You have 3 minutes to justify why Mr House isn't the best choice for the Mojave.
You have 3 minutes to justify why Mr House isn't the best choice for the Mojave
He's a fag
Because he was dumb enough to trust me.
Because the Courier uniting the tribes of the Mojave and becoming Queen of the Desert is better than some autistic neet using New Vegas resources to fund his space ship so that he can fly out into space to spend the rest of eternity fucking his robot waifus
He's mean to me.
Because he is not NCR
>time passes
>courier eventually dies of old age or gets assassinated
>his empire crumbles or becomes crap like the NCR
>if only we was a immortal leader.
>Vault full of individuals that are heavily armed
>Everyone lives perfectly fine until the paranoid leader takes everyone's gun away
What did they mean by this?
He's too easy to kill.
ooooh. Good writing right there
>having a such a shitty force of will and charisma that your followers can't hold onto your teachings and morals for generations after your death and instead just revert to throwing shit at one another.
Caesar what are you doing on Sup Forums? Didn't you ban technology
>only one person has access to his casino
>penthouse floor has tons of robots ready to fuck anyone who try something funny
What nation in the Fallout universe doesn't become shit when its leader dies?
The Arroyo tribe became what the Vault Dweller wanted
>Wants to start over and not clean up the mess
You can't have a space program in a third world country and he's just exacerbating that
The overseer wasn't really paranoid, he wanted to reduce overpopulation so he locked away everyone's guns so they'd get angry and riots would happen instead of doing something more logical and letting people leave the vault.
He got enough time to make the third world first world again, then build the rockets.
New Arroyo is annexed to the NCR and is a thriving community after The Chosen One returned with the GECK.
>"Personal armament is the foundation of social trust and responsibility"
>the Boomers have by far the most stable and prosperous settlement in the whole Mojave
really jars my pickles
And he still got killed by my courier who's a pistol wielding alcoholic that likes his mentats.
Why would I leave the wasteland to a guy who can be killed by an average wanderer?
He doesn't want to though. He explicitly doesn't care about anything outside the strip, starting at the freeside gate.
The Courier can only get inside House's chamber if they have the platinum chip. So not any random hacker can bypass House's security codes.
legion is objectively better and i dont have to explain why
>trying to hack some stupid computer to open a door when you could just use 40 pounds of C4 instead
Actually the best reason I've ever seen.
Because his claims that he MIGHT later spread his wealth and technological advancements to the rest of the Mojave is based on blind trust in which he has no reason to follow and if anything has more motivation to keep that with him forever to essentially have a strangle hold in the entire Mojave, maybe all of Nevada.
Granted, he's still one of the best options but he's far from perfect and shit could go wrong when you basically have a dictator calling the shots.
I always spec my fallout characters to be just "some guy with a drug problem"
"Hacking" is the equivalent to a crossword puzzle
You can ignore most quest and just go straight to the city with all the lights. No one needs to tell you where it's at.
When you get the platinum chip, you kill those 2 khans, and run behind the NCR firing team and escape. They kill the rest of the khans.
Get enough money to pass a credit check by stealing every cent the twins at the Atomic Wrangler send you to collect.
Kill benny for the chip
Meet Mr House.
He pays you
Peep the terminal.
Get just enough INT to hack the terminal with the help of some chems
Meet the real mr house
Shoot him in the face before you even reach lvl 10
The richest guy in the mohave was killed by a regular joe that he was fated to meet
Pedophile mustache
>implying the securitrons are gonna let you
The golf club lodged in his forehead has decreased his intelligence a wee bit.
His projections are unrealistically optimistic and seem to be founded on the assumption that everything will go his way.
He assumes that everyone will do what he wants out of enlightened self-interest, but he has a repeated history of being blindsided by people he trusts (Benny, the families, and potentially even the courier).
>Implying the secruitrons can say no to anyone wearing more than leather or swinging more than a pipe iron at them
moron couldn't even protect and secure a place a close as Freeside, and he wanted to go to space. He was literally living in a dreamworld.
Because the devs didn't think you would choose him so they gave him an extremely ambiguous and underwhelming ending. He's guaranteed to be a noncanon ending, as well, so I doubt Obsidian put the same amount of thought into the space program plot point as the fans do.
Basically, Obsidian doesn't even consider him as an option so neither do I.
>swinging a pipe iron when you could just use your 100 Unarmed skill to fist the whole casino
Let's leave the fisting to Fisto
Because he's not Caesar.
You already have the chip, and a working pair of legs, regardless of which ending you like, wtf do you need house for?
I think it's pretty clear that House is the best for the Mojave. NCR ending is better for citizens of the NCR, however, and there a shit ton more of those.
Then the independent ending which is hands down the best for the courier. Kind of an important distinction, because if I'm ever actually roleplaying in New Vegas there's little reason the courier would just hand off the Platinum Chip. It's a one in a million chance you'd be throwing away.
Disagree, I think it's the other way round.
NCR victory justifies Kimballs aggressive jingoistic politics, the kind that are leading the NCR to become a bloated, corrupt kleptocracy.
In a House victory, Kimball and his cronies are all discredited, and the NCR is allowed to focus on actually reforming they're internal shit instead of overextending
Same result for yesman ending
>thinking a pair of legs is equal to a high iq brain
>being this brainlet
>tfw too intelligent to stop a low level barbarian from 1 shottting me
I agree. Even with how much I love NCR, Kimball's victory would justify his shitty leadership.
I still very much like to play their victory though. It's not like it didn't work for the US at the time of their expansion west, but NCR does need to get their shit together.
>tfw too strong to know how to clean my own weapon and create my own ammo in the primer
>he actually uses guns in a shooting game
He couldn't give any less of a rat's ass about the Mojave, he only cares about Vegas. It's his own shiney little snowglobe, pretty on the inside and completely cut off from the rest of the world. He goes on and on about how much his ingenuity will propel humanity into the future, but it's all just talk. He makes it pretty clear during your first meeting face to face that he sees the outer wasteland as a shitty desert that's not worth his time. That alone shows where his priorities lie.