>perfect controllers don't exis-
Perfect controllers don't exis-
XBone controller is literally an improvement on every level Especially the D-Pad.
That's an interesting claim, do you have any evidence to back it up?
You posted the wong image, OP
The d-pad is horrible so it's not really perfect. Has anyone tried one of these?
You mean this one right?
Xbox analog is pure shit.
The Dpad is legit one of the worst I've ever had the pleasure of using. I blew through 3 of those pieces of shit before I came to my senses and got used to another pad for games that need the dpad. Every fucking 10 bucks thrustmaster bargain bin garbage controller has a better dpad that lasts longer, and I'm not even exaggerating. Xbox 360 dpad is stiff, inaccurate, feels like shit, makes your thumb hurt after ten minutes, wears in no time, and every pad has it ever so slightly tilted to a different side / harder to press on one of the sides so you have to readjust every time, like they have the chinese interns glue it on manually for each pad or something
why does nobody remember the 360 controller with the improved dpad
wireless only, can hardly be considered a real controller desu
>buttons completely shit for mashing
>extremely mediocre d-pad
it's decent but far from perfection
>still using the same shitty non-ergonomic design from early 2000's
>comfy to hold
>has clicky buttons instead of mushy buttons
WiiUPro > 360
Would it bloat controllers too much to have the current shoulder and trigger layout AND six face buttons?
>the best gaming controllers are the one that weren't even made for gaming specifically.
Why is that?
Mice are just the ideal device for precision movement.
Keyboards fuck for anything but digital, 8 direction movement in game,s though.
>master race
Mouse and gameboard is the way to go for maximum precision and comfort.
I wish they would just put serious effort into the D-pads again. The PS2 D-pad could be used for pretty much everything if you wanted to thanks to the great pressure sensitivity.
>The PS2 D-pad could be used for pretty much everything
are you retarded? the ps2 dpads were terrible for fighting games
Sony never made good d-pads. You want old Nintendo or old Sega stuff.
>Xbox D-pad is pure shit
That too, but Xbox analogs are stiff as fuck and have gigantic dead zones.
I've found D-Pads work amazing in Nintendo controllers.
WiiU Pro and now DualShock4 are just very comfy to hold (X360 feels a little heavy at times)
My friend has a Red Gear XInput controller with shockingly good analog sticks. Like the grip and the firmness was as good as Xbox One's controller.
My dream controller would be a mix of these.
Just wondering, I don't use the d-pad that much, can't remember last time I used it, what games do you need a d-pad for?
>that d-pad
Op officially retarded, more news at 11.
>no analogue triggers
So close.
Also in b4, "only for racing, duh."
>muh dpad
There is no reason for the complaints. This shit is so fucking overblown.
The sticks are terrible and tend to drift.
The vita dpad is goat
this right here was some major wasted potential desu. i love it, even outside of smash
It really isn't. The Dpad is fucking awful.