Mario zelda switch nintendo

Why couldn't Nintendo find a way to make korok seeds fun?

I'm excited to collect all the moons. I stopped collecting korok seeds after a couple hundred.

There's over 800 distinct moons in the game, not withstanding the endlessly purchasable moons in a postgame shop.

Collectathons were a mistake in the 90's and they still are. Nintendo can fuck off with time wasting content. This shit is not enjoyable.

Different focuses in each game.

Some Moons are actually worse than Korok Seeds. The latter at least required some kind of interaction with the environment at a bare minimum whereas Moons can require nothing more than a ground pound or hat throw or, even worse, be right out in the open with no platforming beforehand.

nintendo just doesn't know how to make zelda fun. mario is always superior. they almost make them fun, but go " wait, we should dial it back.... for some reason." they're always weirdly reserved with the series.

No one is holding a gun to your head to make you complete it

You were supposed to stop collecting korok seeds after a few hundred. Its very clear given the sheer number of little koroks that they're not supposed to be traditional collectables that are incentivized to be completely collected, but rather blanketed over the map for worldbuilding and promoting exploration.

By design; something real satisfying is probably going to happen after collecting all of the moons via completion goal. By design; Korok seeds were not made to count as a completion goal.


Plus, some of the Korok Seeds were actually pretty challenging to get just like some of the Moons.

>implying that playing the game for 8-12 hours and rewiring your brain to exert dopamine when you find a moon is not worse

I got tired of korok seeds after the first 200. I got tired of moons just before reaching the 200 mark.

Neither felt rewarding but at least korok seeds weren't the sole focus and content of the game.

you get a piece of shit when you collect all of them anyways

Can't you just let people enjoy things without making use feel like drug addicts ?

Korok seeds weren't designed as a completionist collectable. There's an excessive amount so that no matter what path the player takes, there's always some around so that you don't have to scour the map hunting down every last one to upgrade your inventory space by a reasonable amount.

>waaah why can't I just swipe my CC to win the game and pay for unlocks

One is the main objective of the game. The other one is upgrade points scattered around the game in such a way that no matter what path you take, you'll get a healthy amount by the end of the game to be properly upgraded.

The Korok seeds are not as fun as the moons because they are optional and not a primary objective. Since the moons are the primary objective in Odyssey, it allows the game designers to wrap tons of fun, intuitive challenges around them. The seeds by comparison feel like an afterthought because they aren't the focus.

>inb4 Metroid Prime 4 makes you collect 1200 artifacts for some stupid teaser ending about Sylux's next move

did you rike it?

Moons can be just as bad as the worst korok seeds in many cases though. I've collected around 200 now and looking back, a lot of them were just... there. Like there was no challenge or activity whatsoever.

I don't really get why people try to differentiate the two so much when there's a shitload of boring ones and a handful of challenging ones for both.

You know goddamn well they can't.

That's not the fucking point, you fucking moron.

The fact of the matter is that it's stupidly common to pad games out with fluff or bad content masked as a collecting game, and people continue to engross themselves in games far beyond the point where they stopped actually having fun and pursued the collection goal as a sort of second-job. MMOs are stupidly notorious for never allowing any semblance of completion as every few weeks new items, quests, or other tasks get added to the game ontop of the endless platter you're already staring at. This shit in a basal sense is socially engineered to keep vulnerable people locked away on that game, grinding away a bullshit task for weeks until they get a 2 minute high for completing a daunting challenge the game presented them with.

At the end of the day, this shit is poor game design. There's little reason why a single-player game needs to be padded out with over 800 distinct power moons. Nobody _in their right mind_ would slog through 800+ moons willingly. The only people who would slog through this are degenerates and people who can't control their own impulses. There isn't any need to defend a company's shitty development choices for padding the game out in such an awful way.


120 Stars was already autistically stupid in Super Mario 64. Over 800 Moons is absolutely fucking asinine.

I'd suggest removing your head from your asshole.

There's better ways to add enjoyable content to platformers than to pad it out with a collectathon to keep players playing far beyond the point where they lost interest in the game.

You arent meant to get all korok seeds you fucking autists. They're scattered all around and in numerous quantity so that regardless of the path the player chose, he will still stumble across them so he can get upgrade slots. You cap out your inventory slots way before you get all seeds.

Moons on the other hand did not need to be 999. Because of this, you get a moon just for taking a dump, and everything you do in Odyssey is rewarded with a moon, making them feel not so rewarding at all. Korok seeds are fine but moons shouldve capped at 300-500.

>they're always weirdly reserved with the series.
They don't want to incur Miyamoto's Wrath. Once he dies, they'll be going all-out with whatever they feel like.

>but moons shouldve capped at 300-500.
But you end up with around 200 just getting through the story. What makes post story fun is seeing what all opened up and hunting moons

>Once he dies
So 20 more years then?

It should've been capped at 250, culling all but the 250 most challenging moons to grab throughout all kingdoms. It'd get rid of a lot of the bullshit moons that are out in the open and seeing the power moon grab notification might actually feel rewarding every once in a while since you'd know you actually did some semblance of platforming challenge to get to it.

The way it is now, it's the video game equivalent of EVERYONE'S A WINNER, and even if you suck at platforming, JUST BUY INFINITE MOONS AFTER BEATING THE GAME, LOL.

I also mean that if moons were capped at even just 50% of what they are in order for them to feel more rewarding, then the game would scale back it's requirements appropriately, so beating the game would now be 100-120

the koroks are completely optional, the moons arn't. how dumb are you that you can't comprehend this, the koroks are the equivalent of coins

>Korok seeds were bad
>I'm excited to collect all the moons
Fucking HOW. They're just as braindead. "Stand on the thing and push the button".

>120 stars was too much

How much of a fucking casual are you?

They should have had like 10% of the moons be stars, those the important ones and then had all the random smaller moons for unlocking stuff like the costumes.

Still there to collect but still focusing the gameplay onto the core cool shit

What exactly do I need to do in order to interact with the big stone blocks I've been seeing?

Sacrifice cappy to the dinosaur.

>It has a distinct smell
lmao I didn't even put 2 and 2 together

No, the ones the dino can't break.

>get kicked out after grabbing every individual star
>have to run up bomb-omb hill over and over for different bullshit stars.

Face it nostalgiafag, 64 hasn't exactly aged well, and forced exits and re-entering and all that bullshit adds a lot of excess time and tedium to a full 120 star run.