I want to wreck the planet as these nasty human chaos knights, but I heard they were broken beyond use. Can anyone explain why? Im about to start a game.
Total War Warhammer: Mortal Empires
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They're kinda shit, i got them for free because i pro-ordered the original game.
People modded them to be better
The update that made them fun in TWW1 hasn't been implemented into Mortal Empires yet. Wait for Norsca patch.
the mode is broken because CA are a bunch of incompetent cunts or straight up jews either one
but hey "its free shut up faggot xd" complete mess
of a mode
What mod is that? Are they just not as good as the other races? I fear that this combined with the fact that WH2 races might make for an awful playthrough in Mortal Empires.
Just play the old world campaign
They were always kinda shit but the latest patch in Warhammer 1 made them a lot better. The problem is that patch isn't in Mortal Empires.
They have shitty income/growth
Their replenishment sucks
If your armies are too close to each other they take attrition, even if one of the armies is just 1 lord you just recruited
You have to siege every city twice to sack it and then raze it
The "awaken tribes" mechanic is useless because they immediately break your alliance
The latest Warhammer 1 patch fixed most of this along with giving them regiments of renown and giving their lords new skill trees but none of that is in Mortal Empires yet
I just want to be able to smack around Lizardmen, all Elves, and Skaven while doing everything else. I'm sure Mortal Empires is imbalanced, but what's wrong with Chaos in it and the original? People have been saying Chaos are unusably bad since the first game.
People say Beastmen don't have these problems. Is it true?
they are not. They lack variety that is remedied by mods. Try ultimate chaos for high quality unit packs for Chaos Undivided.
Thanks. Does that mod work for TWW2?
its free shut up faggot
see They're not unusable, but their awesome patch that gave them more replenishment opportunities, Norsca-style confederation with the tribes, and no horde infighting for any units other than the marauder units has not been put in 2 because laziness.
>What's wrong with chaos?
What about being a bunh of stupid, smelly, disgusting heretics, you twat?
You are better off playing each game separatedly for now, either TWW1 as Chaos or play delves in 2, Mortal Empires is a mess at the moment.
Or wait for the patch, doubt it will arrive in less than 3 weeks though.
Beastmen lack many of the problems Chaos warriors have, and they also have Minotaurs and Gorebulls which are both fucking fun as hell.
>Virgin AGL vs Chad STR
We .webm now?
If you play as Chaos in ME the developers didn't include the foundation update changes to the faction that make it bearable to use.
If you play against Chaos in ME the developers lazily copied the AI scripts from the Vortex campaign so it incorrectly spawns endless doom stacks to kill the player and only the player.
TLDR: Incompetent devs. Fuck you, player.
holy shit they added synch kills?
If I had a tree running around like this I'd be an environmentalist.
he has released a version of it for mortal empires.
Can Mazamundi be defeated?
Right now Chaos is the only faction that isn't broken in ME. Because the Chaos invasion is broken and you don't get it when playing Chaos yourself.
ez with teclis/tyrion
Seriously. The aenerion path with him makes him take on entire armies solo.
I hope they have ME unfucked in time for Kangz, I need to conquer the world with Settra.
i love skaven so goddamn much
Yeah, Kroq har has the best with his shotgun arm
So that Sarthorael queer doesnt appear in ME?
he does
Get a mod to remove the Chaos infighting mechanic and that solves the biggest issue
I want to hug Malekith
ME was a fucking mistake, I would've rather waited a month or two more than have this garbage plopped onto my plate
Imagine being an Orc Lord's Warboar and taking the chance to fuck off into the wilderness with all that armor. He'd be the next Beastmen leader, if not create a new faction of beast fuckers.
lords have sync duels
>Start a Chaos campaign in TWW1 thinking I won't have to deal with bullshit timer this time
>Lmao as Chaos you get to fight Chaos too!
>That faggot bird appears and only targets me
It honestly pissed me off.
Chaos Divided mod adds a fair bit of flavor to the roster, especially if you want to make themed armies, but also some bloat and unnecessary units.
>zah curt is ready sah!
>horses are now tanks and don't respond to hitting something
warshills will defend this
>modded a toned down chaos invasion.
>enjoying comfy times with karl franz leading an army of knights.
I just rescued my Castellan engineer from Mannfred. It was literally like hearthglen once more.
Its like I am playing warcraft 3 all over again but everything is cooler.
Yes. But he beelining to you was always his behavior. Normal Chaos doing the same when playing another faction is broken.
Reminder that the 1d4chan page is the comfiest and best resource for mods.
those are demigriphons
I am using a mod that splits up the chaos invasions. Far more playable.
Imagine being this retarded
they are demigryphs
>REEE, med2 had perfect unit collision and real mass.
yeah, I too love destroying armies with 2 bodyguards.
karl now has a waifu
Dragon ogres are metal as shit.
>Implying he needs anything more than Deathclaw and Ghal Moraz in his life
>hmmm what should we do with the map for mortal empires
>merge the maps together?
>that's fucking retarded. let's remove 80% of both maps and then combine the remaining 20% and have 10% of the 20% be a useless ocean with only auto-resolve battles
>entire old world is present.
>most useless part of the new world is removed.
how the hell do you even spot these scenes?!
interesting stuff happens constantly if you just pause and watch
its hard to micro 20 units in a tough battle and pay attention to the visuals at the same time
Jesus shit you guys have strong units. Is this what endgame is like? I usually quit when a battle doesn't go the way I like.
yeah. Red skill trees are god tier.
Can I ask how you generally build out your lords? I don't usually invest in the red tree because if you're not using those units you're not getting the benefit. I usually trade off between yellow and blue.
It's stupid, no race/faction is so weak that you cannot stomp the AI in campaign. There's also a difficulty setting, as you should know. Don't play on Legendary or Very Hard and absolutely everything is completely playable.
I usually pick Karl, mount up and pick yellow to boost my charge and hammering potential. I'll do red next time.
the three trees are good in their own way.
>people unironically play Chaos
>when they could be playing Beastmen, exact same playstyle with less obnoxious mechanics
>also fucking minotaurs and gorebulls which are some of the best units around
Eh, I play very thematically. So basically depending on what kind of lord I am building I generally pick the skills I want for the lord and invest the rest in blue/yellow trees.
>I usually trade off between yellow and blue
don't do this
Blue is trash besides lightning strike and minor bonuses that Heros can do better, unless you're playing a Horde faction
Does he really need to do the spin?
I don't care for the new map, but you're fucking retarded user.
The old world is 100% there. Naggaroth is 70%. Lustria is 50%, Ulthuan is 85% and Southlands is 50%
lots of people got chaos for free while beastmen cost nearly 20 dollars
>lightning strike
It's now a must have in TW2.
dont ever respond to me ever again
dont even respond to this post or i will LITERALLY kill you fucker
it depends. If I am building an outrider type lord, the ambush ability. Governors generally do good with unit xp.
>Ulthuan is 85%
Fucking mistake. Most boring part of the map, should have been cut to 20% instead of the other areas.
t. spine of sotek manlet
route marcher
>Playing ME unmodded in its current state
Do I get all the factions in mortal empires or only the ones I own from 1?
now if only someone would mod in standard bearers and banners.
The ones you own. The DLC transfers over to TWWH2.
just use creamapi and unlock all of the DLC for free my dude
Okay look I know the Mortal Empires map is disgustingly cut down, but you're exaggerating when you say it's 20% of the original.
>disgustingly cut down.
Literally nothing of importance is in the cut down part.
Ulthuan should have been 50% and make Southlands and Lustria 75%
t. Tyrion cuck
Lustria has the useless parts cut out and the southlands isn't even missing anything important.
There is supposed to be a alarielle/alith anar DLC.
You say this while another poster claims that the High Elf lands suffered most. Can I get any proof you aren't just all blowing smoke up my ass? I pick the most obscure Orc DLC and nothing has changed. What's the deal?
Style points
>on Sup Forums
>people shitposting like rabid animals.
gee, what a surprise
>Blue is trash besides lightning strike
Isn't that a skill that takes a bunch of investment?
it is.
>Not understanding the great purpose requires sick 360 noscopes
So you're saying blue isn't worth it at all aside from Route Marcher?
Until you get raped by Archaon and his butbuddy stacks facefucking you into a 60v20 battle
>Chariots are shit in player hands
>Chariots are the shit in AI hands
for what reason
Mortal Empires came out?