>Your opponent completely destroys you
>"gg ez"
how do you respond?
>Your opponent completely destroys you
>"gg ez"
how do you respond?
Ignore. People say it purposely to provoke a response. Don't give them the satisfaction
If i lost then I'm not in a position to reply at all
>A connection error occurred, returning to your world
report them
I don't.
>your opponent summons 2 white phantoms
>all wearing bloodedge meme armor
>other invader just chills
>you get ganked
>all point down
>inbox is filled with invites to DS3 Trash, Git Gud Casul, etc
>"gg ez"
I stopped playing souls games
>getting trolled so hard you quit a game
you sound like a pussy. I bet you got bullied in school
move on
you sound like you are still fuckin mad about being bad, OP
You don't, Don't acknowledge them and you're fine. Alternatively, git gud.
oh, that wasn't why I quit, I was just sharing one of my terrible invasions. I stopped playing because I got banned after invading too many people who were running cheat engine.
I bet you did get bullied, why you take your anger on others, gotta mimic what monkey sees
Fuck you I didn't get bullied, I'm just tired of shitters like you pissing me off
I break the controller.
Jk. But it sure gets my blood boiling when someone gestures after a fight. Any gesture at all.
"Thanks for the duel, I plan to learn alot from this so I can become a better player."
Nothing, or maybe laugh it off. If I got fucked up that badly I'd probably be a little embarrassed and try harder next time. I'd only get annoyed if it was a really close white-knuckle match and some shit like that was said.
t. gets bullied
gg. maybe I can get better. maybe if I didn't think I was being picked on all the time I could be strong.
>all this projecting
GG. Duh.
I actually have a story about this
>Playing Rocket League 2v2, teammate and I aren't doing so hot. Down 2-6 with 2 minutes left
>The whole match these two fucking assholes have been saying "ggez" and "uninstall"
>Somehow someway my teammate and I make a comeback and win 7-6.
>Say this to em "Yeah, gg, easy."
>One of em actually threatens to kill me
>The other says I deserve cancer.
Why is it they can dish it out, but can't take it?
"not just DC'ing your internet
Whoops :^)
Why? I always bow to the honorable ones
inviting people to groups is the most juvenile, lazy attempt at trolling around. only highschool age redditors think they're hot shit for doing that. be a real man and turn on some cheats then talk shit directly.
>be losing
>be the final kill in the game
>teammate spams the "Thank you" bind repeatedly
This infuriates me more than the opponent saying gg ez
I always interpret it as a taunt. Well, except for bows. Bows are okay.
Same happened to me in CS:GO, except the enemy team who was berating us with "gg ez" choked 10 rounds in a row then lost. They were so fucking butthurt.
>Opponent tries to blast my ass all game with all kinds of verbal detritus
>Ignore his remarks, game ends
>Nice game, thanks
>He realizes what a subhuman he was and feels guilty
>Inherent feeling of superiority
I might be autistic though.
"duel me"
>turn on hacks
>darkmoon winning any fight
what timeline is this?
>>"gg ez"
impossible, i'm playing overwatch
With a ":^)"
Always leaves them guessing
>playing Echo in Siege
>all team mates die with 3 enemies left
>blast them with my stun then blast them with my shotgun
>this happens at least 2 times in the match
I don't get destroyed m8, I'm the clutch.
No one cares about siege
I take less offense in "gg ez" than some "Good game guys :)" if the match was a complete steamroll.
I find people get more triggered if instead of saying ggez when I beat them, I say some shit in spanish + lol even though I'm not peruvian or whatever
>Report them
>They get a chat restriction or banned
>Someone dies completely of their own fault
>Fucking X didn't do Y
>le insecurity face
i'd be upset too if someone starts talking to me in mexican
ive never been destroyed in anything because i dont FUCKING SUCK PUSSY
You better shut the fuck up before I suck your dick through your asshole.
Clearly I don't respond. It was gg ez
Make daddy Jeff take care of them.
well, for him, it was easy
a huge variety of factors go into it for your loss
if you want, just don't respond. he just wants you to send hate mail (do we still do this in 2017?).
just because he's a prick doesn't mean I have to be
>>Your opponent completely destroys you
You deserve it, next question
>Your opponent just barely beats you by the skin of his teeth while possessing an inherent unfair advantage and not without a small amount of RNG
Name a better bm gesture than this one.
Pro tip: You can't
Why do you suck dick?
Respond gg or just don't respond at all. I lost and I should know my place.
Nothing since it doesn't happen. I stomp people at these games
>enabling trolls
best way to respond to this is to just ignore them, this works with any kind of griefing on online games
>typical day of Dark Souls 3 PVP
>invade low level area like crucifixion woods or undead settlement
>find host
>host has two phantoms with him
>phantoms are password-scaled-down and have impossible-to-use-at-low-stats shit like the dual ultra memeswords and great soul dregs
>also uses way of blue to have a constant stream of bluefag police show up
>actually manage to kill any of the phantoms
>host instantly summons the phantom back
>repeat ad infinitum
>finally die
>synchronized point down
I report them and laugh as their account gets banned.
>tfw you're the asshole that butts in and tells them that the match was actually shit
I don't even mind being branded as triggered or whatever, there's nothing else to say during lobbies, might aswell poop on someone for their forced etiquette
What kind of cuck game do you play?
I love that riot is so anti-toxicity, yet they just came out with a myriad of emotes that can be used for just that. I've already seen so much salt from spamming the question mark blitzcrank one
git gud
Overwatch and League. And their not cuck games you idiot asshole.
I don't. I just move on.
The Lux one is pretty good too only because every time i see it i can hear her laugh
I've also been using the amumu crying face. Really they all have their uses for BMing kids after you kill them. Still don't understand how riot fucked up the on death uses so you can't spam it when dead anymore
Why am I not surprised? Enjoy your safe space.
>letting people beat you
>not disconnecting before he wins
>giving other people the satisfaction of beating you
>Break into someone's game uninvited.
>Expect them to fight fair.
They don't want to be on your youtube montage.
>not just playing the games your friends are playing and fucking around with them
Jesus /po/tards are sad people. The only reason you think it's a safespace is because you can't sit there and yell nigger 100 times without getting in trouble, you child lol
>get destroyed
>realize I got destroyed by a fucking peruvian
it burns
Go fuck yourself.
Is this okay?
>Riven/Fiora/Yasuo/Zed spammer
>Uses this emote after every kill
Youre the type of faggot who ruined dark souls.
Holy shit you have to be absolutely shitter shattered to say that, that's just trying to cover up your assmad taken to the extreme.
What does papercraft and origami have to do this?
Pic related
What does papercraft & Origami have to do with this?
>Gets called out
>Immediately resorts to le Sup Forums bogeyman.
Not even the same guy, but your insecurity is showing.
It's not as simple as a binary even-vs-uneven fight. It's a matter of degree. If things are stacked so ridiculously against invaders, it completely kills the whole system. And this is precisely what we've seen with DS3's sharp decline in people bothering to play it, for reasons like this. The leeway given to hosts is far too great, and it's clearly for the sake of casualizing the game and trying to cater to the normalfag crowd.
I didn't ruin shit. I'm trying to get from point A to point B, your dumb ass shows up and starts ninja flipping at me.
Go play a fighting game or something that takes actual skill if you want PVP. Dark Souls PVP is the short bus of competitive games.
b-but muh uninterupted co-opt experience! How dare you not allow me to get a bonus +30% health increase and 2+ buddies to help me cheese through the game while actually having to face any repercussions!
>haha le ebin yellow man face!
You /po/ltards are cringe as fuck.
Literally zero arguments
>playing multiplayer games where people shamelessly cheat
No thanks. I am always offline.
>play Gundam Versus
>lose cause of shit teammate
> spams "Glad you were there'
Maybe if you didn't keep charging the Exia because you think Nu is a melee unit you wouldn't have died twice
then why are you so garbage at it?
>come out and fight us 3v1 like a real man!
>it's a Barbatos teammate episode
>hornet ring
>that emote
That was pretty dickish, but as an aside, I love keeping a tactical avelyn hidden and then popping it out quick-draw style when the host is low on health and thinks they can run away to chug