Steam Sale Thread

How'd I do, boys?

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Add The Room and The Room Two.
Remove Necrodancer and Ziggurat.
Don't know about the reast.

All I know is that Ziggurat is shit. Still feel the buyers remorse from when I bought it when it was last time in sale.

I'm a big Isaac guy and head Necromancer was similar so I bought it. absolutely hate it. playing a game where i can't hit the buttons when i want to without a penalty is not fun.

I get that it's a rhythm game and that is the point but still.

Same, Ziggurat was fucking trash

Have you tried dungeon souls? Fun as fuck game. Not very challenging though.

double trips confirms

Ziggurat banished to the deepest depths of hell.

How is Salt? I liked Minecraft and The Forest, but I didn't really like 7 Days to Die, The Long Dark, or Ark.

yeah fuck that game
boring as fuck

ziggurat isn't THAT bad, its enjoyable

Thinking of either getting Dying Light or Prey. Also how is Just Cause 3?

Shut the fuck up faggot, you dont have trips

Thinking of Ikaruga and Hollow Knight.
Anything else good and cheap?

double trips say otherwise.

Try the bard char since you have already got the game.

2dark is a fuckin hidden gem, would recommend.

You could've bought a boyfriend instead

Dying light is a lot of fun. They did everything better than Dead Island. If you're a fan of zombie genre games or movies it's a must. The parkour feels great too.

What did he mean by this

Personally I'd wait for bayo to be $10
but im just a cheap jew


what is different about him?

axiom verge is THE shit if you're into metroidvanias

Yeah you don't get to disagree, double trips have spoken.

I unironically agree
>Uninteresting characters
>Uninteresting limp weapons
>Shrines are useless
>Most upgrades are useless
>Enemies are bulletsponges

I did get Axiom Verge quite recently, loving it, but there are a few enemies that feel like a hp tax and undodgeable.


you can explore floors completely, no time limit to force you out of it. You can run around like sanic without beat. You still fight enemies beat based but every beat is as long as you want it to be.

It's pretty shit tbqh
The only game I bought was helldivers and most games that I want aren't on sale or have about a -20% tag

I couldn't stand To The Moon, but a lot of people stroke their cocks to it. I think I played for 45 minutes before I realized there won't be gameplay. Hotline Miami is more my speed if I have to play something with pixel graphics.


I liked Oxenfree waaaaay more than I thought I was going to. Soma was a lot of fun too. Never heard of any of the other stuff.

>Spending $60 on shovelware when you could bought AssCreed:Origins instead

For shame

This is a joke right?

LOL, AssShit: Origins should be

Is Bayonette worth it at that price? Do you think the price will go down lower for Black Friday or Christmas sales?

Bayonetta is worth at any price dude

Nice try shill.

I refunded the bundle because it had too much shit I would probably never play in it. All I wanted was Blackguard 1+2 and maybe Skyhill. Otherwise, how did I do?


Will I like it if I've never played a fighting game before?

>to the moon

I plan on getting darkwood too
If someone here has played it, pls say how is it?

You play To The Moon to feel feels. Feels you haven't felt in a long time.

either you have hotline miami 1 or you are a retard for not spending 1.25$ more for holtine miami 1 + 2 pack

I've only played up to night 3 so far, and it's kind of difficult. I always feel like there's a finite amount of items to scavenge so it's difficult to determine what to upgrade or repair. Weapons break pretty easy too. But like I said, I just started. Maybe it gets easier or maybe I'm just playing wrong.

Thinking about getting alien Isolation. Have heard its good but i dont like jumpscare stuff what kind of game is it? Should i get it v?

is like a walking simulator, nothing else, not worth it

>hotline miami 2
enjoy the worst sequel ever faggot

All I got was costume quest and SS2 cause I'm a poorfag.

>Remove necrodancer
Don't listen to this guy, game is good. He's probably just too bad to play it.

If you mean you don’t like jump scare stuff cuz you find it cheap, it has more going for it than that. If you mean you don’t like it cuz it genuinely scares you too much or something, don’t get it.

Is dlc worth it?

>fighting game

Help me pick guys.

if that's the worst sequel ever then you really need to play more sequels

Well what would you call it? I've never played any of those flashy games before.

It's a beat em up albeit a very cuhrayzee one.

Will I like it if I never played one before?

should I buy these?

>just posted this on the wrong thread
Silly me

Yes. It's very fun and easy to get into.


Alien is 2spoopy4me, dead rising is fun with a friend

Literally no good games on sale right now, I'll wait until Christmas.

Fuck you all and I hope your mothers get raped, cunts.

The first one was a lot better, but I still liked it. Also, the soundtrack was great.

DS2 and EYE are great, especially for that price.

The Swapper
Mark of the Ninja
Don't Starve
Super Hexagon
Castle Crashers
Battleblock Theater
Bot Vice
Tadpole Treble

I've been thinking of buying The Devil's Daughter as well as these games