ITT perfect games.
ITT perfect games
You already posted the only true answer
>No multiplayer
>No random generated battles
Otherwise the GOAT srpg. All sequels were downgrades, all inspired by it were simplified.
>No real time weapon switching
>pre-baked combo strings
>boring uninspired character design
Try an actual perfect game... Like pic related for example
i thought WotL had multiplayer
Wasn't it some kind of pit your AI team against the other person's AI team?
>strongest armor looks terrible
>penultimate shield looks the best but is only used for a small portion of the game
>pink hair
>you get a neat gigantic bomb that you only use once
oh look, I can do it too
I agree. But are you trying to summon the Tactics Ogre autist?
A game is only not perfect if it's flaws are missed opportunities to make an incredible work of art that will not be done by anyone else.
I remember when I used to think this too. You'll get over it
Not the Tactics Ogre autist
But TO is a better game.
I have a special kind of hate in my heart for FFT as it killed it off.
What NG is that?
Can a game be perfect?
>No random generated battles
True, what a loss...
No. It's multi vs
>there will never be another tactics rpg as great as this one
tactics ogre doesn't compare and neither does disgaea. all the tactics advanced games sucked compared to this gem. it's one of the few games I can play over and never get bored
The game itself was great, but the community was becoming obsessed with DPS inflation and the developmental delays were not helping.
Tactics ogre is probably the better game over all and is a lot more rewarding if you are really into the game since it has actual endgame stuff. I think I put 300+ hours into it on the ps1 and then another 500+ when it got remade for the psp, FFT playthroughs you ran out of things to do after like 80 hours.
I think the story in fft is overall better, there are many plot point in tactics ogre where the kids do completely retarded shit and get caught or kidnapped or killed or what have you
FFT has a very bad narrative and game play divide which completely ruins the story
>srpg with 4 units
Well it kept me hooked till the end. Can't say the same about tactics ogre.
Just played through this again recently. Still amazing but definitely not perfect.
>Story missions have no level scaling with your characters while random encounters do
>Only thing that stops you from grinding to level 99 immediately is the fact that monsters' stats scale with level while your guys scale with gear
>Gear availability is tied to story progression and not level progression
>Early story missions often feature 1-2 guest characters who take up a slot that could be used by one of your own
>Said guest characters are often useless and outclassed by your own
>Late game is trivialized by Orlandeau
Game aged pretty well otherwise. Story and script are better than I remembered.
FFT is probably one of the best games ever made, but it has extremely severe balance issues near the end that arguably spoil the game play experience. It's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. But that's fine. None of my favorite games would ever qualify as "perfect".
>You can literally access the best endgame spells right off the bat, if you want
>A FUCKTON of combo possibilities
>Wiegraf was the perfect villain
>Charge time
the story in both is garbage.
you're right.
3 would be better.
>You can literally access the best endgame spells right off the bat, if you want
Which ones? I've beaten FFT a couple times but never bothered to min/max.
class system ruined it. all classes should be unlocked from the start.
You are small time
It fucking felt tedious. I was only able to play for 5 hours. I prefer Tactic Ogre.
>Random generated battle
Are you a casual? Because only casuals like that
How about you just suck my dick? You sound like a puss puss.
I'm glad I made you laugh! :3c
I have a few favorites of my own
>reflect + lvl3 black magic for double hit combo (bonus if mime)
>two swords knight
>math skill holy/flare + magic attack up
>rush jump max
>summon magic
>nameless dance/song
>speed/slow dance/song
I know samurais have OP stuff, but I don't the class.
>lvl 1 ninja
>lvl 1 monk
>learn literally any black magic, go calculator and spam it forever because early levels are mostly plain
>No real time weapon switching
>pre-baked combo strings
>boring uninspired character design
that all applies to lttp.
>no jumping
>can't swim with a special item
>your "uncle" or whoever dies within the first 5 minutes and is never mentioned again, despite allowing link to save the goddamn world
great storytelling there, nintendo. might as well have just made him live alone.
Kill yourself. The world will actually be a better place without you. Think about it. Think real deep about it. Think about what you have done in your life and if you've made an impact on others.
that's a problem with the balancing itself than what I said. besides, you can conceivably unlock everything very early on simply by grinding. normal battles even scale, which is basically the devs saying "sure, unlock everything right away"
all it is is tedious. and having to do it for every single character? get the fuck right on out of here. also, calculators should just be removed altogether because they're not fun.
>tons of unique and individualized characters
>child prince gets 7 princesses of varying types and they all love him and respect each other
>each boss is a unique challenge
>tons of micromanaging and connecting with soldiers as you use them more and more
>visually see your territory expand, watch troops get married, tax people, tons of side quests
>huge and gorgeous world with lots of little pockets of secrets
>OST is 100% tweaked classical music
Only fault is that nobody really played it, and the VITA version misses the point.
>also, calculators should just be removed altogether because they're not fun.
Brainlet confirmed.
>I like destroying every enemy without trying
fuck no
ahahahahahahahhahah no
I love the game but no.
>perfect game
>with shit gameplay
I bought this game when it came out, and one night I stayed at a friends house and I had allergies so I tried to launch a snot rocket but it stuck to my pinky so I did a slap like what you do with a skoal can and it went across the room and we couldnt find it. the next morning it was dried and encrusted into the front of the case. From that point on, we referred to the game as "Legend of Dry-Goober".
the holy trinity
(also fft)
of overrated games?
Utter Perfection. I go back and replay it at least three times a year.
maybe if you do not scrutinize it in anyway
t. person whose favorite SRPG is FFT
Shit gameplay
Perfect game coming through
Most underrated SNES game of all time. Half action, half RTS.
Action half is the dark souls of snes
good, but hardly perfect. Filled with dozens of characters I never use, and then proceeds to permanently remove one of my favorites.
shit, meant:
harle > leena > Kid
2007 maplestory
Paper mario
Yoshis island
Original smash bros
San andreas
Diablo 2
mfw just started the game for the first time few hours ago
Quite possibly the worst grind in video game history. Leveling your jobs is horrible.
Maps are too small
Last boss and ending was shit.
DMC 3 with the style switcher mod
Baldur's Gate 2
Deus Ex
Genma Onimusha
>Otherwise the GOAT srpg.
Says a lot about japanese srpgs
>best mario game isn't a mario game
Really makes you think.
20 years later and retards STILL think Calculators are good. Pathetic.
Search deep down inside yourself.
You know it to be true.
I agree that they're shit, retard
Ys Oath/Origin
is it better than Alundra?
>fuck leftys
beats me. should I play Alundra?
best Zelda game isn't a Zelda game, so...
yes this game is so good
but the gameplay was the best part
tri-attacks were great and should be in more games
Yeah cause combats attacks are such an innovative and obscure feature right?
Is the Phone version good? I was thinking about getting it and playing when Im doing nothing at work/
Or PC version, whatever.
This a perfect arcade racers. The genre can actually die now in peace.
>perfect game
Get a load of this guy