ITT: Official art you can't believe is real


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I can't believe this thread is real

I want to FUCK Salazzle.

Kill yourself.

Jesus what happened

this vs


>pokefags actually fap to this

>salandit gets revealed early
>everyone shits themselves over the description
>expect salandit to be the next big thing
>Then Salazzle is revealed...


Salazzle was pretty much exactly what I was expecting after the description, and like it or not, anyone who wasn't expecting something like it after seeing the description was downright delusional.


When did pokemon become so sexual

They know their audience has a large quantity of zoophiles.

despite that there's barely any r34 of her wtf

Since forever. Gen 1/2 lengthed a lot of skirts outside Japan. Other gen 7 face, there's a female looking roach thing named Pheromosa who's shiny makes it look like its wearing leggings.

i'll take one for the team

nigger that ain't no pokemon

Where in this thread does it say "Pokemon official art you can't believe is real"?

There'll be one inside her soon enough~

Exactly. So why the fuck did he post that?

since the anime was made

You didn't notice the tits on Jynx back in gen 1?

Not him, but I'm pretty sure that's art drawn by an official Megaman artist.


fuck off

>thread subject is official art
>redditors post fanart
smdh tbbqh pham

There are more people out that that want to fuck a charmander and you know it

It was always there.

Now I wanna know what the post you replied to was before getting got


One of those lewds that an old official Mega Man artists did of Tron Bonne.

It's always been like that, Generation 7 just made it way more blatant than it was before.

Tron Bonne tied up with someone peeling tape off her genitals.
Drawn by one of the official Megaman artists.
Gets posted every single time these threads come up, nothing special.

Thanks for ruining my life, Nintendo.

why does it have to be reptilian

it should have been a slutty bird, they're known to put out more

how is your life ruined

>What is Swanna

>everyone draws Salazzle close to average human size
>get curious, look up actual size
>3 foot 11
>seductive lady lizard womanlet

This should not make her more attractive.

It's not really, but no-one can learn my secret.


is the name a fucking wordplay on Sleazy?

because kobolds

not sexy

salamander + dazzle


Fuck me

i got my gf to wear a tail bugplug once. closest ill ever get probably. had to ease into and and downplay furryness. just be like "yeah i wanna fuck a non-human like an elf or generic alien with blue skin type of thing" and slowly escalate it to "captain kirk fucked a furry lion alien i wonder how that felt"

squirrel + turtle
but also "squirt"
so may be

she's more seductive in her animation honestly, still art, like most 3D-era Pokemon, don't give them justice


no only autistic online faggots say that, squirtle doesn't even have a squirrel's tail

I'm not interested in fursuiting, although it would be cool to have a girl who was into roleplay.

This is the kind of shit I would make for fun and just post online anonymously, people don't actually pay money for this, right?

it better get posted soon senpai, I'm starting to dry up here

....I......I would pay money for it.

I don't know, I think her bedroom eyes are still plenty good on that official art. Seeing her move is still the best, though. I do refresh with her more than is necessary.

they're japanese bro
they probably think beavers are squirrels

Nigga, there's other shit out there, for FREE! No-one's taste is so selective that they only fap to one artist.
Wow that was hard. Just open the one spoilered image.

Not that user, but it's Squirrel-ish. But obviously it's Squirt Turtle.

I dont care about the artist, I care about hex maniac

Danbooru: Search Hex_Maniac.
No credit card needed.

thank you good sir


i think i love you

>Still nothing post the Snek from Xcom 2 artwork


Have a good time buddy.



squirrels don't have tails like that though, which is my point, they're more like a large flower petal/hal pitcher in shape

except Squirtle is an English-conceived name

not that it exempts Japs though, Gen 1 have really rough names like Ghos, Ghost, Gangar

What is this, a fox booty for ants?

>tfw neogaf was triggered by this

The texture mapping confuses me..

Did Rare know what they were doing?



>71 replies
>20 images

is Mario kart shilling VLC?

Yoshi should remove his timbs haha

read it in his voice

>himukai literally makes loli doujins
Would that count as official art?

Nintendo really cares about being family-friendly.

As long as said family is formed with a lizard.


Is yoshi gay, why does he keep presenting his ass. What are they doing to him

The game's characters are literal children.

But so are you.

no u

She's basically a kobold with pheromones.

I know its censorship but I still think he looks cooler with the jacket and shades on. It just makes thing so much funnier.

more of her?

In the Japanese versions of DPPT, they reference how people used to marry Pokemon.

Never enough

there's too much of her on e621, so much so that the initial months of S/Ms leaks were pretty much nothing but Salazzle while the rest of the Pokémon were left in the dust

>there's too much of her on e621
>shit-ass deviant=art tier disgusting anthro

I'm not a furfag

you want to fuck a 4-foot lizard, user.
you’re a furfag now.

It's Rule 34 by the guy who did the official art in the first place

he also drew Classic Roll loli porn until they asked him to stop.

Yeah, it's a fucking shame a lot of them aren't very good. It does exist but it's all sparsely spread out among typical furfag fetish images. Heaven forbid all I want is to fuck the lizard.

>another 4 chan retard

Yoshi is a woman

>Incredibly fine fur
>Literal pixels in every inch of the texture.
What the fuck is this shit

i like her tail