He fell for the console optimization meme

>He fell for the console optimization meme

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>A Ubisoft game barely functions and looks like shit

I have the same old razer arctosa keyboard

I think the more impressive part is that the more they work on these current machines the WORSE they get.
Origins performance is almost as bad as Unity, and it looks nowhere near as good.
Syndicate was largely the same.

>Origins on XB1 looks worse than TLOU on PS3

They poured all the development money into the XB1X version.

>Not the asshole sucking one

In fairness TLOU isnt an open world sandbox that has lots going at any moment.

4k really was a mistake when consoles cant even handle 1080p 30fps in most cases, let alone 60 despite loads of resources available and complaining the 360/PS3 held them back.

The game's broken on every platform, can't even maintain 60 FPS on medium settings on a 1060 and i5 7600k thanks to the insane CPU usage.

>4k really was a mistake when consoles cant even handle 1080p 30fps in most cases
Shit, in this game the XB1 can't even handle 900p.
It has to drop to laptop resolutions to maintain 25+ FPS, which is terrible.

Even at launch the Xbone could only really handle some games like Dead Rising 3, Titanfall, and Watch Dogs at 720p or barely above it at 792p or whatever that weird resolution was. Speaking of laptops is it a fair assumption to say the Xbone is as powerful as a gaymen one or a $500 prebuilt PC?


>that hud
Ubi never fails to disappoint when it comes to designing the shittiest looking HUDs.

The xbone/PS4 are fairly weak machines. They’re probably comparable to like an athlon x4 and like a Radeon 7850. The X1X is very comproable to a high end PC however. It really is good value for your money.

The base Xbone?
It's lucky to be on par with a $500 laptop honestly.
The GTX 950M in most laptops around that price outperforms the XB1 in pretty much every game.
>The X1X is very comproable to a high end PC however.
Depends on your definition of high end.
It's comparable to an RX 580/480 or GTX 1060/980, but it can't compete with a 1070 or a 1080 or a Vega 56 or an R9 Fury X.

>open world game vs tiny setpieces

>System with 512 MB of RAM and a GPU/CPU from over a decade ago
>System with 8 GB of RAM and a GPU/CPU from 4 years ago

>thinks cpu really matters in gaming


>playing WE WUZ creed

did you even read the post he was replying to you mong

>The X1X is very comproable to a high end PC however

Lol no. It's just in time to be mid range, perhaps slightly higher

Literally barely anything ever cpu intensive happening ever in hzd

>b-but le power of Sony!
Go back to neofa... oh, right.

>brainless wojack posting

>not playing games because of memes

>p-please play m-my game all criticism is just m-m-memes!

>tfw fell for the pspro meme

It's a dumb comparison. During gameplay there's not much happening at once in this games tiny sections

PC is the only way to play multiplats.

What resolution can the pro even hit?

>fell for the pspro
>fell for we wuz creed
time for the rope


Dynamic res from 2400x1350 to 2816x1584




Must be nice to be so delusional.
Fuck off faggot.

have you played the game

I did. It looks like this:

It would look great in ultra settings. Too bad sony needs to try and monopolize.

i love this photo way more than i probably should

oy vey delete that

keep the tears coming

Unfortunately this game runs like ass on a wide margin of PCs that are running i5/i7 with only 4 cores. And only fringe pcbros bought a cpu with 6 or 8 cores already.

Its terribly optimized on PC as well, it makes all the cores run max at all times which causes major hitching, stuttering and terrible fps consistently.

Running this with 2 980ti SLI and an i7 OC'd to 4.3 GHz and I can barely pull 45-51 FPS in Siwa. which is a shame because this game looks like it'd be fun if I could get past the slide show.

Jesus fuck. There are more colors than just shades of brown in the palette. This is some 2008 shit.

>photo mode

Not at Sony.

ok i don't get this lots of games on pc have it why is it a bad thing consoles have it

Jesus christ, it's that bad on Xbox One? Guess I'm glad I got it on PS4. Seems to run at 900p, and runs at a mostly smooth 30 (some drops here and there, and I once had the game freeze for around 3 seconds, but nothing that affects gameplay, excluding that strange freeze.) Really enjoying it, the game is beautiful and way funner than Shitdicate.

It's shit even on PC and people with the right CPU are still complaining that their 3-5k pc with 1080s in SLI can't get much higher than 60 fps without downgrading some of the graphic options.

Even better, Ubishit said they " might " make an SLI profile in the future, but that it isn't in the works or planned for right now. They see fit to only let a smaller portion of pc players enjoy the game and won't fix their stupid CPU issue for months, if at all.

The power of Ubisoft "optimization."
Or rather, the power of multiple layers of DRM.
>>rvt: @parameswar can't tell that but that VMP layer on top makes it extremely difficult to trace the things... The only thing I can tell is that Denuvo itself brings ~30-40 % to CPU usage (!!!) that's why the game is so CPU demanding ;)

Gr wildlands actually looks pretty good on PC. I can see people saying the gameplay is repetitive and tedious though.

yea bro look at it

It's a bad thing on any platform, if you use photo mode to try to represent in game visuals you're an idiot.
I don't even see the point behind it, what do you get out of trying to mislead people unless you're a shill and are paid for it?

My Wife's Son and Dude Raider at least have a few different colors. The feminist robot allegory game looks like complete dogshit and a single color.

Origin has chariot shit in it? I'll be passing then, the horse and carriage shit from Syndicate was easily the worst part of that game. Definitely not in a rush to go through that shit again.


>praising 900p
>smooth 30fps

Is this bait?

Thankfully, it's a small part of the game. I'm 13 hours in and I've only had to ride a chariot for one side-mission.

You'll be riding a lot of horses though, just to get around. Thankfully they control better than Syndicate, though.

>50m draw distance
nice colors though

>single color

Nope, these are the sony refugees and they are here to stay.


Not really praising it, I'm just used to low resolutions and framerates from a lifetime of playing on console, and it's way better than 3 on PS3 (which ran at around 23 FPS constant.)

I honestly can't really notice low framerates much anymore, you just become used to it after a certain amount of time playing.

literally the only thing rendered at full detail in that image is a fucking fence, jesus christ

Oh god, please tell me this is Ass Creed Origins and not HZD.
This looks fucking awful.

nice mad

>I'm just used to low resolutions and framerates from a lifetime of playing on console
>I honestly can't really notice low framerates much anymore
come on user, this is acceptable once you have a job anymore


>and runs at a mostly smooth 30
PS4 performance is actually almost exactly the same as XB1.
It's ever so slightly better.

there's brown in doom. holy shit, all developers are stuck in 2008.

980ti is dog shit now why do you have 2 LOL

doesn't mention which i7 nice. idiot

>I honestly can't really notice low framerates much anymore
The current state of Sonygaf.

>980ti SLI
>i7 OC'd to 4.3 GHz
>45-51 FPS
I'm surprised you're getting more than 30 fps on average with your dumbass """""''rig"""""""" that you threw thousands of dollars into without putting a single thought into it

>that FOV

I'm not a Sonybro at all (if anything, I'm a Nintenbro). I just don't care much about technical stuff after I realized I have more fun with games if I just ignore all that shit.

And plus, after the amazing experience that is Amazing Spiderman on the Vita, nothing can faze me anymore. Playing a mediocre game at a 15 FPS lock is truly something.

This is bait.
Ass Creed Origins doesn't exactly look amazing, even maxed out on PC, no reason it should run so horribly.
Stick to consoles m8.

>consoles have shit cpus

>no reason it should run so horribly.
denuvo plus vm costs 40% cpu utilization unironically


At 900p, I can get 60~ fps with the settings turned down (except for textures.) with a $100~ gpu.

Why did they ever port that shit to vita instead of something people care for?

[citation needed]

Cracker lads currently dissecting the game.
It has denuvo and Jewbisoft tacked vm over it for shits and giggles.
It uses 100% of a 7700k unironically.

The Amazing Spiderman 2 movie had just come out, and there was no way in hell the Vita could run the Amazing Spiderman 2 game, so they just made a rushed port of the first game.

I meant for your completely unsubstantiated claim that either denuvo or vmprotect are causing a measurable increase in CPU utilization.

anybody else simply stopped playing open world games once they got a job? It's just a chore. I play linear games pretty much now

I retract my claim, it uses fairies to encrypt thw whole game and then vm on top of it.
False alarm folks, ubisoft is based after all.

>Consoles fags thinking they're ever getting stable 60 FPS as a standard
I'm sure in 6 years when we move onto the next generation that Sony and MS will boast about 4k/60 and the machines will end up 3-20 fps with dynamic resolution.

>Inb4 reddit

>From revolt shoutbox:
>rvt: @Voksi_Bulgarian ACO is NOT using 4.8/4.9/5.0/50.0, it's actually just a minor update to what SP had... VMP layer is also NOT coming from Denuvo but directly from Ubisoft (as they still do have a valid license).
>rvt: It's still a so called 4.x version but Ubisoft made it harder by putting the VMP layer making it a bit difficult for crackers to get to the actual Denuvo code.
>rvt: @parameswar can't tell that but that VMP layer on top makes it extremely difficult to trace the things... The only thing I can tell is that Denuvo itself brings ~30-40 % to CPU usage (!!!) that's why the game is so CPU demanding ;)

fighting games

no, I still play both for the most part.
also there are much better momcest actresses.

Yes of course, I asked for facts so I must be a shill. Your logic is unassailable.

That is at best a marginally educated guess.

runs perfectly fine on my 6700k
get a better pc poorfag

Those are the people who literally cracked denuvo in the past.
They know more than you ever will shill.

Fair point, but only because the consumer base demands it. Which will never happen with other mainstream titles outside a few cases because the majority of the console user base doesn't care.

Define "fine."
I've realized that a lot of PCfaggots nowadays have pretty low standards, even the ones with decent PCs.
Probably because so many of them are console converts.

Syndicate looked worse than Unity, though. Not to mention, it is an abysmal fucking game.