V-VR is the future!

>V-VR is the future!

Other urls found in this thread:


>VR is the future!


>People on Sup Forums spent $800 on a VR headset

>VR is the future

Keep on crying poorfags!

Rich people dont waste money


I wanted it to try out that chat game where you can headpat cute 2d girls.

It was too much for me. Not the price but it was just too much hassle with all the wires, my nose is really sensitive to shit so the helmet was never comfortable. I only tried PSVR. I mean it was cool. But just too much hassle. Also I was really disappointed by how video quality was complete shit.

$600 is pocket change for a rich person and they’re bound to be interested in VR if they’re buying it so it’s not a waste.


It's art.

VR naysayers need new material.

>white """men"""

>VR hype just starts
>instantly tell that nobody is going to enjoy playing videogames wiggling their arms around with a monitor slapped on their face
I told you faggots

But it is the future. It's just not the present.

Yeah and we tell you that it's better than that and things are only starting.

This is a really useful graphic, I appreciate you posting it. It's difficult to find the true accurate values for each HMD these days. Most people will leave it at "the vive has better tracking and only rich kids are allowed to have it."

VR isnt a bad idea. The fact no normal game can be natively played on it kills it though.


VR actually does seem like the future, interacting online with body language makes a massive difference

It's not the future, but every once in awhile I slap on the headset, boot up Sairento, and have a blast.

Even if VR dies tomorrow, that game made it worth the money. No regrets.

Why are headsets getting marked down for using HDMI 2.0? If you don't have a card that has the newer socket, you probably shouldn't be running high end vr in the first place.

Dude, epic prank lmao!
They sure showed those normies, lol look at that "freak-out"!

You fucking children areinsufferable.

Sairento is awesome

any sources for this?

maybe they wanted displayport?

I had a vive for 6 months and got rid of it, development was novel but the whole thing is just so limited compared to normal games.

There's a few things that really work and really work well. Unfortunately, the cost makes it prohibitive to own for the super-small list of software that are really worth playing on it.

All VR need to succeed is to the game industry to use all its creativity and innovation to make games that take advantage of the system!

Yes, it is fucked

The whole reason the devkits got off the ground was because of the indie dev community doing exactly that. Most of the standards we know now are because of them.

Indie games is where it's at with VR. They're the ones trying new things whilst AAA companies bet safe and only use old methods.

If it's not VR it's not worth buying. You might as well play a phone game.

>Call it VR for Virtual Reality
>It's only about sight and even it cover everything except around your nose
>tfw being a student at university for a project course about making a VR video game and you want to destroy everything VR-related because it's just a fucking scam

i fuck vr in the butt, k, five, six seven times i fuck, no feel

four, five times fucking my penis in fucking butt of vr, see, my dick + butt = vr, get it? no

trying too hard

>the red mark is not even real
that fucking crowbcat picture was so damn misleading, i played oculus for hours non-stop and this never happened

What is currently the best VR headset if I don't give a shit about roomscale and basically want for seated games and cockpit sims?

REVII was pretty cool.

Not even the giantbomb video that meme originated from is real. It's a cut up of scenes made to make VR look bad when they actually enjoyed it and still play it today.

Naysayer 'arguments' are 100% rehashed meme shit.

It's not difficult at all, you're just retarded. Sorry bud

On another note, tablets are dead too. Just sorta noticed this. I have a tablet PC but I never disconnect it from the keyboard because a giant screen is retarded to hold and not portable anyway.

>Naysayers talk bullshit
>Naysayers get BTFO
>Naysayers go quiet and wait for the thread to die
>Naysayers find/make a new VR thread just to repeat the same bullshit

It's a never ending cycle. They ether don't want to know better or find it's cheap bait.

>MFW get to pilot my Mechfu in VR
Praying for a Black Friday miracle that causes the Rift to only be $200

>On another note, tablets are dead too
parents still buy them for children and lower tier public education systems are getting your tax money to buy them in droves

>if I don't give a shit about roomscale
So, you don't care about VR at all?
cockpits are not VR

Tablets are not dead. Tablet PCs maybe, but normies are buying iPads and shitty $50 android tablets left and right.


Tablets have other uses beside just browsing and shitty games.
Being able to control systems while being portable has become key in many industries.

TFW disabled and can't ever try VR because of my health conditions.

>Be 34 year old disabled single dad
>At computer 8+ hours a day because pain keeps me immobile
>Grew up hearing about how VR was the future
>VR finally becomes available
>Develop Trigeminal Neuralgia
>Try on a VR headset once at Best Buy
>Triggers attacks of pain so bad that I had to be taken out of there in a wheel chair
>Condition continues to get worse

I'll never be able to do VR because the pressure it put on my face stimulated my fucked up facial nerves. It felt like my face was being crushed and burned at the same time.

So...I'm not missing anything, right guys?

I honestly think VR is cool but I am glad I didnt shell out 800 for a vive last year (I was really close too, had it on the checkout screen).

I will probably pick up a rift for 300-350 on black friday. Even if its obsolete in 2 or 3 years I think thats worth it


>have lazy eye
>can't enjoy 3D
>can't enjoy VR


Those VRchat videos sold it to me, I don't give a fuck how much it costs.

wow dude