Holy shit what is this thing and why won't it stop crying?
Holy shit what is this thing and why won't it stop crying?
wat gaem?
Tales of Berseria
Komaka or whatever her name was was the worst part of berseria. I replay tales of games religiously, and I refuse to replay berseria because of that thing. Literal ear rape. Actress needs to understand what a crying child sounds like.
This was an example of good voice acting. The role called for an outrageously annoying voice, and the actor delivered.
Holy shit this. I'm about to go face the final boss. This game was pretty good, but that little shit is so fucking annoying.
Dyle is the only good one of these ugly monster fucks
>Backstabbing thief that would sell out the entire colony, after robbing them blind
Dyle got away with murder, rape, and theft, just because he helped the most evil force on the planet.
Hey stop! Pls don't bully kamoana!
>yfw you were the bad guys all along
>Turn filifoila into a loli
>Its an ugly piece of shit
Tales could've marketed the shit out of Filifoilas back in the day and they chose not to.
that was really good, thanks again. i was worried that when she reached her hands out that she was gonna liquify his brain or something
I think she has a super cute voice.
>first page of google
original laphicet makes my peepee feel funny.
Why do doves go coo coo?
The dub voice for this thing is so god damn awful.
>actress needs to understand what a crying child sounds like
Crying childs sounds extremely annoying. That's why parents get pissed and beat then when they cry like if it would help anything, and that's why many people absolutely hate kids.
Anyway, it's like 40 seconds in a 60 hours game. Don't be that autistic.
>40 seconds
Hell no. Its about 8 encounters and major cutscenes, and each of those are easily 2-3 minutes long. Theres at least an hour of Kamoana dialogue alone.
>theres at least an hour of Kamoana dialogue alone
But she cries only when they release her, in the scene where Velvet hug her, and when she meets the hot snake MILF. THere weren't enough crying for me to get pissed, and I truly hate children.
It is a bad character, like any kid who really acts like a kid and not a small adult, but it can be ignored.
Play the game with the superior Japanese voices dumb normie.
Fuck off nippon elitist. You aren't even japanese.
At least deny you're a fucking normie
Wait, is this thread about the english dub?
God damn, I regret so hard posting on this shit. Kill yourself, OP. Just Kill yourself. Dubfags don't deserve to walk under this sun, and breath this air. Go to the underworld, where you belong.
Is that a boy
I recall playing with jap voices and she was still fucking annoying.
Why? I play Tales of games in english and always have. Only Phantasia, Destiny, Rebirth and Innocence get a pass because there is no alternative.
Zestiria > Berseria unironically
What a waste of an experience and time then.
Tales games are shit and cheap, 90% of the budget goes to pay the godly Japanese voice actors, enjoy playing your fast food level of a game, normie.
Eizen is best bro.
Agreed. Berserias only defining factor is it having better combat. But its characters, story and world is so irredemably lackluster and boring compared to Zest.
You have your way, and I have mine. And mine doesn't involve autistically screeching about how someone enjoys their media.
Eizen was the best character in either Bers or Zest.
Velvet alone is better and have more personality than the whole Zesty cast.
But what does my way to do with that? You're not making any sense, user.
This. Actually, that is true for most jrpgs: Aclaimed jap actors paid with the full extention of the game's dev budget, and shitty english ones paid with the localization budget.
To be proud of being a dubfag, is like being proud of eating trash directly from the can.
Oh right, I forgot opinions that contradict what you like, are automatically bait. My mistake.
No. Zesteria was enjoyable and a great throw back to Phantasia-Eternia style Narritive No grandiose world cataclysm, just a duel of light forces Vs Dark. Heldalf was refreshingly simple after the nonsense whining and constant sympathy badgering of Duke, Gaius, and fucking Fodra. Zesteria brought that charm back to the series and made it interesting to boot. Berseria played off Zesteria, Shat on it with awful, awful characters (Cept eizen, hes fine) and tried to loosely tie two entirely different concepts into a mish mash of a cohesive plot. As I said, only thing Berseria did right was combat. and thats like 1/10th of a tales of game.
>To be proud
Oh fuck off already. I don't give two shits what the seiyuu gets paid. And i'm not putting in the extra effort to buy a game in a language I don't speak or read. Take your high school grade elitism somewhere else you can circlejerk about it. Perferably somewhere Adults aren't talking.
Well if you enjoy being an oblivious cunt then keep being one. Keep being proud
not that user btw
i've heard it's not much better in nip
>let me eat shit in peace! You can't complain back when I create a thread complaining about a problem, when I brought this upon myself by eating shit!
Why don't you just play western games, and stop being a dipshit casual?
A. I'm not even the OP. Anyone with half a brain could see that.
B. I like Japanese games. Doesn't mean I need to play them in Japanese voices. I don't read, nor speak japanese, And I have no intention of ever doing so. Now fuck off.
what? am i a hardcore gamer because i'm hearing "NANI ONI CHAN GOMENASAI ITADAKIMASU!!!"?
It's on the standards, unlike the dub, that is just fucking awful and needs to be that way, because dubfags don't deserve anything good in life.
That being said, the only moment were I saw a below standards moment, was in the flashback when artorious cry. That actor really isn't used to that kind of scene.
You can stop pretending to be me, user. I don't use "Reaction images". Sorry to disappoint you.
>It's on the standards
I actually think they did an amazing job.
Is good enough for me to see no problems on it, unlike in many games. There ain't enough scenes were the voice actors are challenged, so I can't really say it's beyond expectations.
This is a crybaby exorcist say something nice to her. (Or she might cry)
>play western game with jap dub
>game suddenly just feels funner and better to play than english
english "language" should just fucking die
she's cute! CUUTE!!!!
I swear to god that form reminded me of Sigfrey and roy
Is there anything worse than a self-hating White? Literally killing our race...
fat butt
Why can't your alternative clothes show more skin, or even the shape of your waist?
Learn with Magilou, her beach costume with song is amazing. When she do that pose were she point her butt up, I get rock solid.
She should save full sized images to her hard drive
Even the original had sample in the file name
>Is there anything worse than a self-hating White?
wh*te """people""" in general.
>"mom" types the same way
This is very obviously staged. How guillible are you?
This is bad bait Zesteria is so bad they spent an entire anime retconing everything about it. There's not a single redeeming quality in that game. Bad characters, bad environments, bad writing, bad music, poor animation, clusterfuck combat, terrible camera. It's so fucking low quality at it's core. I despise that tales games have been reduced to looking like fucking budget titles ever since Graces got rid of the world map so now instead of having decently designed dungeons and towns we spend tons of time wandering through template based forest and caves that all look fucking terrible
>bad music
The Go Shiina ones were pretty good. Too bad he didn't compose anything for Berseria.
>This is bad bait
If you're not going to accept my claims and not even try to refute them I have nothing to say to you other than to fuck off. People can have different opinions. not everything YOU don't agree with is bait. Now leave this site and take your goddamn bait reflection with you.
>he is afraid to cum inside his imouto
>Bad music
Heres your (you) kid.
Its such a contrarian opinion though my man there's like 2 people that think Zesteria is good and one of them is Baba it's another rushed piece of shit that runs poor, looks bad, and is generally not liked at all by the majority of tales fans, especially the autistic Japanese community.
>Bad characters
>Bad Writing
Simplistic writing is not "bad writing" you cad. Not everything needs to be a fucking stephen king novel. Zesteria excels at finally breaking free from the low budget religion paralogues Tales has been aping since Eternia
>Bad music
Literally same composer as the "Good" tales of games. You're talking out of your ass now.
>Poor animation
No different than Graces.
>Clusterfuck combat
Only point you have so far. Congrats.
I love the Tales of series dearly, Know what I do hate? It's rabid fanbase that nitpicks and whines about every little thing and how it isn't "Tales of X" instead. And guess what. You're doing exactly that. Take a game for what it is. Contrarian "Fans" like you make me sick.
You are pathetic, the opinion card don't work on objective stuff you stupid moron. He showed objectively why your game sucks, if you can't atack back with arguments, then pretend you didn't see and close the board, saving a little of your dignity.
You are a disgrace. If you act like that IRL, your whole presence must be disgusting.
If the next game still comes out on ps3 it's gonna be bad
Learn to start a bost without your precious "This is bait" moniker and I might be inclined to listen to a word you say. Till then, Ciao.
Mom son >>>>> dad daughter >>>>> bro sis
Tales games don't even have simplistic writing they're fucking fifth grade bullshit. Also Graces came out in 2009 Just because an 8 year old game had poor animation doesn't mean one that came out 7 years later should have the same bad animations that's fucking ridiculous. Your excuse might as well be "Well it's always been bad what are you complaining about?" Your part of the tales "fans" that are content with swallowing whatever garbage Bandai Namco forces these chucklefucks to shit out in a year.
god that music is so good
>They're fucking fifth grade bullshit.
And? I don't play NES era platformers for their deep and emotional writing. I play for the gameplay.
>Your part of the tales "fans" that are content with swallowing whatever garbage Bandai Namco forces these chucklefucks to shit out in a year.
No, I am a person who enjoys the franchise. I am not part of the "Fans" of anything.
Otherwise i'd be defending Berseria. Which as you can see, I am not. Zesteria had a 4 year dev time, and a lot of effort put into it, Yet you refuse to see that simply because "It's not Vesperia" just like the rest of your cancerous entitled "fanbase"
I want her to sit on my face!
What the fuck was his problem?
I shoved my face into my screen instinctively.
Yo bruh who this white girl on the front cover?
Your swim suit sucks ass.
I mean god damn, what the fuck were you thinking woman?
People don't talk like that. Stop forcing a non-existent internet centric stereotype and go outside for once in your life.
This right here? This is the so called "Fanbase" A bunch of virgins who oggle fictional females and make derogatory remarks about them instead of enjoying the game itself. Fucking anime-prone degenerate scumbags. "Waifufag' is too good of a term for the cancer killing a once great series.
The series died after vesperia, so theres nothing else to do except waifufag the new games.
really made me think
Is this a micropasta
But I enjoyed the game and all of the characters, you little bitch ant.
>bringing up Vesperia
You fucking played yourself I see your entire mentality now. Not once did I bring up Vesperia did I? You guys have such a fucking victim complex
>After Vesperia
Like clockwork. Nobody wants nor needs you elitist scum in our community. Kindly fuck off to whatever blackhole you spawned from. A good game is not the end-all to a franchise.
Your meme isnt appreciated either. You go with him.
Yes clearly, I save every little comment on the internet to repost it. Its simply unfathomable that I would type a two sentence response
And? It makes you no less of a degenerate virgin. You'd be talking about the game if you actually enjoyed it. And not posting lewd eleanor as a catch all sad attempt to get somebody to notice you. Theres a special circle in hell for people like you.
Vesperia raped this guys family so now he has to defend mediocre games. He fucking seething holy shit
Ah yes, le pro thread derailer man
No more (You)'s
>The equivilent of plugging your ears and going LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU
Typical. What else would I expect from a bunch of children who can't even make sound arguments to defend their so called beliefs.
She is my waifu. Don't look to much, subhuman.
Finally someone that agrees with me. Magilou's swinsuits are lewd and amusing, and Velvet's swinsuits are beautiful and glamurous. What does the crying exorcist have? A fucking umbrella dress, like the night's clothes of an old woman.
What the fuck user I said no more (You)'s
You're fucking crazy though I'm done the moment you brought Beseria when no one else had I could see right through you. You're probably one of those often abused and victimized rejects from Namco's long gone tales forums and I don't have time for you. I was having a real argument with at one point but you went off the deep in like all stupid fucking obsessed with Vesperia.
He'd find something else to complain about anyway, just one final (You) for effort