MFW again seeing enemies get blown feet away from the Combat Shotgun blast
Fun times.
>That stealth mission later as Gabe where he's disguised as a scientist to infiltrate a lab
>Obtain knife and start sneaking up behind scientists and cutting throats open while you get your gear back
>Next mission is the lab on lockdown and you deal with soldiers wearing full armor where only the M-79 can kill them
So much tension. Great mission.
something about the hallways in these older 3d games really convey space and distance more than modern games do to me
seems strange but something about it is so calculable compared to judging the distance in something with a billion layers of motion blur, AO, lens flares, etc.
the soundtrack for SF2 is actually really good
My money is on it being down to lighting.
>Mashing triangle just to hear the shotgun's pump sound effect for no reason whatsoever
>No reloading required
This was the best level in the entire 3 PSX games. It showcases the area where the game shines: run and gun strafing TPS gameplay, mobsters just rolling out of cover for you to blast their face in. Combine it with the shotgun and desert eagle the game starts you off with and it's both a metaphorical and literal disco. Lian's pants looked really fucking weird though.
with fun?