What do you think will be the next setting in the Fallout franchise?
What do you think will be the next setting in the Fallout franchise?
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I'll tell you, but it'll cost you Creation Club credits.
Okay, Todd. I just can't resist your dashing good looks.
When's the next fallout? 2030?
New Vegas 2267
Bet we won't be seeing Liberty Prime in future Fallout games.
fuck the abortion that is east coast fallout and wrap up the west coast/ncr story
What will be the next setting of the Skyrim franchise?
Skyrim, but this time it takes place in an alternate universe where the Aldmeri Dominision took over, and the entire game is about fighting the elf supremacists. Also, you play as a preconcieved character. And Dwemer technology gets adapted so now instead of swords and shield you'll be fighting with guns.
>after mages of the realm discover the power of nuclear bombs
japan would be cool
One set in the middle of New Orleans, which takes the idea of an irradiated GECK fucking everything up. I sorta also want it to do other things with it.
>Super mutants rule over most civilization there and treat humans as cattle, but allow them to live peasant lives
>Faction made of former BoS and Enclave members who got fucked up by the Super Mutant threat
>Underwater vault where some Mirelurks broke in, but due to the vault housing FEV, they became super intelligent, and now they're pretty much tribals who give FEV to other Mirelurks to enhance their intelligence and sacrifice meat for their queen
>Assaultron companion
>Mutant sharks that have become vaguely humanoid like Anglers
>Some town has people who do incest with the Rad-Sharks
>Faction of ghouls who seriously just want equality for everyone, sorta like Railroad without all the bullshit they do for killing humans
Japan probably doesn't exist, but they could definitely weave in some godzilla shit if they wanted to.
South Texas. It will be something about the relation between the US survivors and people from Mexico, or something like that.
I'm sure the next Fallout will be released when the wall is finished, so I'm sure as fuck all video games then will have some sort of political undertones about the Trump wall.
I had a dream once that the fallout license will automatically revert back to interplay after fallout 5. then I woke up and cried
id imagine that japan would of been taken out by a huge wave or something.
He's going to be every mainline fallout in the future because of his hilarious and memorable quotes that are just so epic
This would be the coolest but isn't Australia mostly fine in the Fallout world
Britain got out mostly unscathed by dint of not getting involved in the stupidest pissing match of all time and Australia had even less reason to get involved or be targeted
Moscow or St. Petersburg. You play as somebody who has been trained to be a sleeper agent/assassin since birth but never deployed - instead roams the wasteland and tries to survive. You become hunted by a group of Americans and in the end uncover that you were stolen as an infant from the president of the United States. In the end you can choose between killing your birth parents or your mentor.
Why did they create creation club currency when they know theres websites like nexusmods out there?
Was this idea only for console players?
I mean, it might be mostly fine in the sense that no bombs have it it but a global nuclear exchange is going to have a knock-on effect everywhere
I wish I had a similar dream where Bethesda went under and sold the rights to the Fallout IP to Obsidian for a dollar, and Todd Howard gave an apology speech to the media for the abomination that was Fallout 4, shortly before being lynched on live television.
West Virginia.
>Tons of creepy shit coming out to kill you
>Mothman appears somewhere in the game, implied to be either Big MT or something far worse
>Turns out some parts of society genuinely rebuilt and are off to a good start
>Main antagonist is a raider who has a chariot that are attached to DEATHCLAWS
Fuck yeah. Have him be a random encounter in the ruins of Point Pleasant or whatever.
>human anglers
Needs more innsmouth
I think he's referring to the Anglers from Far Harbor that became humanoid, then saying that Sharks could become humanoid too for enemies.
It'd do something sure but given the major population centres wouldn't have been destroyed and Australia is easily capable of self sufficiency I doubt it would be an interesting setting for a fallout game
Besides, causing the same level of devastation as America in Australia would be almost impossible without bombing a good 70% of all inhabitable space in the country, the population density is so low it's crazy
t. Australian
Pretty much.
Anchorage, Alaska
I know it's dumb and will never happen, trust me I don't want it to happen either, but god I want to see a communist country post-war. Perhaps have Communists and Capitalists groups still fighting there, the arguments they make mirroring pre-war arguments for the same sides.