ITT: Times Sup Forums lied to you
>this game is 6 hours long
Beat it 60.
ITT: Times Sup Forums lied to you
Other urls found in this thread:
the hell is wrong with you? i beat it in 15 and that includes autistic collectable searching
60 minutes is a pretty good time. Did you use glitches?
60 what? Minutes? Hours?
>"The best game company of our time!"
There. Memers BTFO. Get fucked.
That one
That one
The main story is definitely short as fuck, I legit thought the part where you kill the nazi chick on live TV was the midway point, then the credits started.
If not for the ubercommander shit and side missions for the contraption things this game wouldn't even be 4 hours long.
>this is supposedly how long it takes everyone to beat the game
>trusting a website under a jewish father-company
o i am laffin
3h34m10s worth of the 9 hours is cutscenes, which would mean over a third of the game is cutscenes according to whoever the fuck you're shilling. They are probably being generous towards retards who never played a FPS in their entire life, so I'd take another 1h30m off and we're left with a game about as long as a professional speedrunner going through cuphead for the first time. Kek.
>no coherent counters with any evidence, only assumptions
Try again.
>spoonfeed me!!!
alright here
>one person vs 40+ people polled
Nope, I win. Thanks for playing :)
>asks for evidence
>evidence is provided
>outright rejects it
>100 thousands sales
It's a tiny game though not worth $60 anywhere
>No MP
>No arcade mode / boss rush
>No co-op
>Zero replayability beyond asinine collectibles in an FPS (of all genres!)
>6 to 8 hour long "single-player" with cutscenes
>55gb install size for all this NOTHING
What a joke!
When two pieces of evidence contradict each other, you default to the one with more data, which is mine. Thanks for playing though, I had a lot of fun.
You're getting really desperate, Sup Forumsmenschen
Let's take a look at the data:
42 people were polled on the length of how long it took them to beat it. For all playstyles, the average normal length was 9h31m, the average rushed length was 7h49m and the average leisure length was 15h37m. Results from 42 people trumps your YT vid easily.
>8 hours
Yeah it's short for a $60 single player only game
Damn that kid has amazing hair.
>3h34m10s worth of the 9 hours is cutscenes
The cutscenes are a part of the gameplay, shitbird.
Go back to your fucking containment board.
Thank you strong rebel for purchasing Robert Trumps game. The Trump family could not make money with out you.
>42 people
>opposed to 358k people
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of WWII history most of the jokes will go over a typical player’s head. There’s also BJ’s patriotic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Kurt Vonnegut's literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Wolfenstein 2 truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in BJ’s existential catchphrase “Well... I'm on the motherfuckin' moon,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Karl Marx’ German epic The Communist Manifesto. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Arcade Berg’s genius wit unfolds itself on their monitors. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Wolfenstein tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
>cutscenes are a part of gameplay
Someone explain why Sup Forums is assblasted about this game despite the goddamn Trump foundation having a hand in it.
I'm a little over 9 hours in, I haven't beaten the game yet.
358,000 views, not people who have played the game and measured the length, retard. Are you seriously this dumb?
I was lost for words at how shit that cover of we're not gonna take it was in the credits
Heil Hitler.
It took me 24 hours. The hard difficulties are no fucking joke.
It's clearly 307,644 views idiot.
60 degrees? Mind your posture.
358,000 views > 42 views retard
This copypasta will never stop being funny.
4 hours of cutscenes, 8 hour long game.
9-12 hours based on the data.
>click on random part of video
>literally gameplay
lmao into the trash it goes
This is a fake video see
Nothing wrong with collectibles in an FPS tho
Is this a falseflag? that's not only the wrong game, but it's actually edited.
>in game engine scripted curscenes are gameplay
The QTE generation ladies and gentlemen.
>cutscenes are a part of the gameplay
The state of this fucking board
>The New Order
not even the right game buds
>What is Ninja Blade?
Not to mention AC is even worse than DkS in terms of accessibility.
It was literally a combat segment, it wasn't scripted. The part I clicked on was 1:06:10. Check for yourself, retard.
Stay BTFO.
>3h34m10s worth of the 9 hours is cutscenes
>t-thats an assumption
where did you get that number? if its anything like the four hour video that includes literal combat segments, you can toss it into the trash where it belongs.
>Spreading fake news
No, you get fucked shill
Why do I need to spoonfeed you when the evidence was already posted in the thread? It's a nine hour game, most of which is just cutscenes making it even shorter than that. The last GTA was over 50 hours long and that's an entire gen behind us now
You can't word your way around this, get fucked shill lmao
not an argument, I'll reply to you again when you have one.
>avoiding the question
lmao stay BTFO, faggot.
>the evidence was already posted in the thread
like the four hour "cutscene" video that included actual gameplay? Sure.
>I am right because I am right.
>Literal Molyneux comeback
What do you mean avoiding the question? You explicitly asked where I got the numbers from I pointed exactly to where you could find them. There's no gameplay in that video, scripted scenes within the games engine don't count as gameplay
>ITT: Swedecucks
I asked you where you got the 3h43 number from and you didn't answer. The video you are referring to contains literal combat segments.
It's not a cutscene video, and it was the first part of the video I clicked on, god knows how much else there is.
It doesn't matter, anyone who would play this game anyway would be fine with 6 hours or 600. It's literally fucking irrelevant in the face of the demographic. Stupid thread, OP is a shit.
almost through my entire pc tower through the window during the penthouse evac. god damn.
Yeah, people who buy hallway console shooters are usually pretty fucking dumb.
>I legit thought the part where you kill the nazi chick on live TV was the midway point, then the credits started.
they can't do that!!! they NEED to sell you Wolf3nstein