What went so horribly wrong?

What went so horribly wrong?

funny how they had to change their logo because of all the hate, but then newer customers arrived and all was happily forgotten. Even loud minority is still a minority.

I recently played the game and found it quite shit. What was the "hate" that was forgotten?

I never followed this game's development, but I got it with some friends and it was pretty fun for a few days. Why should I hate this game?

>They tried too hard to balance the game that they forgot to add some fun to it.
>Also, fighting on slopes is impossible if you don't have an omnidirectional weapon, and the game is full of slopes
>Vehicles like the hover car are pointless because there are constantly obstacles that you can't get past with it
>Basically all upgrades are visible from the start so there's never any surprises
>Techs are horribly limited, can't stack them, only half of them are useful
>Boss fights are boring
>Combat is shit, period
>Stalagmites/stalactites are cancerous, pointless hazards
>Random instanced levels where you can't edit the terrain because the unimaginative devs sacrificed fun for balance
I could probably think of a few more, but this is fine

nothing much, in the very-very beginning they promised a lot of things, I think the subscriber mail newspaper is still around in the internet. And then they released it with fucking nothing and people begin to Stockholm about it "it's just beta, rite...?". After three redoings the old crowd begin to shout everywhere about SCAAAAM and they begin to act like there was nothing promised at all. And newfags continued to "it's just beta". With time, butthurt beginners like me just died off tired and happy newer fans were happy enough because it's not that bad fo what it is, the end.

They combined building and digging, which require you to invest time in a specific location, with constantly switching worlds. Whoever thought this was a good idea is mentally unstable.

Don't know. I've been playing it a good deal lately and had good fun with it. It has its shortcomings, but can be enjoyed alright.

Ah. Thanks for the explanation. I had some fun with it a year or so ago and recently played it and the mech completely ruined it.

The mechs are fucking frustrating to me. I just hate the weapons they have.

because it was supposed to be amazing, but in reality once you play for a few hours you realize just how awful it is.
This game has to be the biggest gaming tragedy. The vidya equivalent of Jorodowski's Dune

I think Spore has it beat

Its not bad, all things considered. I liked how it ended up, even though it had a really bumpy development. Its a fine game
Too bad I have a bug that prevents me from even booting it up and nothing I've tried works

I remember deleting it permanently in a bitch fit. Everyone had that hype red pill in their life at least once.

>try to store all my stuff in the ship to bypass this horseshit
>there isn't even enough room

in a nutshell:
>early access happens
>people buy them since it's been hyped to be Terraia: But Space
>all the early access content could be finished in literally 1 or 2 hours
>"it's early access for a reason!"
>okay, fair enough
>next day release some new content
>"see we told you!"
>alright i guess, it's not much but it's something i guess
>the day after, literally no content for MONTHS (possibly 7 months)
>in the midst of this people who supported this game are beginning to panic
>"i-it's early access, they're busy!"
>kickstarter funders begin demanding refunds
>a general on /vg/ was made dedicated to hating Chucklefish (the developers)
>complete shitshow and shenanigans ensue for months
>suddenly people just gave up on the game completely and then it "releases"
>it's still shit
>now we're here

I was so hyped about that game, then the released the creature generator some time before the game and Sup Forums had fun threads about it, hype was reaching maximum, then they released it and I it was my last preorder ever, fuck Sup Forums for shilling this to me, fuck me for getting hyped and buying into the marketing and most of all fuck EA

pretty sure 3 and a half terraria vg oldfags have all these screens of banning people for complains on their forums saved but I was too mad to store any.

removed survival elements making hunger just a chore

I'm with you on this. All I heard from friends who had it previously said that it was pretty bad in the beginning, then the game was "dropped" to make Stardew Valley. But then they came back and fixed shit and they (my friends) liked it. One of them even bought it for me, and I enjoyed it, and I still do to this day. It may have some short comings and things that still need to be fixed, but that doesn't COMPLETELY ruin the game.

Chucklefuck aren't the Stardew devs. They're just the publisher.

>takes forever to transverse worlds
>even longer to switch to other worlds
>even longer when dealing with solar systems
>teleports cost too damn much
>run out of fuel and have to go to a moon
>waste your time sucking up purple shit, while being chased by a slow ass purple alien hominid knockoff
>can't store your items on the ship because it's not big enough until end game
>have to micromanage everything until then

They made resource gathering and exploration such a damn slog, with practically no reward whatsoever.

Wasn't the original coder a pedophile trying to hook up with underages on their forum? Thats why the retardedly named updates were drastically different from the early acess

Who the fuck deletes a game from their library out of anger? Is there really nothing more engaging in your life that you put 100+ hours into a game and remove it because it's not what you expected? They already have your money, you're the only one who got fucked here.

Even better, they got that money during the critical founding period. There's a hidden folder option in the Steam library but I misuse it so I got tired staring at the title here.

This game looked like itvcould have been something, how did they fuck it up? Elex, fucking Elex has a better fucking fugure story than this garbags it hamfisted in.