>creator dies before game or game series is completed
Creator dies before game or game series is completed
>The next game is an improvement
RIP kikiyama
people read game of thrones for like what 20 years so that the canonical ending could end up being whatever hastily written garbage the TV show will be, after he dies
George RR "I'm going to live forever even though you see 0 guys this fat at my age already" Tolk- I mean Martin sorry he confuses me with the intentionally ripped off RR thing, I mean no he doesn't really confuse me with it because he's trash and can't write I guess that's the joke
>I really want to live
I like to pretend this series only had one season.
Post it.
>Creator becomes an SJW and starts putting his political views into his games
Hey Bioshock
The same can be said for IS
ZnT was shit anyway
t. absolute plebeian
But season 2 had the best girl.
The thread that lasted a solid 3 days was nice. It was refreshing to see a Louise thread with minimum shitposting for once.
It may have started before the big isekai boom but it still has all the elements of every shitty isekai out there with the sole exception that Saito didn't have to die to get there.
Not an argument.
How in any way is infinite a SJW themed game?
He just means it was a game he didn't like.
That could never happen!
good times
He fucking ruined the impact of the Vox populi and the importance of speaking out against extremism from your own side. Infinite wasn't some centrist bullshit. The game definitely wanted Colombia to fall and be replaced by something better, but the whole "vicious uprising" aspect was remarkably well written. People fighting injustice with savagery and sadism is an unfortunate part of reality that rarely gets addressed, and Infinite had the balls to do that.
Then Ken got scared and pussied out, retconning it all in a painful "All part of the chessmaster's plan" bullshit, as if the Luteces are Tzeench. The alternate realities was definitely the weakest part of that game and took a gigantic shit on good social commentary.
>creator lives long enough to shit up his own series
even if he didn't die the tv ending would be the more widely known ending
He's probably just being a faggot that thinks that everyone left of Sup Forums is an SJW, but Ken definitely cheapens Daisy's character due to SJW backlash.
>Creator dies
>Series was shit so it doesn't matter
How can people enjoy this garbage is beyond me.
S1 was sort of alright, but not even fanservice could save S2.
Link it?
I still had it open
>muh pink haired loli tsundere
that's it. and then because of this uncouth cunt we got a hundred clones with 2 out of the 3 (and often the entire trifecta) in terms of either same body type, hair color, or personality as her throughout the next few years shitting up otherwise good harem shows.
>louise started the tsundere trend
>otherwise good harem shows
And you wonder why no one takes you cunts seriously.
Now fuck off faggots
Here's your reply
>being this mad
she didn't start shit, but she damn sure is the reason it got popularized to the point that it did
and harems are the thinking man's genre fuck off
>literally coming to shit up Sup Forums with anime discussion
And tsunderes are the thinking man's archetype.
>harems are the thinking man's genre
When your characters are less tridimensional than any DBZ character. Then you have a problem.
I'm sorry the creator died, but that anime was shit.
OP's picture started it. He should've used a gaming picture instead.
But that wasn't his intention from the start, his intention was to have his anime thread on Sup Forums
>this will be Gabe Newell.
Yu Suzuki better not fucking die before Shenmue III is finished.
>Series so shit that kill one part of the cast
I hate Gaben so fucking much. Good riddance.
It was blatant anti-Christianity propaganda. Booker commits a face heel turn when he gets born again into Comstock, implying Christianity innately turns good people into evil racist hyper-Sup Forums tier bigots.
Or you mean Nasu is such a fucking jew that one of the main cast for Tsukihime dies waiting for the remake to happen.
Fuck you FGO
>writer falls ill
>story on indefinite hiatus
>back to regular health
>still no word on when it'll continue
>probably won't ever
>crossover game featuring girls from various harem series
>game makes them crush hard on another girl who is the protagonist of a mahou/mecha shoujo show
>literally no mention of the male harem MCs from their original series
It's Super Heroine Chronicle btw. Even Louise and Siesta are in it but it's too bad that Louise couldn't have her own harem.
This show should have ended at season 2. And it has some of the least likable main characters ever. Louise and Saito are fucking garbage.
>heroine of game is flat
>>heroine of game is flat
>my girl Aria is in something and someone remembered she exists
>its some bottom of the barrel, super low budget, crossover yuri harem VN
Just put me out of misery and be done with it.
Sign me up
I don't really know if it is zero no tsukaima, but if it is, ecchi it's not really an important thing, fap to another things... jesus.
That's cool and all but you aren't talking about vidya
and don't come back
Ecchi is the thinking man's fap material.
Fapping is the thinking mans hobby
Louise Francoise Le Blanc de la Valliere
>Yume Nikki
>Sup Forums
At least that anime graced us with some sweet tunes
It's a shame that the game is bad. Only good thing to come out of it are the attack animations.
>that gif
Didn't a voice actress on this show die of pneumonia?
It feels like shows like Walking Dead and GoT are modern day soap operas where they write them in such a way that they can always just toss in some more dumb forced drama because people eat that shit up, and the series is designed to keep going until it stops being a cash cow and then just end abruptly
Ill never get a sequel to blue stinger
In GoT they're literally cutting shit out and speedrunning through the story
I thought I was the only one. You and I should knock back some Hassy together.
Yes it was tragic she was only 17
That's fucking terrible. I keep warning people I know if they get sick to go to the doctor but they're so stubborn sometimes. Dying suddenly of a preventable illness scares me.
Wish I'd die of a sudden illness
pls rember, user
Weirdly enough, Dead Space took a lot of inspiration from this.
She was 38 and died from a rare form of lymphoma that develops from mono.
MMOs give you cancer?
I want to get sick and die but i worry about the pain
also i haven't been sick in over a decade now
that ain't good
Not to imply that either series is incomplete, but the creator of Grandia, Takeshi Miyaji died in 2011. From what I understand, GameArts does not plan to make another Grandia out of respect.
She was 1 7 let her have that in death :^)
There finally found the right file.
This clearly wasn't aimed to be a video game discussion anyways. Never post a picture more interesting than your actual topic.
I came into this thread because of the actual topic. I have no idea what show OP's pic is from and all anime girl reaction images look the same to me.