I fell for the shill about this game, but damn it's actually very good...

I fell for the shill about this game, but damn it's actually very good. Might not be GOTY but it's definitely gonna be up there for me, somewhere among such classics as Cave Story.

I'm about halfway through (been ~15h already) and so far it's 10/10 in almost every aspect. There's some "asshole design" here and there, mostly when you take random (mostly environmental) damage unless you're paying close attention to your moving, but it's a nuance.

Anyone else here played this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>fell for the shill
>has anyone else played this
try harder with your blog post next time

>Have seen HK threads since it came out in february
>always ends with "fuck off shill"

is this a meme or why do people keep saying that this is one of the most shilled games? It doesn't even get many threads nowadays, if any at all.

Well at one point it was spammed so it established that reputation.

it's an actual good game

I don't know but for some reason I legit keep seeing ''I'm about halfway through'' blog posts in these threads.

Possibly because there's literally like 30h worth of content? That's not your AAA crapfest that you finish in 6 hours.

Yeah but I don't see constant random blog post reviews randomly in other generals. They all read the same too, well in my memories anyway.

i'm currently 9 hours in
is city of tears not the halfway point? fuck this game is big

ha ha, you are like a little baby, the game hasn't even begun

Nah, you're maybe 20% through at most, if we're talking 100% completion.

Some falseflagging autist spammed threads about this game for like a month straight.

I think you might be a shill since you're advertising it right now.

Is there a specific condition for the 100% completion? In terms of collecting something or like finding secrets? Or you mean just the full walkthrough "any%"?

There's a certain point in the game where where you gain the ability to see your completion percentage. 100% is just that. Acquire every item/upgrade, complete every quest, and beat every boss. And yes, that does mean secret/optional stuff too. You can't lock yourself out of 100% completion if you're worried about that.

How's the performance? I'm looking for a 2d game to play on an old laptop on a 10 hour train ride and this looks interesting but the reqs on steam store seem a bit high for a 2d game. I got i3, 8gb ram and gt520m graphics card and I'm not sure if i can run it.

It a bit stuttery even on decent hardware to be completely honest.

t. i5 6600K

I think gt520m is below minimum requirements.

Welp. I'll get Pyre or something then. thanks man.

Oh well. I won't lose sleep over that.

I'm in the fungal region and not liking it at all. I hate all the shit that's gated behind the obvious double-jump and air dash I'm supposed to get. Until I do, I feel like I'm playing with arbitrary shackles. I don't need two full areas to come to grips withe basic controls. Give me my movement.

I honestly fucking hated it until I got the jump and dash. All you have going for you early on is the hadoken and smacking spikes to bounce off of them. I've an area past where I got the double jump and the game's been a lot less miserable afterwards, but I put it down for a month waiting on that Grimm Troupe DLC. Sort of dreading coming back to it and trying to remember what the hell I was doing.

LOL I got stumped here too. The game does not explicitly teach you that you can attack up and down, idk maybe playing with a controller like they recommend makes it more intuitive.

With this in mind, you can progress.

It's more like an 8/10, if you like metroidvanias.

I see a lot of people that may even enjoy the game but have honest complaints or issues with it only for niggas to jump off of the walls and shout them down.

>50 hours in
>Still running around completing sidequests

There's so fucking much to do in this game. I haven't even started the new content yet.

Well the truth is that these threads are not made by shills but instead obsessed as fuck autists so it's to be expected.

best ending is if you get Kingsoul btw? i don't want to end this is a bitter note.

>I fell for the shill about bought one of the most popular anticipated games of the year that turned out to be amazing and people have been talking about nonstop since release

Really? It runs butter smooth 1080 fullscreen with vsync off on my 4690K + 960 4gb

you are on the right path user.

I've seen some retarded ass complaints desu. A lot of people compare the art to common newgrounds flash or think because the game is hard it's artificial difficulty. I saw some people say it's worst than SotN which is utter shit as HK actually has good difficulty and good rewards in its system and SotN is a casual slaughterfest that floods you with overpowered items.

I'm at those teleporting faggots and I'm really starting to hate this game just for them.
I can't fucking get any of them without losing at least one pip.

Why the fuck isn't this on the switch

It is.

The funny thing about PC is that unless you are incredible at optimizing, shit breaks on random setups in ways that don't make sense.

No it's not I checked

Game suffers from a lack fo quality bosses after Soul Master. Besides that, it's pretty solid.

Have I ever played this game before, Sup Forums?


It runs smoothly on mine, but crashes whenever I try to exit to the main menu.

Yes, and you loved it.

Yeah this game is bit of a mess.
If you google about it you get a million voodoo solution that work for random people and don't work for random people.

How are the keyboard and mouse controls, my good sirs?

What the fuck

Works for me ;)

Congratulations, you won the lottery.

I would suggest Stardew Valley, AM2R, Spelunky, or even Cuphead. My laptop can run all these shits and it's way worse than yours.

The knock back you get when attacks lands is needlessly frustrating, especially since its not consistent with when and how far it will knock you. Seems like the mechanic was just implemented to frustrate players.

Pyre is a good game though.

It's a solid fucking game--my only complaint is the backtracking becomes a huge pain in the ass.

I expect a bit of backtracking in a metroidvania, but this is just too much.

>there are people on this board, RIGHT NOW, that haven't played GOTY yet

What the fuck

Just recommending some games :)

it's your personal GOTY but it's not GOTY

get the badge that stops that, you minge.

There is a charm that negates that effect...I personally have developed a fighting style that takes advantage of that knockback.

Wouldn't pvp in Hollow Knight be fun as fuck?

It's kinda be like smash bros.

I wait for the New Year bigger sale.

Game is very good. My only 2 gripes are that you don't get most of the movement abilities until late in the game, and that your only weapons are nail and energy ball (which probably wouldn't have been that bad if you got the movement options earlier)

But that just compounds with the already stunted movement mechanics. It wouldn't be so bad if the game was curved around the acquisition of these upgrades, but because it isn't I feel like I'm just being teased constantly.

I don't like it when Metroid does it either. This probably just isn't my genre.

ironically, this is the most succssful "non-FROM Software" Souls like game ever made, so far.

its practically a fucking Madlibs version of Dark souls 1, plot and all.

I think the movement is more than fair, and there's even a badge for running and a different one for omnidash

I thought this game wasn't souls-like

it isnt, its a metroidvania through and through

I really don't like the art direction because it really is reminiscent of Newgrounds flashes, but I also don't like the use of color and tone in the game. I can't really assess the difficulty but that's not really a problem anyway because the games I enjoy tend to be way more difficult than any Metroidvania on average.

its incredibly souls like, especially in the feel of the gameworld and the plot.

to the point it had to be on purpose, it feels like a hidden love letter to Symphony of the night and Dark Souls 1.

>badge for running
That's just silly. Sounds like one of those tired vidya convention threads.

>upgrade is you running slightly faster

So what did you guys thought about the Nightmare King Grimm dlc boss fight? I found it really challenging

left or right??

I spend literally this entire day trying the path of pain, and like 5-6h on the last bit, and I couldn't do it.
Fuck this, I give up.

The game rips off das1's story don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It has it's meme death system too which is extremely out of place in a game like this.

This "Souls" shit needs to fucking die.

>it really is reminiscent of Newgrounds flashes

I haven't played Dark Souls, but it would only be anything close to souls-like in plot and maybe aesthetics. I did play Demon's Souls and it wasn't even similar in that regard, but can't speak for Dark Souls.
I know for a fact that the corpse run is the only thing even close to Souls as far as gameplay is concerned.

>posts 1/5 rated game
come on at least post the midna sex game if you're going to meme around

>still have to beat God Tamer
Shit is impossible.
10/10 goty best metroidvania in years.

say whatever you want but it's truee.

Is the DLC worth it?

you have a currency that drops on death and you have to go back to where you died to get it back, if you die twice its gone forever, your also crippled while your "shadow" is still around.

you get items that are worth currency and can hold them as a sort of insurance

the plot is literally Dark Souls 1, to a tee, but in a good way.

it just doesn't have leveling up RPG shit. hence the SoTN part of the game.

The rating is not the point here. Have you actually seen it?

I think Yahtzee's recent review hammered home how boring these dead civilization settings are nowadays. It's been done to death. HK would be so much more engaging if it had done a compete 180 and just rainbowed shit up.

I do like the quasi-singing that NPCs do to alert you, though. And the boss fights are hella fun once you figure out their rhythm, but that's about as much as I'm enjoying this so far.

Oh, and bug wife got a sexy bug butt.

I like the knockback, it's occasionally frustrating but my fighting style adapted to it. I don't even use the badge you get early on to stop it.

>hence the SoTN part of the game.
SOTN did have leveling up, unless I'm not understanding what you mean. I think you mean that it's the Metroid part of the game.
But yeah, other than the corpse run and the plot, that's it for the Dark Souls-like. There's no blocking, there's no rolling around like a retard, there's pretty much just one weapon, and the level design and powerups are based heavily on Metroid.

You mean worth it to play? Because it's free.

First DLC gives you fast travel.

Strange though, while I'm tired of dead civilization exploration as well I thought HK did a good job since you could meet up with a lot of the major characters from the past and even talk to them. It's not like they're not telling you anything or being vague, it's actually more blatant about a lot of its concepts and history than DaS and other games.

Its a 2d platformer with power ups that gives you access to new areas, power ups and collectables

its a metroidvania. The death penalty is just borrowed from another game because they thought it was a good death penalty.

Jesus christ

Because Sup Forums couldn't comprehend that a 2d indie game made by 3 people was actually GOTY worthy.

Yeah. I personally played it because it was a Metroidvania, I can't imagine anyone saying "I'm playing this because it's like Dark Souls". I liked Metroids, SOTN, Guacamelee, Ori, and Axiom Verge so I played Hollow Knight. And I personally think the corpse run doesn't belong in this game, I think it's retarded to force you to trek through the same place you just did in a non-linear exploration game, but it didn't bother me that much I guess.

That looks painful indeed.

or maybe it was fags that you that caused it

>made by 3 people

That would explain the phenomenal performance issues.

This actually looks hard unlike White Palace.

what's the deal with white place and why i need so much essence for it.

ps4 when

its been done like 6 times, ever.

"to death" is a shrinking number with todays idiots, shits barely a trend and you ADHD fuckers are already tired of it.

"other than all this important shit, thats it for the allusions".

Two things. That's it. The post I replied to was ridiculously padded out
>you get items that are worth currency
Has been a thing in games decades before From even existed.

pretty sure the dev's are open with how they took things from Dark Souls

they don't need you white knighting on an issue they don't even contend.

They did take things from Dark Souls, I'm just saying that it doesn't make it Dark Souls-like. I'm sure they'd agree it's much more Metroid-like. I don't have a problem with it being compared to Dark Souls a bit, don't get me wrong, I just think Souls-like is going way too far for a couple details.