Overwatch takes ski-

>overwatch takes ski-

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nice Sega CD gameplay
and no one ever said it took skill

>op isnt ga-

What's happening here? All I see is 5 pixels.

Tell me who said it took skill, I only see people saying it's fun to play. I'm sure everyone acknowledged it doesn't take skill.

Am I looking at the character with a built in aimbot using an aimbot?

Nobody really likes soldier, do they? People just play him cuz its easy?


The only reason the game even appeals to me is because I can turn off my brain while playing it and still carry my own weight and not feel like an anchor.

Why did he spaz out at the end after D.Va boosted into him?

That character does have that ability, but it wasn't used there.

did you just start using a computer yesterday? learn how to encode a webm before you post one online you fucking neanderthal.

That's such an obvious Aimbot it isn't even funny.

That doesn't mean you're wrong though:

Crouch Cooldown

No, he didn't pop his aimbot in the video.

Hes using a hack.

t. grandpa

hit box is too big, aimbot couldnt handle it

take more skill than paladins and tf2

all tricked by me. he's legit


can someone tell me the appeal of cheating, I never understood it unless it's a 12 years old kid who does it for shit and giggles

damn that's legit? That's crazy as fuck because that's amazing aiming.

No hes not, every person in the OW league are hackers, they have all been caught cheating.

Blizzbong only doesn't ban it because without it the game is boring as fuck to watch.

said no one ever

lmao how the fuck is it even possible to cheat on a e-sport
i know there's people that actually do it but i wonder how they manage to do it


>how is it even possible to cheat on a e-sport
Because mice AND keyboards both load drivers from their on board memory now. People have been hiding bots in their mouse software for fucking years.

t. Ken M

nice fish


>cheating on lan

Considering they had a league match where both the final teams cheated, wouldn't put it past the gooks.


This seems like a way to increase your chances of getting arthritis

what the fuck am i looking at

>aimbots are know for jittering like crazy when they lock onto people
>best way to hide it
>break your wrist with jerking motions

I hope it does because I suck

It is children. Adults typically have no reason to invest in hacks since money can be invested in things that actually fucking matter, like buying non-shit videogames or paying the fucking bills.

why do people make webms 1280x720 but at like 230 bitrate? Lower the res for fucks sake.

>open comments
>Malachi DeBoe
Guys. I was born with something called Benign Essential Tremor that's very moderate. I have always had issues with tracking which has caused me to only play support characters and shy away from dps. Once I saw this video I attempted this and I felt amazing. Thank you so much for taking the time to post this video. You don't realize how helpful this is.
I want to die
