Try and defend pic related. Just fucking try.

Whats so difficult about it?

DaS3 is the worst, this is a fact.

git gud faggot

>One boss was poorly designed, that obviously means the whole game is bad

Cease your oxygen intake immediatly

Bed of Chaos is the Water Temple of Dark Souls.

Honestly Bed of Chaos would have been a really cool boss fight if it wasn't so janky and broken. It would have been a great change of pace from the normal fights throughout the series if it wasn't for shitty hitboxes and clunky movement.


bloodborne is not a souls game

Defend this.

the whole game is janky af. it's still fun but it's plagued by shitty hitboxes and clipping throughout.


Should I buy it on PC?

t. someone who hasn't played bb

Optional secret boss.

I've had DS1 in my library for a while now

Should I play?

i played it but it's not a souls game

The fire breath is bullshit on a first attempt sort of thing, I think the bigger crime is the absurd walk back up to him.
He's honestly not hard as a boss - you just have to keep standing in front of him to bait out the slow attacks, and then punish by hitting his front legs during his attack animations.

I am still so fucking mad about it

That boss is fucking awesome looking

Literally what's wrong with it. I beat it first try and never played the game again after I beat gwyn.
Is it too easy? Did I miss some bullshit?

no, the first half is good but doesn't make up for the disgrace that is the second half.

Yes. Since you're a PC player, that means the DLC comes packaged with it which is enough to make up for the three bad second game areas.

How the fuck do you figure 3 is worse than 2? 3 is brilliant i knew anyone who said das3 is the "worst" was just being a try hard, contrarian faggot.

bed of chaos has cut animations and was going to be a real boss fight at some point instead of a joke/gimmick fight

*sweeps you into a pit*

>poorly designed
How so?

Seems like crybabies whining about a mechanics boss that they can't two shot with their snowflake op builds

What was the original plan for Bed of Chaos again?

walking tree

you're a fucking pleb then
Dark Souls 1 has the best fucking level design of all of all 'em and retarded copycats haven't even realized that that is what they failed to capture

Not even worth a (YOU) when DSII exist

He's literally one of the very few bosses i finished on first try, wtf?
You can read his movement easily and not get swapped by his arms while screaming like DSP.

How can you retard get fucked by a non-moving boss?

You must have meant to press 2. I understand, the keys are so close together that those of us with powerful hands can have a hard time just hitting one.

Yes and get dsfix for 60fps and pvp watchdog in case you run into haxing BRs or something

>get dsfix for 60fps
I thought that the physics were tied to framerate and 60fps screwed with the game, even with DSfix?

Loved DeS but never finished DaS1.
Got bored after Kenan and Kel. The crystal caves... just... no.

The only thing I can complain about is that sometimes it'll do a poke with its fire legs or whatever while it's sweeping, so you get staggered and shoved down the hole while trying to block.

>the crystal caves
>trying to get the moonlight greatsword
FUCK the crystal caves

The only problem is that jumps are a bit shorter - which doesn't matter unless you're trying to skip - and you slide through the floor on the ladder in the rat room near the hellkite. 30/60fps toggle is bound to backspace and it's an instant transition. If you're trying to do a skip jump for example just go back to 30fps and then enable 60 right after.

Probably one of the worst PC ports ever made. Play at your own discretion.


exactly user, exactly

It also screws with the "slope physics", i.e. when you are allowed to walk on something and when you slide off it. This is only really a problem, as far as I remember, in crystal cave, great hollow and blighttown.

Oh also make sure you disable anti-aliasing, motion blur and fullscreen in the game settings. In dsfix set it to borderless fullscreen and that'll fix any tearing you have.

>Remember that shit dragon in DaS2 with the shitboxes?
>Well we made a worse version that as mechanically inferior with the same tier of shitboxes and more health!
Why can't From into decent boss fights? When is 9/10 of their fights hot dogshit that only the most retarded players would defend?

>while trying to block


That's how you counter the sweeps retard. If you're trying to dodge them you've been doing it wrong.

git gud

It's the only real 'Soulsborne game', the rest were literally fucking cake walks.

You only say this because you played DaS first

I hate this "Water Temple was hard" meme.

It's just one key. That one fucking key is literally the worst thing about the dungeon and its not even hard to get, just easy to miss.

it's annoying but at least you don't have to start over if you die.

Why the fuck do you guys hate Dark Souls 3 so damn much, all the games were pretty fucking cash except 2

The main problem with the Water temple is having to constantly enter the menu to switch boots. Playing the 3DS version it was actually kinda enjoyable


>worse version
>doesnt one shot you with a fart
>isnt stuck in the same 2 attack loop
already infinitely batter than B-team dragon

>That's how you counter the sweeps retard

I did, and it was the hardest even when I played all the others and came back. Leveling up was permanent, no fast travel, bosses like had immense health, titanite came in many colors, slabs were ultra rare, basilisks cursed you with half your health and another half n so forth until a feather could kill you. DS1 was truly hard unlike its redundant predecessors.

the games have just been a rehash over and over of demon's souls and people going in hungry for new things get disappointed that they can't get the same feeling of playing their first souls game outta the new ones. Cus they focus on the bosses and whether or not an elevator makes sense rather than cool ass maze-levels with secrets.

>isnt stuck in the same 2 attack loop
If you sit in front of him he does the same two attack chains the entire fucking fight. He does the Sihn swipe combo, and does the spaz crawl swipes. Sometimes he'll mix it up by leaping back and breathing fire.

So yeah, it's the same shit fight as Ancient Dragon.

I havent even played that DLC yet, I took a break before the DLC came out and now Im scared all my skills are gone.

People jerk off about DS1 despite half of the game being dogshit (with a very good expansion mind you) by that logic DS2 is my favorite cus Lost Bastille is fucking on point as far as DS areas go. Its got fucking everything you could want in a DS game.

The only skill you need for Midir is zooming out your camera with Cheat Engine. He's one of the slowest and most tedious fights in the game. Gael is great though, and Friede is good depending on how much patience you want to give such a boss. The rest of the DLC fights are trash though.

Bed of Chaos has interesting and relevant lore surrounding it. Nothing in Dark Souls 3, and especially 2, is interesting.

I've held that 3 is the worst ever since I played it. Gameplay wise it's good, the bosses are well designed and whatever, but the game just feels like it's repeating itself so much and bringing so little new to the table while also desperately sucking off DS1 that I just don't respect it that much as an entry into the series.

If you just want some fun action then it's a fine game, but I like the lore and atmosphere of the games too to the extent that I'll forgive a shabbier game like DS2 because at least it was willing to tell more of its own story and not have to rely on DS1's iconography so much

>This shit boss has good lore!
>That makes it ok!

Most bosses following the first game couldn't even kill you and had shit lore. At least this broken boss had actual lore and killed you repeatedly.

It's not even good lore. Someone tried to do magic and instead LOL DEMONS! Big fucking deal. Seen it before a billion times.

>Most bosses following the first game couldn't even kill you
Nah. DaS1 has the weakest bosses in the series.

>At least this broken boss had actual lore and killed you repeatedly.
No one cares about your subjective lore quality in relation to an objectively shit boss, located in the worst area in the series.