I am asking this question in the most sincere, and honest way possible. Why does this fat fuck have a fanbase?

I am asking this question in the most sincere, and honest way possible. Why does this fat fuck have a fanbase?

Other urls found in this thread:


i think if you ignore his fat sjw cuck shit there's something there idk

He's a personality. That's it.

>there's something there

Same reason people like the Amazing Atheist have a fanbase. Pseudo intellectual teenagers. The rick and morty crowd.

>there's something there
Like what? Maybe once a year, he will accidentally produce something watchable, but most of the time, he gets on the latest hate bandwagon in the most annoying way possible.

He appeals to SJWs, so they like him. But he doesn't let it leak into his actual videos (most of the time), so people on here still like him.

>so people on here still like him.
I find this hard to believe, I've never seen anything nice about him on this website.

Remember when he claimed VR wasn't inclusive because he was too fat to stand?

He shits on Nintendofags, so he's /ourguy/. That's really all it takes.

Why do people post on Sup Forums?

To be contrarian, he's just the guy who worked out people will pay to see a 10/10 game get a bad review. He's human clickbait, and I respect him for making the money while he can.

He feeds into people's anger over stupid things in the industry. They want their outrage to feel validated and he does that.

I find him genuinely entertaining.

Fight me.

Because he relentlessly shits on Nintendo fanboys.

He takes most controversies and just rides on whatever the most popular simple bandwagon currently is.
People don't like to be told that some issues have some degrees of grey around, they like to be told that it's all black and white and that they are on the correct side so all their useless shitposting and yelling is justified. He delivers on that.

Because he creates controversy and he knows people are drawn to controversy.

When he's talking about the industries shitty business practices he's alright. On anything else you can disregard his opinion.

cult of personality.

All personal opinions aside, I'll say objectively that Jim isn't that great of a commentator on games and games media.

He calls for absolute and total player aurhority over games to combat shitty developer attitudes, but when people cheese game mechanics or act in a way he doesn't approve of in the community or chat of the game, he berates the developers for not doing enough to crack down on that.

He hates the concept of Early Access and speaks against it but has helped crowdfund several games into development.

He wants developers to be unbiased and games journalism to not be scummy, but injects his own bias into his journalism and tries to appeal strongly, and monetarily, to certain demographics.

He dislikes Youtube e-celebrity culture and cults of personality around users, but has one of his own and is involved in the e-celebrity clique with the likes of TotalBiscuit, LauraK, Dodger, Yahtzee, etc.

He wants players to stop feeling entitled as to bash games for minor flaws, yet bashes and praises certain games for minor things they include. IE, Fallout 4 is a good game because it has polygamy, and some game he played on Steam was bad because you had to save a woman in it.

He's a hypocrite and has a track record of changing his stance on numerous topics, game-related and otherwise, when the demographics suit it.

And again, this is without any of my own personal opinions included.

I thought we were NintendoGAF?

I often hear that this guy is really influential and how his fanbase take everything as gospel. With that said, despite speaking out against consumer practices in his vids, nobody listens to him at all because things did not get better in recent years.

What? You literally can't talk about any Nintendo games without a horde of sonybros shitting all over the thread until mods are forced to delete it.

Escapist bleedoff, mainly from Zero punc.
I always felt he was one of the more entertaining options for game news, with not enough impotent rage to become stale but just enough that it felt like something the audience could agree with. He's at his best when dealing with egregious bullshit. This style was perfect for the horrifying mess that was the first half of the 2010's, specifically 2013-2015. Fuck those years in particular.
Comparatively, 2017 and 2016 have been great gaming years, so he probably hasn't been as good lately.

I know he got painted as an SJW during GG but I felt that was undeserved, since he always railed really hard on the state of game journalism. He was basically on our side.
He's had a few bad moments, like that time with tomodachi life, where he launched a tirade prematurely.

>and some game he played on Steam was bad because you had to save a woman in it.

das sexis

He got upset that the hero had to save a woman and his dialogue was something like "I have to save my girlfriend", and Jim didn't like. "She's not your property mate" or similar.

>He wants developers to be unbiased and games journalism to not be scummy, but injects his own bias into his journalism
I always felt what put him above those others was that he always very upfront with his satirical format about his biases, which is why he always wears that dictator getup with the red glasses. Like he's a game journalist who demands his word be treated as law but it's clearly satire.

youtube.com/watch?v=OlWn9QqyYtA He made a pretty funny video once.

Because a lot of other fat fucks play video games.

In the age of post-neo-nu-Sup Forums, if you're not a self-labelled "red-pill" advocate, then you're by default a SJW feminazi leftist cultural marxist cuck cuck cuck cuck.

I still hate the fact he changed to a new 'showman' aesthetic from the dictator one.

I dont know either man, but desu there arent many good game-related channels at all really

Is that Slim Sterling?

>And again, this is without any of my own personal opinions included.

oh I don't think so.

I'm not going to autistically dissect everything single thing but will point out that changing one's opnion doesn't make them a hypocrite, just the opposite, and you can still dislike something while being part of it by default. He's also not a game developper himself and he is a self-employed "journalist" - he's not IGN.

>something like
>or similar

are you sure you're not making things up to get upset about and rail against SJWs?

t. Jimquisition subscriber

>confirmed upset "red-pill" retard

It's funny because irl it's the other way around.

>Thread filled with trivial shit about his personal life again
I don't know about all this 'sjw, cuck' stuff, but I watch Jim a lot because I fully agree with his views on the videogame industry. If we had more people like him, maybe the game industry wouldn't be such a heaping pile of shit.
I like how he continuously calls out any bullshit that he finds out is happening.
Idk why you wouldn't want to have someone actively trying to stop publishers from draining as much money out of you as possible.

>Calls out bullshit in the industry, while also being very SJW-friendly (but not preaching a whole lot)

Good combo for high viewship

>Jim then went on to unironically give Sonic 4 a 8/10

>Implying Sup Forums hasn't become corporate cocksucker central

For more detailed explanation see

was he castrated as a kid or something
why does he sound like that

I would assume most of his fans are regularly fucking his wife.

Ughh... Dont remind me. That old one was comfy as fuck, though honestly that might just be because it was a dark theme for a dark time in video games.

he's pro consumer and not a fucking shill paid by publishers to make them look good.
say what you want but he is good for the industry.

I don't mind Jim as much as some people but his content is incredibly hit or miss. I appreciate the new show about retarded comments "hardcore" gamers make and the one on tekken was fantastic but the rest of it is pretty bad. And that podcast is fucking terrible. The only time its listenable is when that one trans chick is gone. She completely dominates the conversation and derails any interesting conversation.

I actually get news of the gaming industry from his videos, but have never been to his site. I wouldn't have learned about Activision's patented gameplay affecting matchmaking algorithm without his story (probably, maybe would have heard it from Sup Forums but uncertain). His humor is cringe to me but I don't watch the vids for his humor.


His balls got squished by his giant belly.


why do people like his cringy videos?

Has his moments sometimes.

except when he's a bitch for sake of being one. so i get it if Sup Forums hates his fucking guts.

>are you sure you're not making things up to get upset about and rail against SJWs?
Did you even read his post? The point had absolutely nothing to do with "SJWs" but Jim being inconsistent when he bashes other people for being entitled when he does the same shit.

>Stop liking what I don't like!
>I lack the mental capacity to even consider someone likes something I don't!

The internet was a mistake

I hate that garbage. Probably did it for easy and consistent 'content' to placate his paying fanbase

>Sup Forums wants change in the game industry
>people come around with the same exact ideas on what shit needs to be fixed for gaming to be good
>"fuck 'em, they're cuck SJWs"


Much easier to dismiss those you disagree with than to try and understand.

He's one of those losers that acts like the word "cuck" isn't an insult, by acting like the most asshurt person about it

>What? You think being called a cuck offends me? Huh? HUH? Well it doesn't!
>hehe i'm a proud cuck

Watching him send Nintendo kiddies into eternal ass blasted mode is enough to justify his existence.

>Oy vey, this man is a cuck! Don't listen to any of his criticism of the games industry go-, fellow gamer

>Points out a bad thing is bad
>Takes credit for it when the mass audience starts noticing the bad thing is bad too
Amazing how self-important Youtube can make people.

Too bad nothing he does matters despite his continued call out.

Jim makes some good arguments but he sometimes goes on tirades prematurely. And I don't think he always explains himself well in things like jimquisition where his character gets in the way of more nuanced discourse. But overall i think hes a good person to have in the industry.

I really don't need a fat cuck to tell me how bad DLC microtransactions are

Maybe you do, so kys

>i hate this fucking asshole
>so i i'm gonna give him $100 through page hits through the years by watching his garbage to confirm how much i hate him, along with thousands of other people who hate him

I seriously hope none of you do this shit, and i'm not specifically talking about whoever that eceleb on OP is

>but he sometimes goes on tirades prematurely.

I mean he has called a few things really early on

>>so i i'm gonna give him $100 through page hits

He doesn't make any money off of page hits. All his money is Patreon


That picture would be funnier if it was just his nose.

Youtube gives you shekels for each hit, even if people are using adblock